Thomas Merton Collection

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
#17 1974-03-18, HLS[x] from Tremblay, Yvonne, 'Please excuse me for not answering sooner to acknowledge reception of your precious' Item 1974 March 18
#20 1980-03-22, TLS[x] from McCorkell, Edward, 'Last week I was delighted when the mail brought a copy of your book, GROWTH TO' Item 1980 March 22
#21 1984-01-13, TLS[x] from Shannon, William, 'It was a great pleasure to speak with you on the phone today. I have been wanting' Item 1984 January 13
#23 1984-02-03, HLS to Shannon, William, 'Thank you for 'the book'; I enjoyed most parts of it especially the section on' Item 1984 February 3
#1 1961-04-10, TLS[x] from Kelty, Matthew, 'Father Louis would have me assure you of his prayers for your husband and for all' Item 1961 April 1
#2 1961-05-06 (#01), HLS to Merton, 'Te escribo para informarle que mi esposo y el novio de […] amiga Marta Elena' Item 1961 May 6
#3 1961-05-06 (#02), transcript to Merton, 'I am writing to tell you that my husband and the fiancé of my friend Marta Elena' Item 1961 May 6
#4 1961-05-15, TLS[x] from Merton, 'I write to you both as to friends, with deep compassion and concern in this moment' Item 1961 May 15
#5 1961-07-26 (#01), HLS to Merton, 'Cuando escribe de cosas espirituales […] escribirle en español […] es más fácil para' Item 1961 July 26
#6 1961-07-26 (#02), transcript to Merton, 'When I write about spiritual things I would prefer to write you in Spanish as it is' Item 1961 July 26
#11 1962-01-31, TALS[x] from Merton, 'This time I want to try to answer you immediately. I think you are quite right, and' Item 1962 January 31
#13 1962-05-24, TLS[x] from Merton, 'I deeply feel with you all the emotions that have shaken you, on meeting the' Item 1962 May 24
#15 1962-08-17, TLS[x] from Merton, 'I am sorry I have been busy and have not been able to write. This is just a note to' Item 1962 August 17
#23 1963-07-25, TLS[x] from Merton, 'I have not forgotten your letter of June 6th, but summer is a very busy season. I' Item 1963 July 25
#28 1966-12-no-day, HCS[x] from Merton, 'Peace and joy in the New Year. God bless you -- fear not. ' Item 1966 December (date approximate)
#29 1992-09-no-day, other from Sardinia Corp. / to William Shannon, 'EVORA ARCA' Item 1992 September
#31 undated (#02), TLS[x] from Merton, 'I write to you both as to friends, with deep compassion and concern in this moment' Item undated
#1 undated, TALS to Merton, 'Several people have asked about you in the letters that I received. Mrs. Hardebeck' Item undated
062 "Arnold, Johann Christoph" correspondence Record subgroup 1964, 1967
#1 1964-07-09, TLS to Merton, 'We want to thank you very much for your letter of July 4 in response to the books' Item 1964 July 9
063 "Arrés, Thérèse" correspondence Record subgroup 1951
#1 1951-11-09, HLS[x] to Merton, 'Il y a plusieurs [indecipherable word] que je désire vous écrire, depuis que je' Item 1951 November 9
#1 1968-09-07, TANS to Merton, 'tell father louis that ron seitz called and said that he would be here on Tuesday at' Item 1968 September 7
066 "Astudillo, Rubén" correspondence Record subgroup undated
#1 undated, TLS to Merton, 'Verdad que no importa el que no seamos católicos los dos, para que puede a llamarle' Item undated
#2 1968-01-31, HLS to Merton, 'I'm just curious to see whether letters get through to you now. In 1966 I wrote you' Item 1968 January 31
#3 1968-02-14, TL[c] from Merton, 'Yes, letters are finally getting through. Only problem now is answering them. I' Item 1968 February 14
#4 1968-08-26, HLS to Merton, 'I have never thanked you for the two issues of «Monks Pond». I haven't had' Item 1968 August 26
#5 undated (#01), TALS from Merton, 'It is silly to bother you with this piece of absurd nonsense, but as I made you a' Item undated
#1 1967-05-22, TLS to Merton, 'My name is David Aud. My father (Jim) speaks highly of you, having been an English' Item 1967 May 22
071 "Augustine, Br." correspondence Record subgroup 1967
#1 1967-01-20, TL[c] from Merton, 'Thanks for your good letter. It is encouraging to get a letter from a Cistercian' Item 1967 January 2
073 "Aurelia, Mary, Sr." correspondence Record subgroup undated
#1 undated, HLS to Hilary, Fr., 'This is a letter to thank you and also to ask a favor. Thank you for introducing me' Item undated
