Level of description
Digital object |
122 |
"Brennan, Benedicta, Mother, I.H.M. (Sr. Margaret Brennan)" correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1968 |
#1 |
1952-07-08, HLS to Merton, 'I am writing you on behalf of a group of poets and artists who are at present' |
Item |
1952 July 8 |
#3 |
1964-03-31 (#02), TALS[x] from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter and for the magazine. I have the magazine in the pile of' |
Item |
1964 March 31 |
#7 |
1964-12-28, TLS to Merton, 'Happy Feast. I pray this finds you filled with the love, joy and peace of this' |
Item |
1964 December 28 |
#3 |
1968-02-28 (#01), TLS from Merton, 'Thanks for your most generous letter, stock of poems, offer of addresses,' |
Item |
1968 February 28 |
#6 |
1968-04-28 (#01), TALS from Merton, 'Such a long time I have your Tiger and letters, and finally I want to answer. How' |
Item |
1968 April 28 |
#1 |
1967-05-30, TLS to Merton, 'Thank you for the poem, Originators, which we will put, with your permission, in' |
Item |
1967 May 3 |
#2 |
1967-08-17, TALS to Merton, 'Enclosed is a «proof» of your poem, «The Originators» which we intend to' |
Item |
1967 August 17 |
#4 |
1967-08-24, TLS to Merton, 'You must tell me the appropriate way to address you. I am reading WATERS OF SILOE' |
Item |
1967 August 24 |
128 |
"Britton, Richard" correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1966 |
#1 |
1964-08-26, TLS to Drury, Thomas J., Bishop, 'As you had suggested in my interview with you recently, I spoke with Father Bernard' |
Item |
1964 August 26 |
#1 |
1967-05-15, TLS to Merton, 'Under separate cover I am sending you a book which is a kind of thankyou for your' |
Item |
1967 May 15 |
134 |
"Brown, Raphael" correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1966 |
#1 |
1966-12-24, HLS to Merton, 'Having done the Library of Congress reply to the McGill U. query on this topic for' |
Item |
1966 December 24 |
#1 |
1966-06-30, TALS to Merton, 'I am writing on behalf of the Arts Festival Committee of McMaster University' |
Item |
1966 June 3 |
#1 |
1963-12-04, TLS to Merton, 'Hawthorn is a familiar name to you I know. And I hope you remember the Daniel-Rops' |
Item |
1963 December 4 |
#2 |
1963-12-12, TAL[c] from Merton, 'It was good to hear from you and receive the proofs of Daniel-Rops' book. I am glad' |
Item |
1963 December 12 |
137 |
"Bruce, Frank Milton" correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1947-1949 |
#1 |
1947-06-17, TLS[x] to Fox, James, 'Enclosed is a letter which we have just written to Father Louis concerning "Exile' |
Item |
1947 June 17 |
#3 |
1948-08-09, TLS to Merton, 'Some years ago a Jesuit telephoned me to say that a very dear friend of ours, a' |
Item |
1948 August 9 |
#3 |
1963-02-23, TL[c] from Merton, 'Since Jacques Maritain told me of your project, I have been expecting your letter. ' |
Item |
1963 February 23 |
#4 |
1963-07-18, TALS to Merton, 'I am writing by return, because you are anxious about Jacques Maritain, and so' |
Item |
1963 July 18 |
#5 |
1963-09-08, TALS to Merton, 'Thank you very much for all those mimeographed things - I simply cannot tell you how' |
Item |
1963 September 8 |
#7 |
1963-11-04, TALS to Merton, 'Raissa's anniversary, and the 8th will be my father's, when I hope you will say a' |
Item |
1963 November 4 |
#22 |
1966-08-no-day, TLS[x] from Merton, '[..] way. The hunters around here are wild shots. Lightning strikes trees all around' |
Item |
1966 August (date approximate) |
140 |
"Bryan, A." correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1968 |
#1 |
1963, TL[c] from Merton, 'The thing I forgot was this. It is really no special problem but I thought for once' |
