Level of description
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Redmond-Wylie-2008 |
"Beyond the Shadow and Disguise’: Zen's Contribution to the Religious Experience and Vision of Thomas Merton." (Redmond, Wylie: 2008) |
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2008 |
Rodriguez-Jared-A-2012 |
"The Spiritual Impulse to Turn Within and the Engagement in a World of Action." (Rodriguez, Jared A.: 2012) |
Item |
2012 |
Ronsi-Francilaide-de-Queiroz-2014 |
"A Mística Cristã e o Diálogo Inter-religioso em Thomas Merton e em Raimon Panikkar Para Uma Maturidade Cristã e Uma Mística Inter-religiosa." (Ronsi, Francilaide de Queiroz: 2014) |
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2014 |
View |
Ruttle-Paul-1980 |
"Buddhist Components in the Thought and Spirituality of Thomas Merton." (Ruttle, Paul: 1980) |
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1980 |
Sandstrom-Henning-Erik-1992 |
"Ars Gratia Dei: A Study in the Theological Aesthetics of Thomas Merton." (Sandstrom, Henning Erik: 1992) |
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1992 |
Scarpino-James-Leonard-2001 |
"Thomas Merton's Broken Vows: Learning the Lessons Failure Alone May Teach." (Scarpino, James Leonard: 2001) |
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2001 |
Schmidt-Gail-Ramshaw-1976 |
"The Poetry of Thomas Merton: An Introduction." (Schmidt, Gail Ramshaw: 1976) |
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1976 |
Scruggs-Ryan-2005 |
"Faith Seeks Understanding: Thomas Merton's Interest in Karl Barth." (Scruggs, Ryan: 2009) |
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2005 |
Shay-Susan-2012 |
"Other Voices: The Transforming Voice of Women and the Sacred Feminine in the Life of Thomas Merton, 1958-1968." (Shay, Susan: 2012) |
Item |
2012 |
Sisson-Larry-Wayman-1995 |
"Spiritual Autobiography: Origins to Apocalypse." (Sisson, Larry Wayman: 1995) |
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1995 |
Strumiłowski-Jan-Paweł-OCist-2012 |
"Poznanie Boga Źródłem Moralnej Doskonałości U Thomasa Mertona." (Strumiłowski, Jan Paweł, O.Cist.: 2012) |
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2012 |
Sutherland-William-D-2008 |
"A Seed with Wings: Thomas Merton's Journey Fosters Interreligious Understanding." (Sutherland, William D.: 2008) |
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2008 |
Szpila-Sister-Mary-Janell-1987 |
"Thomas Merton on Obedience." (Szpila, Sister Mary Janell: 1987) |
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1987 |
Trinka-Zachary-David-2015 |
"Forgiveness - A Comparative Look at the Works of Chogyam Trungpa and Thomas Merton." (Trinka, Zachary David: 2015) |
Item |
2015 |
Trzebuniak-Józef-SVD-2006 |
"Teologiczny Wymiar Milczenia: Na Podstawie Autobiografii I Wybranych Pism Tomasza Mertona." (Trzebuniak, Józef, SVD: 2006) |
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2006 |
van-Staden-Elmor-2016 |
"Journey Within: The Spirituality of Thomas Merton (1915-1968)." (van Staden, Elmor: 2016) |
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2016 |
Velamkunnel-Joseph-1975 |
"Transcendental Experience of God According to Thomas Merton: A Comparative and Theological Study of Oriental and Christian Mysticism." (Velamkunnel, Joseph: 1975) |
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1975 |
Vogt-Heather-Lyn-2002 |
"The Conjectures of a Committed Contemplative: Thomas Merton and American Society." (Vogt, Heather Lyn: 2002) |
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2002 |
Wigaard-Christian-2011 |
"Kristen Tro I Møte Med Zen: En Analyse Av Thomas Mertons Og Notto R. Thelles Dialogerfaringer Med Zen-Buddhismen." (Wigaard, Christian: 2011) |
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2011 |
Williams-Peter-E-2004 |
