Masters Theses and Doctoral Dissertations about Merton

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
Brulé-Dominique-2009 "Les Expériences Spirituelles de Thomas Merton Dans Son Autobiographie et Son Journal (1939-1941)." (Brulé, Dominique: 2009) Item 2009
Bubel-Katherine-2009 "Recovering Sophia: The Judeo-Christian Wisdom Figure and the Sophiological Aesthetics of Gerard Manley Hopkins and Thomas Merton." (Bubel, Katherine: 2009) Item 2009
Bueler-Gabrielle-1984 "Thomas Merton's Spiritual Anthropology of the 'True Self': A Stepping Stone to Self-Realization and a Bridge to Advaita Vedanta." (Bueler, Gabrielle: 1984) Item 1984
Burton-Patricia-A-1998 "The Book that Never Was: Thomas Merton's Peace in the Post-Christian Era." (Burton, Patricia A.: 1998) Item 1998
Bailey-Raymond-Hamby-1973 "The Evolution of the Mystical Thought of Thomas Merton." (Bailey, Raymond Hamby: 1973) Item 1973
McInerny-Dennis-Quentin-1969 "Thomas Merton and Society: A Study of the Man and His Thought Against the Background of Contemporary American Culture." (McInerny, Dennis Quentin: 1969) Item
Cashen-Richard-Anthony-1981 "The Concept of Solitude in the Thought of Thomas Merton." (Cashen, Richard Anthony: 1981) Item 1981
Kehoe-Ellen-1985 "Thomas Merton's True and False Self: Implications for Persons Today in Crisis." (Kehoe, Ellen: 1985) Item 1985
Kelly-Christopher-1998 "Contemptus Mundi: Thomas Merton's Critique of Modernity." (Kelly, Christopher: 1998) Item 1950
Kim-Chin-Kyung-1990 "Thomas Merton's Attitude Toward Writing." (Kim, Chin Kyung: 1990) Item 1990
Koch-William-Nicholas-1989 "An Unexpected American Apocalypse: Eschatology in the Thought of Thomas Merton and its Significance for the Myth of America." (Koch, William Nicholas: 1989) Item 1989
Konarska-Malgorzata-2001 "Katolickoscw ujeciu Tomasza Mertona." (Konarska, Malgorzata: 2001) Item 2001
Lee-Saba-H-1998 "The Role of Contemplative Prayer in Self Discovery According to Thomas Merton." (Lee, Saba H.: 1998) Item 2022
Lee-Somyong-2022 "The Mystique of Earth: An Exploration of Eco-mysticism via Thomas Merton’s Encounters with Zen in Dialogue with Thomas Berry." (Lee, Somyong: 2022) Item 2001 View
Leung-Ching-Sum-2021 "True Self is No Self? A Kenotic Reading of Thich Nhat Hanh’s ‘Please call me by my true names’ through Thomas Merton’s Understanding of Zen." (Leung, Ching Sum: 2021) Item 2021
Llavador-Fernando-Beltran-1991 "Solitude and Society in Thomas Merton: The New Adam and the American Identity." (Llavador, Fernando Beltran: 1991) Item 1991
ONeill-Chris-1988 "Meditations with Merton." Item 1988
Orberson-David-Edward-2017 "Thomas Merton: Evil, Suffering, Zen and the Purified Soul Theodicy." Item 2017
Gavin-Rosemarie-Julie-1951 "An Analysis of Imagery in Selected Poems of Thomas Merton: A Comparative Study of Early Poems with Three Late Representative Ones." (Gavin, Rosemarie Julie: 1951) Item 1951
Getty-Richard-Eugene-1991 "Self and No-self: Thomas Merton's Understanding of Human Identity and the Buddhist Doctrine of Anatta." (Getty, Richard Eugene: 1991) Item 1991
Godbout-Joseph-Warren-1991 "Thomas Merton and the Problem of the Devotional Life." (Godbout, Joseph Warren: 1991) Item 1991
Grayston-Donald-Edward-1980 "The Development of a Spiritual Theologian, 1948-1961: Thomas Merton's 'Seeds of Contemplation,' and 'New Seeds of Contemplation'." (Grayston, Donald Edward: 1980) Item 1980
Griffin-Ruben-Anthony-2019 "Curating the Pastor’s Heart: A Prescription for Renewal Through the Contemplative Lens of Thomas Merton." (Griffin, Ruben Anthony: 2019) Item 2019 View
