Thomas Merton Collection

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
#073 1966-07-04, TL[c] from Merton to Richard Schmidlen, 'Three points: first the books that were given gratis to Mrs Parsons were as far as' Item 1966 July 4
#080 1965-01-23, HNS from Merton, 'Did not get allergy shot Sunday - will try again Monday after dinner OK? [-] fr m' Item 1965 January 23
#086 1966-09-11, HNS from Merton, 'Dr Mitchell ex-rayed the back and said the operation had been a complete success and' Item 1966 September 11
#087 1965-12-26, HNS from Merton, 'Do you have a minute after dinner? [-] Thanx in Jesu [-] fr m' Item 1965 December 26
#091 1968-08-30, HNS from Merton, 'Dr Mitchell recommended these - can you please provide? [-] Thanks in Jesu [-] fr m' Item 1968 August 3
#095b 1966-05-28, HN, 'Doing better - moved from Infirmary to hermitage. Buddhist monk, prof. at' Item 1966 May 28
#098b 1965-08-18, HN, 'Yesterday we had a council meeting and, at my suggestion, voted on F. Louis' Item 1965 August 18
#101 1965-09-20, HNS from Merton, 'Are they giving you the Commonweal? I asked them to. May I have an article on' Item 1965 September 2
#102 undated, TN from Merton, 'I had a long session with Br Alphonse yesterday. He is one novice about' Item undated
#104 undated, HNS from Merton, 'Are you free for two minutes after dinner today? [-] In Jesu [-] fr m' Item undated
#109 1967-01-02, HNS from Merton, 'Thought you would like to glance at this - thou [sic] you can throw it away. [-] In' Item 1967 January 2
#115 1966-03-04, HNS from Merton, 'I thought you might want to see the clipping. Dr Mitchell has a new office and his' Item 1966 March 4
#117 undated, HNS from Merton, 'As this skin thing seems to be getting worse and the poison ivy seems to be in my' Item undated
#121 undated, HNS from Merton, 'Fr Eudes [-] many thanks! [-] fr m' Item undated
#123 undated, HN from Merton, 'might as well put this in to library when through [-] inadvertently signed in blood.' Item undated
#125 1966-06-11, HNS from Merton, 'Dr Mitchell told me to come back next Saturday the 11th if the bursitis was still' Item 1966 June 11
#127 undated, HNS from Merton, 'Does anyone in your department have copy of "Eight Freedom Songs"? I have none at' Item undated
#130 1967-03-no-day, TN from Merton, 'As to the Alberti piece: please believe that I had no idea you would take it that' Item 1967 March
#133 undated, other, 'Fr. Louis' bookmark in' Item undated
#134 undated, HN from Merton, 'I spoke with Br Finbarr. In my opinion this boy has a good monastic vocation but he' Item undated
#136 undated, HN from Merton, 'address from Dom Columban [-] M. Michel Pigeon [-] 46 Boulevard de la Concorde [-]' Item undated
#138 undated, HNS from Merton, 'Zalman Schachter will be here tomorrow Tuesday - nothing special is planned. Two' Item undated
#139 1966-04-10, HNS from Merton, 'Of course there will be no conference today or next Sunday. After that will be if I' Item 1966 April 1
#145 undated, HNS from Merton, 'Thanks for your note on Bro [name scratch out by Bamberger]. The points you cited' Item undated
#147 undated, HNS from Merton, 'I did not get your note until noon today. Sometime I will say a few words to clear' Item undated
#150 1966-05-12, TN from Merton, 'In preparing my talks on the Church and the modern world and looking ahead to some' Item 1966 May 12
#152 1964-06-10, TN from Merton, 'It seems to me that the fact that milk is no longer given three times a week at' Item 1964 June 1
#158 1966-02-06, other, 'Books -' Item 1966 February 6
#160 1966-09-18, HNS from Merton, 'Don't worry about that Bio. Strath. If there is no special health-food outfit' Item 1966 September 18
#161 1966-01-02, HNS from Merton, 'Will your team please take care of this and will you deal with him directly? [-]' Item 1966 January 2
#162 1963-11-15, HNS from Merton, 'As man is late again tomorrow (Sat.) and I would otherwise miss practically a full' Item 1963 November 15
#163 1966-08-11, HN from Merton, 'My request to B. Irenaeus for new sox has not led to anything. But I will need them' Item 1966 August 11