"Liberating Structure: External Structure and Developing Concepts of Autonomy." (Williams, Peter E.: 2004) |
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2004 |
Winburn-Christian-McCoy-1997 |
"Thomas Merton and the Journey from Ego to Selfhood." (Winburn, Christian McCoy: 1997) |
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1997 |
Witte-Mark-G-1996 |
"The Theological Anthropology of Thomas Merton." (Witte, Mark G.: 1996) |
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1996 |
Yew-Hongchang-Ezra-1999 |
"Thomas Merton's Journey with Art: A Study of Thomas Merton's Spiritual Aesthetics." (Yew, Hongchang Ezra: 1999) |
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1999 |
Yondura-Sophie-SSJ-2008 |
"Spiritual Mentors for Living One's Baptismal Call in the 21st Century." (Yondura, Sophie, S.S.J.: 2008) |
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2008 |
Yonkers-Michael-Allan-1976 |
"Man the Image of God: The Theological Anthropology of Thomas Merton." (Yonkers, Michael Allan: 1976) |
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1976 |
ZawMin-Henry-Thura-2010 |
"The Telos in Buddhism & Christianity as seen in Thomas Merton." (ZawMin, Henry Thura: 2010) |
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2010 |
Zettell-Raymond-J-1951 |
"Thomas Merton - A Modern Mystic." (Zettell, Raymond J.: 1951) |
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1951 |
Žičkytė-Augustė-2014 |
"Tomo Mertono Kūryba Kaip Šventumo Tapsmo Išraiška Kasdienybėje." (Žičkytė, Augustė: 2017) |
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2014 |
Zimmerer-Jared-2017 |
"Thomas Merton's Perspective on Asceticism as an Evangelical Strategy." (Zimmerer, Jared: 2017) |
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2017 |
Zyniewicz-Matthew-Charles-2000 |
"The Interreligious Dialogue Between Thomas Merton and D.T. Suzuki." (Zyniewicz, Matthew Charles: 2000) |
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2000 |
Galbines-Louie-P-2001 |
"Thomas Merton's 'Worldly Spirituality': A New Look at the Christian's Attitude Toward 'the World'." (Galbines, Louie P.: 2001) |
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2001 |
Garbecki-Radosław-2000 |
"Bóg Jako Zasada Odkrywania Tożsamości Człowieka W Świetle Pism Thomasa Mertona." (Garbecki, Radosław.: 2000) |
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2000 |
Grayston-Donald-Edward-1974 |
"Textual Variation and Theological Development in Thomas Merton's 'Seeds of Contemplation' and 'New Seeds of Contemplation'." (Grayston, Donald Edward: 1974) |
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1974 |
Gros-Agnès-2023 |
"Thomas Merton en Dialogue Avec les Religions D’asie: Sa Contribution à la Spiritualité et au Dialogue Interreligieux." (Gros, Agnès: 2023) |
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2023 |
Gunn-Robert-Walker-1997 |
"The Experience of Emptiness in the Process of Self-Transformation in Zen Buddhism, Christianity and Depth Psychology as Represented by Dogen Kigen, Thomas Merton and Carl Jung, with Donald Winnicott and Heinz Kohut." (Gunn, Robert Walker: 1997) |
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1997 |
Malewitz-Thomas-Edward-2018 |
"No One Is An Island: Student Experiences of a Catholic High School Curriculum Response to Bullying, Based on Themes From the Writings of Thomas Merton." (Malewitz, Thomas Edward: 2018) |
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2018 |
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Malits-Elena-1974 |
"Journey into the Unknown: Thomas Merton's Continuing Conversion." (Malits, Elena: 1974) |
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1974 |
Martínez-Sonia-Petisco-2003 |
"La Poesía de Thomas Merton: Creación, Crítica y Contemplación." (Martínez, Sonia Petisco: 2003) |
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2003 |