074 "Austin, Waddell" correspondence Record subgroup 1963, 1970
#1 1964-12-10, TL[c] from Merton, 'Thank you for your kind letter. Naturally I would be delighted to have you' Item 1964 December 1
076 "Aziz, Abdul" correspondence Record subgroup 1959-1968, 1990-1999
#5 1960-11-01, TALS to Merton, 'I am in correspondence with a Prof. Louis Massignon of Paris, the common bond of' Item 1960 November 1
#19 1962-04-04 (#01), TALS[x] from Merton, 'Finally I must answer your letters, at least briefly. A brief answer will be better' Item 1962 April 4
#23 1962-04-04 (#05), other[x] from Merton, 'MISCELLANEA MONASTICA [-] THE ENGLISH MYSTICS. In regard to some recent' Item 1962 April 4
#28 1962-12-26 (#02), TALS[x] from Merton, 'It is certainly true that I deserve your mild and kind reproach for being a poor' Item 1962 December 26
#43 1965-12-25, TLS[x] from Merton, 'I hate to resort to mimeographed letters, but it has now become completely' Item 1965 December 25 (date approximate)
#44 1966-01-02 (#01), TL[c] from Merton, 'I have your two kind letters of Dec. 1 and Dec. 20th and once again I will try' Item 1966 January 2
#48 1966-04-04, HLS to Merton, 'My very dear good friend, I received your kind letter dt 23/3/66, while I was lying' Item 1966 April 4
#53 1968-04-24 (#02), TLS[x] from Merton, 'I want to say that some time ago I received the book of Seyyed Hossein Nasr safely' Item 1968 April 24
#55 1991-10-29, HLS[x] to Shannon, William, 'I heaved a sigh of relief to receive your long-awaited letter dt. 3/10/91 which' Item 1991 October 29
#56 1991-12-06, HLS[x] to Shannon, William, 'On receipt of your long-awaited letter dt. 3.10.1991, I sent you an aerogramme dt.' Item 1991 December 6
#57 1992-07-26, HLS[x] to Shannon, William, 'I acknowledge with deep gratitude and joy the receipt of your valuable gift of the' Item 1992 July 26
#61 1995-03-01, HLS[x] to Shannon, William, 'On 15th December, 1994, I went to the local post office to send you my hearty' Item 1995 March 1
#65 1997-04-15, HLS[x] to Shannon, William, 'I am glad that at long last you were good enough to find some time from your heavy' Item 1997 April 15
#67 1999-08-23, TLS to Center from Heer, Nicholas, 'Thank you for your letter of 16 August 1999. Enclosed are the original Abdel [sic]' Item 1999 August 23
#68 1999-09-18, TLS to Center from Heer, Nicholas, 'Thank you for your letter of 11 September 1999. I'm glad to know that the Abdul' Item 1999 September 18
#69 undated (#01), other, 'My academic qualifications are of the highest order, being M.A., LL.B., I was a' Item undated
#2 undated (#01), HLS to Merton, 'Excusez-moi de vous écrire en français: je parle trop mal l'anglais et j'ai tenu à' Item undated
#2 1959-06-22, HPCS from Merton, 'Thank you for the surprise letter and for the gift which I shall use to good' Item 1959 June 22
#1 1963-09-12, TALS to Merton, 'Muchas gracias por su amable carta del 19 de Agosto, en la cual tiene la bondad de' Item 1963 September 12
#6 1965-04-05, TLS to Merton, 'suponho que por sobrecarga de trabalho, ficaram sem resposta minhas últimas cartas. ' Item 1965 April 5
#9 1965-05-21 (#02), TL[c] from Merton, 'I will try to reply to your letter before the matter ceases to be fresh in my mind. ' Item 1965 May 21
#10 1965-05-27, TALS to Merton, 'sua carta (verdadeiro documento) foi um enorme prazer para mim, e por este prazer' Item 1965 May 27
#12 1966-02-03, TALS[x] to Merton, 'Em 19 de abril prôximo, Manuel Bandeira vai fazer 80 anos. O fato se reveste,' Item 1966 February 3
#16 1966-08-01, TL[c] from Merton, 'First of all, thanks very much for the excellent article. You have been very' Item 1966 August 1
#17 1967-05-31, TALS to Merton, 'hoje acabo de receber as provas do ensaio que escrevi sôbre Ud., a ser publicado, em' Item 1967 May 31
#2 1966-09-25, TL[x] from Merton, 'Thanks for your invitation to write a few words on the Vietnam war. The statement' Item 1966 September 25
006 "Bailey, J. Martin" correspondence Record subgroup 1965
#9 1968-06-11 (#02), TL[c] from Merton, 'In the past couple of weeks I have hardly had time to answer any mail at all. ' Item 1968 June 11
#10 1968-07-03, TLS to Merton, 'We are safely settled in Bowling Green and are enjoying the "cool" Kentucky summer. ' Item 1968 July 3
#11 1968-07-25, TL[c] from Merton, 'In your letter you mention the cool summer: it has got hot enough now! I have' Item 1968 July 25