Item |
1963 (date approximate) |
#3 |
1966-05-27, TL[c] from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter. I was glad to hear from you, though I well understand that' |
Item |
1966 May 27 |
143 |
"Bstan-'dzin-rgya-mtsho, Dalai Lama XIV" correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1979, 1984, 1987 |
145 |
"Buckley, Arthur R." correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1967 |
#1 |
1967-04-04, TLS to Merton, 'I write to inquire whether your schedule of commitments might permit you to do the' |
Item |
1967 April 4 |
146 |
"Bùi-bàng-Hiên, R., Fr." correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1965 |
#1 |
1963-04-22, TLS to Merton, 'We have received in The Special Collections Department of Margaret I. King Library' |
Item |
1963 April 22 |
#3 |
1960-03-21, TLS to Merton, 'I flew back to New York the other day to watch the birth of "God is My Life". The' |
Item |
1960 March 21 |
#7 |
1965-04-02, TL[c] from Merton, 'Thanks for your good and prompt letter. I am sending three rather poor photographs' |
Item |
1965 April 2 |
#2 |
1961-12-26 (#01), TLS[x] from Merton, 'For several weeks I have wanted to find an opportunity to answer your letter with' |
Item |
1961 December 26 |
#6 |
1970-12-10, TLS to Center from Burdick, Jeanne, 'As a response to your letter of October 5th concerning correspondence between Thomas' |
Item |
1970 December 1 |
#1 |
1965-11-02, TL[c] from Merton, 'I have read your long letter carefully, and sympathize with you. I wonder if you' |
Item |
1965 November 2 |
#1 |
1968-06-24, HLS to Merton, 'Recently I polled our community for suggestions as to a Retreat Master for our next' |
Item |
1968 June 24 |
#2 |
1968-06-27 (#01), TL[c] from Merton, 'Thanks for your kind invitation to preach the retreat at the Genesee. Since I have' |
Item |
1968 June 27 |
#2 |
1967-05-22, TLS to Merton, 'I have been working here at Boystown since the first of the year, spend part of the' |
Item |
1967 May 22 |
156 |
"Burns, Ethel M." correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1958-1967, 1970 |
#1 |
1958-12-25, HCS from Merton, 'This is a very late "Christmas" card to thank you for your kind letter and the Mass' |
Item |
1958 December 25 (date approximate) |
#8 |
1966-08-22, HLS to Merton, 'Your feast day will soon be here and I want to wish you a happy one. A little' |
Item |
1966 August 22 |
#3 |
1968-03-30 (#02), TLS[x] from van den Bogaard, Cyprian / to Flavian Burns, 'To start with I want to send you my best wishes for God's blessing for your new and' |
Item |
1968 March 3 (date approximate) |
#6 |
1968-06-20, HLS to Merton, 'My own opinion is still, that you should not go to this meeting. I think they' |
Item |
1968 June 2 |
#8 |
1968-08-16 (#02), TL[c] from Merton, 'In regard to the letter of Dom John Morson about foreign censorship and in' |
Item |
1968 August 16 |
#10 |
1968-09-04, TL[x] from Laughlin, James, 'Thank you so much for your letter authorizing that any charges on Father Louis's' |
Item |
1968 September 4 |
#19 |
1985-01-09, HLS[x] to Hart, Patrick, 'Thank you for letting me read this book by Victor Kramer. To quote Naomi:' |
Item |
1985 January 9 |
#7 |
1963-07-10, TL[c] from Merton, 'The immediate purpose of this letter is to let you know that the Nuns of Stanbrook' |
Item |
1963 July 1 |
#9 |
1964-03-31, TLS to Merton, 'Many thanks for yours of March 25th. I feel very ashamed of myself for not having' |
Item |
1964 March 31 |
#10 |
1964-04-18, TAL[c] from Merton, 'Glad to hear from you again, and thanks for the clippings. No we don't get the' |
Item |
1964 April 18 |
159 |
"Burtt, Edwin Arthur, Dr." correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1965-1966 |