#165a 1966-09-05, TN to Merton, 'could we change your date to Saturday, do you think? Bernard has several people to' Item 1966 September 5
#167 undated, TN from Merton, 'As far as I can see there is no way for the bro novices to get to your 10 20 Mass on' Item undated
#172 undated, TN from Merton, 'Bro Ailred is now using a book of poems of Tiutchev in Russian and French which you' Item undated
#178 1965-08-01, HLS from Merton, 'In case you don't know, the Medicare bill has been passed and [name note legible]' Item 1965 August 1
#181 1966-12-27, HN from Merton, 'I have to see the Doctor again Friday (Dec. 30th) [-] Will you please make the' Item 1966 December 27 (date approximate)
#184 1965-06-04, HNS from Merton, 'I got out of the clinic at 12:30 and the Doctor was not yet finished. So far' Item 1965 June 4
#185 1967, HNS from Merton, 'Dr Mitchell wants to operate on that bursa. He has arranged for me to be admitted' Item 1967
#193 1964-01-15, HNS from Merton, 'No I don't have the [indecipherable word..] «copies» I have recently used the' Item 1964 January 15
#195a 1965-08-10, TAN to Merton, 'you may wish to see this sometime in the next' Item 1965 August 1
#196 1965-09-no-day, HNS from Merton, 'Could I catch you for a minute in infirmary after dinner? [-] Thanks in Jesu [-] fr' Item 1965 September
#1 1967-08-16, TLS to Merton, 'We have taken the liberty of translating your article which you had sent us for the' Item 1967 August 16
#12 1966-08-09, TL[c] from Merton, 'I have been meaning to answer your letter, and I am sorry to discover that today,' Item 1966 August 9
#16 1967-08-09, TLS to Merton, 'Your letter was a very pleasant surprise, Father. Thank you. We read and discussed' Item 1967 August 9
#19 1967-09-17, TALS to Merton, 'May the Lord give you His peace! Thank you for the enclosed typescripts which we' Item 1967 September 17 (date approximate)
#21 1967-09-30, TLS to Merton, 'Thank you very much for the tape which came a few days ago. We have heard the first' Item 1967 September 3
#25 1967-10-25, TLS to Merton, 'The tape came last Saturday and it is excellent. Thank you very much, Father, I' Item 1967 October 25
#29 1967-11-17, TALS to Merton, 'You'll be relieved when all this correspondence lets up a bit. A few complications' Item 1967 November 17
#31 1967-12-17, TLS to Merton, 'May you have a truly blessed Christmas. The tape came yesterday but I have only' Item 1967 December 17 (date approximate)
013 "Bannon, Anthony L." correspondence Record subgroup 1966
#1 1968-02-22, HLS to Merton, 'Thanks for the letter and photograph. I had no idea you were so husky looking. ' Item 1968 February 22
#1 1967-04-20, TALS to Merton, 'Excuse me writing to you unannounced, out of the blue, like this. I have been a' Item 1967 April 2
#1 1965-06-25, TL[c] from Merton, 'It was good to hear from you again. I am glad you have done so well in school, and' Item 1965 June 25
#1 1968-07-no-day, HLS to Merton, 'In the latest issue of «Liturgical Arts» magazine I noticed that you are' Item 1968 July
#2 1960-11-06, HALS to Merton, 'Thank you for your kind letter. I am so happy the censors approved your excellent' Item 1960 November 6
#4 1962-02-20, HLS to Merton, 'Thank you very much for your kind and generous letter and its contents. We read' Item 1962 February 2
#10 1964-05-22 (#01), TLS from Merton, 'Here is the Bolshakoff ms and the preface with it. I understand that the whole' Item 1964 May 22
#2 1962-02-27, TALS to Merton, 'Thank you so much for sending me your article, as well as the off-print from' Item 1962 February 27
#3 1962-03-22, TL[c] from Merton, 'Many thanks for your letter of February 27th. I have of course been thinking' Item 1962 March 22
#14 1965-12-03, TL[c] from Merton, 'I am sorry to see how long it is since I got your letter and Dan's proofs. Did not' Item 1965 December 3
#16 1967-09-13, TLS to Merton, 'I am sending you a copy of a book that we are publishing in October by John' Item 1967 September 13
#19 1968-05-31, TL[c] from Merton, 'Thanks so much for «Penny a Copy». Tom and Jim did a fine job of editing and I' Item 1968 May 31