Groenwald-Małgorzata-2010 "Rola I wartość przestrzeni samotności I milczenia na podstawie pism Tomasza Mertona / The role and value of solitude and silence in the writings of Thomas Merton." (Groenwald, Małgorzata: 2010) Item 2010
Maginn-Rita-A-1983 "The Spirituality of Thomas Merton Viewed from the Perspective of the Influence of the Zen Experience." (Maginn, Rita A.: 1983) Item 1983
Malek-Maryam-1972 "Thomas Merton: Poetry and Contemplation." (Malek, Maryam: 1972) Item 1972
Malone-Janet-1988 "The Paradox of Thomas Merton: Garrulous Monk and Gregarious Hermit: Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Communication Competence." (Malone, Janet: 1988) Item 1988
Manion-Marietta-G-1956 "Thomas Merton, Trappist Monk: A Bio-bibliography." (Manion, Marietta G.: 1956) Item 1956
Manning-Emily-D-2013 "Whispers of Conversation between Thomas Merton and Sallie McFague on God, Self, and the World: Considering Engaged Spirituality Today." (Manning, Emily D.: 2013) Item 2013
Martin-Eric-2019 "A Theology of Dis/obedience: The Conversion of Daniel Berrigan, 1953-1966." (Martin, Eric: 2019) Item 2019 View
Matlak-Sylwia-2017 "Kategoria Ciszy w, 'Siedmiopiętrowej górze' Thomasa Mertona. Ujęcie interdyscyplinarn / The Category of Silence in Thomas Merton's 'The Seven Storey Mountain'. Interdisciplinary Perspective." (Matlak, Sylwia: 2017) Item 2017
Michowski-Edward-Jan-1997 "Proces Intergracji Osobowosci Tomasza Mertona." (Michowski, Edward Jan: 1997) Item 1997
Moes-Mary-Jocile-1950 "Grace as Exemplified in Thomas Merton." (Moes, Mary Jocile: 1950) Item 1950
Montaldo-Irwin-Jonathan-1974 "Toward the Only Real City in America: Paradise and Utopia in the Autobiography of Thomas Merton." (Montaldo, Irwin Jonathan: 1974) Item 1974
Murnane-Marianna-McDonnell-1985 "The Role of Detachment in the Life of Thomas Merton." (Murnane, Marianna McDonnell: 1985) Item 1985
Nadrowski-Piotr-2008 "Znaczenie Silentium We Współczesnej Duchowości Chrześcijańskiej Na Podstawie Pism Tomasza Mertona." (Nadrowski, Piotr: 2008) Item 2008
Neal-Shannon-C-1995 "Religiosity and Intellectuality: Thomas Merton, an Ideal Type." (Neal, Shannon C.: 1995) Item 1995
Nelson-Thomas-John-1975 "A Survey of the Evolving Spirituality of Thomas Merton." (Nelson, Thomas John: 1975) Item 1984
Neuhoff-Andrea-Lynn-2010 "The Unedited Thomas Merton: Autobiography to Autohagiography." (Neuhoff, Andrea Lynn: 2005) Item 2010
Nguyen-Chinh-Ngoc-1999 "The Influence of Daisetz T. Sukuki's Zen on Thomas Merton's Understanding of Contemplation." (Nguyen, Chinh Ngoc: 1999) Item 1999
Niachayeu-Viktar-2021 "The Prayer of the Heart as a Way to Find a True Self (Based on Thomas Merton’s Writings)." (Niachayeu, Viktar: 2021) Item 2021
Oconnor-Margaret-1998 "A Voice from the Hills: Thomas Merton: Poet, Monk, Prophet." (O'Connor, Margaret: 1998) Item 1998
OSullivan-Colleen-RSJ-2006 "Thomas Merton and the Towers of Babel." (O'Sullivan, Colleen, R.S.J.: 2006) Item 2006
ONeill-Chris-1988 "Meditations with Merton." (O'Neill, Chris: 1988) Item 1988
Oh-Bang-Sik-1992 "Contemplation in the Writings of Thomas Merton: A Developmental Hermeneutic." (Oh, Bang-Sik: 1992) Item 1992
Oh-Bang-Sik-2001 "Thomas Merton's Contribution to the Theology of Hope: A Contextual, Diachronic and Analytical-Synthetic Study." (Oh, Bang-Sik: 2001) Item 2001
Page-Christopher-2001 "A Feast of Straw: The Nature Mysticism of Thomas Merton." (Page, Christopher: 2001) Item 2001