#12 1980, other[x], 'James Thomas Baker [-] 335 Sumpter Avenue, Bowling Green, Kentucky' Item 1980 (date approximate)
#4 1965-02-01, HLS to Merton, 'Je dois' Item 1965 February 1
#8 1966-09-12, TAL[c] from Merton, 'Grand merci de votre bonne lettre que date déjà de trois mois! Je pense que le Fr.' Item 1966 September 12
010 "Bamberger, John Eudes, Dom, O.C.S.O." correspondence Record subgroup 1951-1984
#001a 1967-03-11 (#01), TL[c] from Merton, 'This is not anything urgent, but I am just beginning to wonder. Br Martin has been' Item 1967 March 11
#001b 1967-03-11 (#02), TALS[x] from Merton, 'This is not anything urgent, but I am just beginning to wonder. Br Martin has been' Item 1967 March 11
#003a 1967-05-04 (#01), TL[c] from Merton, 'Through the devious workings of Providence I have now fallen into the hands of a new' Item 1967 May 4
#008 1963-11-11, TLS from Mitchell, W. C., 'Per your request of 11-8-63, please note that we have been giving Father Merton' Item 1963 November 11
#013 undated, other, 'Room where FR. LOUIS died is on the corner. Taken by Mother Christiana of' Item undated
#015 undated, HC, 'This was fr. Louis's: I found it Dec. 25, 1968 in Mign PL 153 Guigo's' Item undated
#016 undated, other, 'A Christmas Poem. For Jane, Kate and Ann and Lee, and Dorothy. (that is, a poem' Item undated
#018 1970-01-17, HLS from Marie-Pascal, Sr. / to John Eudes Bamberger, 'En ce moment, je termine la lecture de votre article su Th. Merton Traduit par P.' Item 1970 January 17
#020 1951, other, '«Direction in St John of the +.» Faulty directions [-] 1 Moral deficiency -' Item 1951
#022b undated, other, '«Scripture» [-] The Psalms -Msgr Patrick Boylan (2 Vol) [-] Hesed and Hasid ' Item undated
#026 undated, HN, 'Fr. Louis [-] two paperback books. @ 1.35 [-] $2.70 [-] B' Item undated
#030 1966-11-01, TN, 'Editora Vozes Ltda. [-] Caixa Postal 23 [-] Petropolis - Est Do' Item 1966 November 1
#035 undated, , 'Sent gifts (translator) to: [-] Rev. Fr. Bui-bang-Hien [-] Truong Mich Giany [-]' Item undated
#036 1966-03-11, HN, 'If possible, please, send a copy of "Seasons of Celebration" to: Dom Abade Basilio' Item 1966 March 11
#039 1966-09-19, HNS from Merton to Br. Zachary, 'May I please have our «hardcover» «No Man Is Island» [sic] and 1 paperback' Item 1966 September 19
#043 1966-12-16, TALS from Merton to Br. Zachary, 'This is an «ex novice». I think it would be an act of charity to send' Item 1966 December 16
#044 1967-06-no-day, HNS from Merton to Br. Camillus, 'Have to go to Dr tomorrow - just checked and found there was «no underwear» -' Item 1967 June
#045 1967-06-no-day, HNS from Merton to Br. Camillus, 'I am through with the clothes for a while now- Don't know where to return them?? ' Item 1967 June
#046 1966-03-08, TN from Merton to Br. Zachary, 'May I please have two copies of Chuang Tzu and of Gandhi to sign and send out? [-]' Item 1966 March 8
#047 1967-10-no-day, HNS from Merton to Br. Camillus, 'I have to go to «Louisville» Thursday about 8 a.m. Could you please fix it up?' Item 1967 October
#050 1966-01-06, TAN from Merton to Br. Zachary, 'May I please have copies of Ascent to Truth and No Man is an Island to send out? (1' Item 1966 January 6
#051 1967-05-no-day, HANS from Merton to Br. Camillus, 'The doctor sent me a shot as I can't get there this week (Decoration Day) [-] I'll' Item 1967 May
#052 1966-12-28, HNS from Merton to Br. Zachary, 'May I please have 3 Raids on Unspeakable to send out? [-] Thanx in Jesu [-] fr m' Item 1966 December 28
#056 undated, HNS from Merton to Fr. Linus, 'I will have an informal conference and discussion on church architecture today, for' Item undated
#059 undated, TNS from Merton to Br. Zachary, 'These people have produced a record of some well known actor reading some of my' Item undated
#062 undated, HNS from Merton to Richard Schmidlen, 'I will try to remember to leave the radio on AM and PM. - 8-10 and 2-4 or 5. Any' Item undated
#063 undated, HNS from Merton to Br. Chrysostom, 'Sorry I am so bad at answering notes. First I want to thank you for the' Item undated
#066 1966-10-29, HNS from Merton to Br. Zachary, 'May I please have 3 Chuang Tzu to send out? [-] Thanx [-] fr m' Item 1966 October 29
#069 undated, HNS, 'I also need some more Lomotil. I have a prescription if you want that but it would' Item undated