Sisson, Elbert R. (and Grace Sisson)

식별 영역

존재의 형태(조직/기관, 개인, 가족)


승인된 이름 형식

Sisson, Elbert R. (and Grace Sisson)

이름 병기 형식

    다른 규칙에 따른 표목의 표준형태

    • Sisson, Elbert R. (and Grace Sisson), 1916-2000

    다른 이름 형식

    • Elbert R. Sisson
    • Elbert Richard Sisson
    • Elbert Sisson
    • Sisson, Elbert Richard Elbert Sisson

    조직/기관 식별자

    기술 영역

    존재 시기


    조직사, 개인/가족이력

    Elbert R. (Bert) Sisson writes from Bryans Road, Maryland. After retiring from active duty in the army in 1945, he worked for the federal government until 1972. He was a political activist and liberal democrat, once running for public office in 1974, but withdrawing when his wife took ill. He was opposed to the Vietnam War and wrote a book under the pen name Rory McCormick, entitled «Americans against Man» (New York and Cleveland: Corpus Books, 1970). (Source: Sisson, Maura A. Obituary of Elbert Sisson. Genealogical website. Accessed 3 May 2006. ‹›.)


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