023 "Bartolomé, Leopoldo J. (Leopoldo José)" correspondence Record subgroup 1965
#3 1967-08-26, TALS to Merton, 'Thank you very much for your prompt reply. It was quite encouraging. There has' Item 1967 August 26
#4 1965-05-08, HLS to Merton, 'Je n'ai pas esé vous déranger avant pour vous donner la nouvelle que depuis le 22' Item 1965 May 8
028 "Bass, Richard" correspondence Record subgroup 1965
#1 1965-04-05, TL[c] from Merton, 'I am happy to say a word to your fellow members of the Guild of St Paul in your' Item 1965 April 5
029 "Bastin, Ted" correspondence Record subgroup 1967
030 "Bastos, María Luisa" correspondence Record subgroup 1965-1966
#1 1967-07-18, TLS to Merton, 'Father John McNeil at LeMoyne College here gave me your name as someone to write,' Item 1967 July 18
033 "Batten, R. J., Fr., O.P." correspondence Record subgroup 1967
#2 1967-11-06, TL[c] from Merton, 'I have not yet seen Rosemary Haughton's article that you refer to but perhaps the' Item 1967 November 6
#3 1964-07-14 (#03), TL[c] from Merton, 'Yesterday I had the very great pleasure of speaking at some length with Rabbi' Item 1964 July 14
035 "Beaumont, Jeane" correspondence Record subgroup 1965, 1968
#1 1954-07-28, TALS to Merton, 'L'idée m'est venue d'entrer très simplement en rapport avec vous. L'on nous a lu au' Item 1954 July 28
#4 1967-02-03, TLS to Merton, 'I am so very happy that you are willing to do a commentary on Camus' «The' Item 1967 February 3
#6 1967-08-23, TALS to Merton, 'Please excuse my unconscionable delay in writing you about your superb commentary on' Item 1967 August 23
#10 1972-08-22, TLS[x] to Center from Belford, Lee Archer, 'Enclosed you will find the letters Thomas Merton wrote me. Most of them are' Item 1972 August 22
042 "Belli, German" correspondence Record subgroup 1965
#1 1965-01-04, TL[c] from Merton, 'Yours is the second letter I have received in a few days, about the reference to' Item 1965 January 4
045 "Benedict, Fr., O.C.S.O." correspondence Record subgroup 1950
#1 1950-05-23, TLS to Merton, 'Yesterday Father Abbot asked me to get in touch with you and ask your advice about' Item 1950 May 23
046 "Benedictus, Fr., O.C.S.O." correspondence Record subgroup 1954-1955
#1 1954-09-05, HLS to Merton, 'Two years ago I send you my last letter. Meanwhile I studied with much spiritual' Item 1954 September 5
#4 1966-11-10 (#01), TL[c] from Merton, 'It occurs to me that I probably did not fulfill a promise-- or a threat-- to send' Item 1966 November 1
#5 1966-11-10 (#02), TLS[x] from Merton, 'It occurs to me that I probably did not fulfill a promise-- or a threat-- to send' Item 1966 November 1
#6 1967-01-07, HLS to Merton, 'Thank you so much for your wonderful letter and the essays enclosed. I have not yet' Item 1967 January 7
#1 1967-03-13, TLS to Merton, 'In my college freshman English class, I'm working on a term paper, comparing you' Item 1967 March 13
#1 1960-12-19, TLS to Merton, 'It's a long time I wanted to write to you again, but I wrote like a mad cap and then' Item 1960 December 19
#3 undated (#02), HLS to Merton, 'Please don't be annoyed for me writing again, interrupting the life of silence which' Item undated
053 "Bergida, Hedy" correspondence Record subgroup 1967
054 "Bernadette, Sr." correspondence Record subgroup 1964
#1 1961-08-15, TALS to Merton, 'Recently when talking with Dr. John Wu he spoke of your interest in the spiritual' Item 1961 August 15
#7 1968-04-08, TLS to Merton, 'I enclose a check, a blank for transfer of copyright on the poem "Envoy" that you' Item 1968 April 8
#8 1968-04-22, TL[c] from Merton, 'The second issue is in the works with envoy etc and I will in due course send the' Item 1968 April 22
#9 1968-08-06, HLS to Merton, 'We're trying to get ready to leave here for the West Coast on the 20th of this' Item 1968 August 6
#2 1964-10-25, TLS to Merton, 'Je vous remercie pour votre lettre, que j'ai à nouveau reçue avec le retard' Item 1964 October 25
#4 1967-07-28, HLS from Marks, Lillian, 'I had set aside the May issue of «Fellowship» in order to read Thomas Merton's' Item 1967 July 28
064 "Betchor, Greti" correspondence Record subgroup 1971-1972