McCawley-Scott-Michael-1989 |
"Thomas Merton and the Crisis of Contemporary Language: Selected Prose, Early Poems and 'Cables to the Ace'." (McCawley, Scott Michael: 1989) |
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1989 |
McGuire-Daniel-1973 |
"Thomas Merton on the Future of Monasticism." (McGuire, Daniel: 1973) |
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1973 |
McKay-Bruce-1979 |
"Ministry in a Parish Context Seen Through the Witness of Thomas Merton." (McKay, Bruce: 1979) |
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1979 |
McKeown-Les-2004 |
"Thomas Merton's Assimilation of the Writings of St. John of the Cross Leading to His Embrace of Zen Vocabulary in Relation to Contemplation." (McKeown, Les: 2004) |
Item |
2004 |
McMahon-Joseph-Gerald-Jr-1981 |
"The Religious Roots of Non-Violence in Twentieth Century America." (McMahon, Joseph Gerald, Jr.: 1981) |
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1981 |
McNally-Cross-Sam-2017 |
"Thomas Merton: Man of the Church (Only by Participation in the Active Life of the Church can the Interior Life Flourish, as Demonstrated Through the Writings of Thomas Merton)." (McNally-Cross, Sam: 2017) |
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2017 |
Méchinaud-Jean-François-2019 |
"Thomas Merton et les Catholiques Français: À Travers sa Correspondance (1941-1968) et Ses Écrits Spirituels." (Méchinaud, Jean-François: 2019) |
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2019 |
Milo-Tomasz-2009 |
"Analysis of Thomas Merton's Experience of Solitude Through the Prism of Hans Urs von Balthasar's Theodrama." (Milo, Tomasz: 2020) |
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2009 |
Murphey-Ray-P-1995 |
"Opening the Doors of Perception: A Comparative Study of William Blake and Thomas Merton." (Murphey, Ray P.: 1995) |
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1995 |
Nigg-Joel-Thomas-1980 |
"The Value in Vulnerability: Themes of Poverty in the Spirituality of Thomas Merton." (Nigg, Joel Thomas: 1980) |
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1980 |
Oikarinen-Sanna-2001 |
"Yksinäisyydestä Vastuun Kantajaksi: Yksinäisyys Ja Yhteisö Thomas Mertonin Spiritualiteetissa." (Oikarinen, Sanna: 2001) |
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2001 |
Orberson-David-Edward-2017 |
"Thomas Merton: Evil, Suffering, Zen and the Purified Soul Theodicy." (Orberson, David Edward: 2017) |
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2017 |
Parkhurst-James-Coleman-2006 |
"Seeds of Creation Spirituality: The Life and Work of Thomas Merton." (Parkhurst, James Coleman: 2006) |
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2006 |
Peach-Robert-Kammer-2012 |
"Raids on Theology: Thomas Merton's Raids on the Unspeakable as Political Theology in a Metzian Key." (Peach, Robert Kammer: 2012) |
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2012 |
Pearson-J-Stephen-2008 |
"‘Not of this world’: Christian Devotional Literature as Minority Discourse." (Pearson, J. Stephen: 2008) |
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1991 |
Caputi-Ilaria-1971 |
"Il Primo Thomas Merton: The Seven Storey Mountain." (Caputi, Ilaria: 1971) |
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1971 |
Choi-Bong-Kyu-2011 |
"Select Themes in Thomas Merton's Thought as a Resource for Korean Presbyterianism." (Choi, Bong Kyu: 2011) |
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2011 |
Crozier-William-D-2020 |
"The Given Word: A Descriptive Phenomenology of Private Writing Toward Conversion." (Crozier, William D.: 2020) |
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2020 |
Cullen-Thérèse-A-2004 |
"'Love is the Measure': The Lives of Dorothy Day and Thomas Merton as Counter-Cultural Models of the Church." (Cullen, Thérèse A.: 2004) |