162 |
"Bussard, Paul, Fr." correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1952 |
#1 |
1952-01-30, TLS[c] to Merton, 'We are planning to publish in book form approximately 100 of the best articles which' |
Item |
1952 January 3 |
#4 |
1967-07-03, TALS to Merton, 'Guess what! You got a new name you didn't need!!!! HELLO!! This is the Disaster' |
Item |
1967 July 3 |
#6 |
1967-07-18 (#02), TLS[x] from Merton, 'I refuse to call anybody Susie. (I met a girl in a bar in London who was called' |
Item |
1967 July 18 |
#7 |
1967-08-28, HLS to Merton, 'I send this quick. I know you would probably not hear so I am writing. I have a' |
Item |
1967 August 28 |
#18 |
1968-02-11 (#02), TLS[x] from Merton, 'What did you think? That I thought the Crimble box was a bomb and jumped in the' |
Item |
1968 February 11 |
164 |
"Butterfield, Victor Lloyd" correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1967 |
165 |
"Byles, Marie Beuzeville" correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1966-1967 |
#1 |
1968-08-19, TLS to Merton, 'Thank you very much for your nice letter, and I am excited about my poems' |
Item |
1968 August 19 |
#1 |
1967-09-20, TL[c] from Merton, 'Your outline looks very good to me, and there is not much that I would add to it. ' |
Item |
1967 September 2 |
#2 |
1967-09-no-day (#01), other to Merton, 'NEW DIMENSIONS IN THEOLOGY [-] A new Eight-Week Series of Tuesday Night Lectures at' |
Item |
1967 September (date approximate) |
D4b |
Reviews |
Subseries |
see other levels of description |
Annual |
Item |
1988 |
View |
006 |
Art and worship (notes on art and worship). |
Series |
unpublished |
01a |
Review: "Thomas Merton." |
Item |
1951-06-30 |
01c |
Review: "Thomas Merton: The Ascent to Truth." |
Item |
undated |
03a |
Review: "Mystical Contemplation, and Intuitive State." |
Item |
1951-09-23 |
03b |
Review: "Merton Takes Reader Along Mystic Path." |
Item |
1951-09-22 |
04a |
Review: "The Object is Always the Love of God." |
Item |
1951-09-23 |
04b |
Review: "The Illuminative Way." |
Item |
1951-09-30 |
04c |
Review: "Contemplation Highest Activity." |
Item |
1951-10-07 |
06d |
Review: "Books." |
Item |
1951-10-26 |
07a |
Review: "Merton . . . On Progress in Mysticism." |
Item |
1951-10-20 |
09c |
Review: "The Ascent to Truth by Thomas Merton; McLeod's; 342 pages; $4.50." |
Item |
1951-11 |
10a |
Review: "The Ascent to Truth by Thomas Merton; McLeod's; 342 pages; $4.50." |
Item |
1951-11 |
13b |
Review: "Thomas Merton Points Way for Ascent to Truth." |
Item |
undated |
15a |
Review: "Merton, Thomas. The Ascent to truth." |
Item |
1952-01 |
15c |
Review: "The Ascent to Truth by Thomas Merton." |
Item |
1952-02-22 |
17b |
Review: "Merton, Thomas. The Ascent to Truth." |
Item |
undated |
18g |
Review |
Item |
1951-10-11 |
18h |
Review |
Item |
1951-11-11 |
21 |
Review: "Merton Reissued." |
Item |
1977-08 |
22 |
Review: "Merton Goes up Mount of Contemplation." |
Item |
1957-10-07 |
23 |
Review: "Merton and St. John of the Cross." |
Item |
1951-12 |
25 |
Review |
Item |
1951-11 |
26 |
Review |
Item |
1952-03 |
27 |
Review |
Item |
1951-12 |
31 |
Review |
Item |
1952 |
01 |
Review: "Books in Review." |
Item |
undated |
03 |
Review: "Search by Merton comes alive in book." |
Item |
1973-08-26 |
11 |
Review: "The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton." |
Item |
1977 |
16 |
Review: "Mystic's Last Journey." |
Item |
1973-08-06 |
32 |
Review: "The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton." |
Item |
1973-07-08 |
39 |
Review: "Creative Endeavour." |
Item |
1976-02-07 |
50 |
Review |
Item |
1973 |
52 |
Review |
Item |
undated |
53 |
Review: "From 'Seven Storey' to the Himalayas." |
Item |
undated |