Zona de identificação
Tipo de entidade
Pessoa singular
Forma autorizada do nome
Sisson, Elbert R. (and Grace Sisson)
Forma(s) paralela(s) de nome
Formas normalizadas do nome de acordo com outras regras
- Sisson, Elbert R. (and Grace Sisson), 1916-2000
Outra(s) forma(s) de nome
- Elbert R. Sisson
- Elbert Richard Sisson
- Elbert Sisson
- Sisson, Elbert Richard Elbert Sisson
identificadores para entidades coletivas
Área de descrição
Datas de existência
Elbert R. (Bert) Sisson writes from Bryans Road, Maryland. After retiring from active duty in the army in 1945, he worked for the federal government until 1972. He was a political activist and liberal democrat, once running for public office in 1974, but withdrawing when his wife took ill. He was opposed to the Vietnam War and wrote a book under the pen name Rory McCormick, entitled «Americans against Man» (New York and Cleveland: Corpus Books, 1970). (Source: Sisson, Maura A. Obituary of Elbert Sisson. Genealogical website. Accessed 3 May 2006. ‹http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~dasisson/richard/aqwg203.htm›.)