Item |
2004 |
Davis-Jennifer-Mary-1993 |
"The Moral Character Formation of John Lennon and Thomas Merton: Their Lives Interpreted Using Insights From Stanley Hauerwas." (Davis, Jennifer Mary: 1993) |
Item |
2014 |
De-Lange-Ecclesia-2006 |
"Thomas Merton: Life, Work and Thoughts on Zen." (De Lange, Ecclesia: 2006) |
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1988 |
De-Nicolo-Georg-1995 |
"Thomas Merton's Anti-Poetry: Genetic and Functional Aspects of Cables to the Ace and The Geography of Lograire." (De Nicolo, Georg: 1995) |
Item |
2006 |
De-Puy-Harold-A-1955 |
"Humor and Mysticism in Thomas Merton." (De Puy, Harold A.: 1955) |
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2021 |
Decker-Christopher-William-1988 |
"Thomas Merton, Social Critic: The Early and Late Years: Discontinuity or Development?" (Decker, Christopher William: 1988) |
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1987 |
Del-Prete-Thomas-Andrew-1986 |
"Self-Discovery: The Purpose of Education According to Thomas Merton." (Del Prete, Thomas Andrew: 1986) |
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1995 |
Doll-Peter-1989 |
"'Be What You Are': Zichzeif Worden Voigens 'The New Man' van Thomas Merton." (Doll, Peter: 1989) |
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1989 |
Edgar-Goeser-Deborah-Boatwright-2016 |
"Invited into the Dance: The Sacred and the Courage to be Embodied." (Edgar-Goeser, Deborah Boatwright: 2016) |
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2016 |
Edinger-Kendra-J-2006 |
"A Sense of the Divine." (Edinger, Kendra J.: 2006) |
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2006 |
Farris-Jansie-Stephens-1975 |
"Thomas Merton, Spiritual and Social Thinker." (Farris, Jansie Stephens: 1975) |
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1975 |
Ferrell-Michael-A-2001 |
"'All These Wars': Thomas Merton Confronts Cold War America." (Ferrell, Michael A.: 2001) |
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2001 |
Fidorowicz-Krzysztof-2001 |
"Dynamiczny Charakter Ascezy Chrześcijańskiej Według Tomasza Mertona." (Fidorowicz, Krzysztof: 2001) |
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2001 |
Flanagan-Eileen-Margaret-1989 |
"Merton on Contemplation: The Evolving Prayer of the True Self." (Flanagan, Eileen Margaret: 1989) |
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1989 |
Flynn-Teresa-Ann-1997 |
"The Counsellor and Thomas Merton: A Study in the Spiritual and the Aesthetic Dimensions of Counselling." (Flynn, Teresa Ann: 1997) |
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1997 |
Formosa-Joseph-2019 |
"Journal Writing as a Spiritual Exercise in Self-Knowledge. Thomas Merton: A Case Study." (Formosa, Joseph: 2019) |
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2019 |
Frausto-Teresa-De-Jesús-2021 |
"Thomas Merton's Ruminations on Christian Humanism and its Influence in the Ideological Transformation of the Catholic Church." (Frausto, Teresa De Jesús: 2021) |
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2021 |
Gaiani-Giuseppe-1978 |
"Thomas Merton: An Introduction to his Poetic Work, and a Selection from 'The Strange Islands' Translated into Italian with Comments and Footnotes." (Gaiani, Giuseppe: 1978) |
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1978 |
Haitsma-Thomas-2004 |
"Thomas Merton: Contemplation and Interreligious Dialogue." (Haitsma, Thomas: 2004) |
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2004 |
Hall-Gary-Peter-1994 |
"From 'Contemptus Mundi' to Real Presence. Thomas Merton's Relation to the World: A Study in Moral Development." (Hall, Gary Peter: 1994) |
Item |
1979 |
Haynes-Carter-J-2012 |
"A Hermeneutic Reappraisal of Thomas Merton's Approach to Spiritual Development." (Haynes, Carter J.: 2012) |
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2012 |
Haynie-David-Mack-1977 |
"Mysticism as the Basis for Religious Pluralism in the Thought of Thomas Merton." (Haynie, David Mack: 1977) |
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1977 |
Heher-Michael-1981 |
"Thomas Merton's Spiritual Development in the Context of his Experience of Silence and Solitude." (Heher, Michael: 1981) |
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1981 |
Hemann-Barbara-J-1991 |
"Resolving the Paradox: Thomas Merton, Antipoetry, and the Language of Silence in the Geography of Lograire." (Hemann, Barbara J.: 1991) |
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1991 |
Hempstead-Sheila-Mary-1984 |
"Bells in Thomas Merton's Early Poetry 1940-1946." (Hempstead, Sheila Mary: 1984) |
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1984 |
Higgins-Michael-W-1979 |
"Thomas Merton, the Silent-speaking Visionary: A Study of His Poetry." (Higgins, Michael W.: 1979) |
Item |
1979 |
Howell-Roger-William-2012 |
"Peace and Human Rights in the Nuclear Age (The Encyclical and the Speech of 1963)." (Howell, Roger William: 2012) |
Item |
2012 |
Iglesias-Labat-Manuel-María-2019 |
"El Silencio en Thomas Merton Como Elemento Constitutivo Para la Espiritualidad del Hombre de Hoy." (Iglesias Labat, Manuel María.: 2019) |
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2019 |
View |
John-Nigel-1990 |
"Contemplation and Action in the Thought of Thomas Merton." (John, Nigel: 1990) |
Item |
1990 |
Adolfsson-Lars-2010 |
"Mary, Mother of Jesus, Mother of Me: An Ecclesiological Study on the Marian Sermons of Thomas Merton." (Adolfsson, Lars: 2010) |
Item |
2010 |
Albarran-Louis-T-2005 |
"Thomas Merton and the Mask of Dylan: How Thomas Merton Passed Over into Bob Dylan's Art." (Albarran, Louis T.: 2005) |
Item |
2005 |
Altany-Alan-1987 |
"The Transformation of the Idea of the Sacred in the Poetry of Thomas Merton." (Altany, Alan: 1987) |
Item |
1987 |
Amogu-Christian-Ifeanyi-1996 |
"Prayer and Asceticism in the Search for the Authentic Self in Thomas Merton." (Amogu, Christian Ifeanyi: 1996) |
Item |
1996 |
Attard-Jonathan-2017 |
"Rediscovering Sapientia in an Age Riddled by Scientia: Prophetic Knowledge in Thomas Merton." (Attard, Jonathan: 2017) |
Item |
2017 |
Baird-Mary-Julian-Sr-RSM-1956 |
"The Treatment of the Mother of God in the Writings of Thomas Merton." (Baird, Mary Julian, Sr., R.S.M.: 1956) |
Item |
1956 |
Barciok-Karol-2010 |
"Religie Dalekiego Wschodu w Pismach Thomasa Mertona." (Barciok, Karol: 2010) |
Item |
2010 |
Bartkowski-Bill-1979 |
"Definition and Contradiction: The Thought and Poetry of Thomas Merton." (Bartkowski, Bill: 1979) |
Item |
1979 |
Berthelot-Joseph-Alfred-1955 |
"Thomas Merton: A Study." (Berthelot, Joseph Alfred: 1955) |
Item |
1955 |
Błachuciński-Tomasz-2011 |
"Doświadczanie Boga W Filozoficzno-Religijnych Poszukiwaniach O. Thomasa Mertona." (Błachuciński, Tomasz: 2011) |
Item |
2011 |
Black-Noel-Andersen-1994 |
"Understanding Difference Through Paradox: Exploring the Relationship of Language to Religious Truth in the Writings of William James, William Blake, Alan Watts, Thomas Merton, and Jacques Derrida." (Black, Noel Andersen: 1994) |
Item |
1994 |
Bowen-Mary-Rose-1957 |
"Symbolism of Sun and Light in Thomas Merton's Poetry." (Bowen, Mary Rose: 1957) |
Item |
1957 |
Bowman-Bonnie-Lila-1979 |
"Flowers of Contemplation: The Later Poetry of Thomas Merton." (Bowman, Bonnie Lila: 1979) |
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1979 |
Brewer-Paul-E-1949 |
"A Study of the Style and Content of the Poems of Thomas Merton." (Brewer, Paul E.: 1949) |
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1949 |
Brown-Hunter-Lawlor-1979 |
"Thomas Merton on Prayer in the Lay State." (Brown, Hunter Lawlor: 1974) |
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1979 |