Peach-Robert-Kammer-2008 "'Into the Cavern': A Study of Consciousness through the Lens of Thomas Merton's Mystical Poetics." (Peach, Robert Kammer: 2008) Item 2008
Pearson-Paul-M-1997 "Research on Research: A Bibliography of Theses and Dissertations about Thomas Merton." (Pearson, Paul M.: 1998) Item 2008
Pearson-Paul-M-1998 "Man's Approach to God in the Writings of Thomas Merton." (Pearson, Paul M.: 1985) Item 2022
Phalen-Roxann-1980 "Thomas Merton: Journey into Solitude." (Phalen, Roxann: 1980) Item 1980
Poston-Ronald-G-1986 "In Fact There Is A Choice: Thomas Merton and American Critical Romanticism." (Poston, Ronald G.: 1986) Item 1986
Redekop-Stephanie-2015 "The Rebellion of the Saints: Blakean Spiritual Resistance in the Poetry of Thomas Merton." (Redekop, Stephanie: 2015) Item 2015
Regan-Carol-1988 "Immortal Diamond: A Comparative View of the Stages of Human Development in the Writings of Joseph Campbell, Carl Jung, and Thomas Merton." (Regan, Carol: 1988) Item 1988
Richards-Cara-Rochelle-Smith-2007 "The Contemplative Tradition: Living Authentically in a Complex World." (Richards, Cara Rochelle Smith: 2007) Item 2007
Richardson-Gregg-A-1986 "Two Experiences in the Life of Thomas Merton and their Effect on his Spiritual Goal." (Richardson, Gregg A.: 1986) Item 1986
Rivera-Mary-Anne-2004 "Jubilee magazine and the development of a Vatican II ecclesiology." (Rivera, Mary Anne: 2004) Item 2004
Roadcup-Alisa-Miriam-2003 "Thomas Merton's Theology of the Self as Influenced by Christian Mysticism and Zen Buddhism." (Roadcup, Alisa Miriam: 2003) Item 2003
Robinson-Richard-D-1982 "Thomas Merton: Three Primary Images, One Centered Identity." (Robinson, Richard D.: 1982) Item 2020
Saint-Elizabeth-of-the-Cross-Sister-1951-ma "Thomas Merton, Social Critic of the Times." (Saint Elizabeth of the Cross, Sister: 1951) Item 1951
Saint-Elizabeth-of-the-Cross-Sister-1951-phd "Thomas Merton, Poet and Prose Writer." (Saint Elizabeth of the Cross, Sister: 1951) Item 1951
Sampson-James-1986 "Thomas Merton's Paradigm of the Spiritual Life: Journey from the False Self to the True Self." (Sampson, James: 1986) Item 1986
Santasilia-Stefano-2002 "Mistica ed Etica in Thomas Merton." (Santasilia, Stefano: 2002) Item 2002
Sawtelle-Mary-Elizabeth-1990 "Guided Research: Merton, Monasticism, and the World." (Sawtelle, Mary Elizabeth: 1990) Item 1990
Scaccia-Michael-2020 "Poems in Interreligious Dialogue: Searching for God in the Poetry of Ku Sang and Thomas Merton." (Scaccia, Michael: 2020) Item 2020 View
Schmittle-Mark-Sax-2018 "Thomas Merton: Mystic or Mystique - An Alternative View of a Would-be Mystic, Reformer, Zen Master." (Schmittle, Mark Sax: 2018) Item 2018
Serran-Pagan-y-Fuentes-Cristobal-2003 "Mystical Vision And Prophetic Voice In St. John Of The Cross: Towards A Mystical Theology Of Final Integration." (Serran-Pagan y Fuentes, Cristobal: 2003) Item 2003
Shaffer-Timothy-Joseph-2006 "A Secret Son of Francis: The Franciscan Influence in the Thought and Writings of Thomas Merton." (Shaffer, Timothy Joseph: 2006) Item 2006
Siek-Pawel-2004 "The Life and Theology of Thomas Merton." (Siek, Pawel: 2004) Item 2004
Skinner-Trey-2007 "Becoming Through Paradox: Thomas Merton's Spiritual and Vocational Discernment." (Skinner, Trey: 2007) Item 2007
Skowronski-Marek-1992 "Milczenie Jako Czynnik Integrujacy Zycie Wewnetrzne Wedlug Tomasza Merton." (Skowronski, Marek: 1992) Item 1992
Solis-Carol-W-2017 "Dynamic Synergy and Liberating Balance: The Friendship of Dorothy Day and Thomas Merton." (Solis, Carol W.: 2017) Item 2017
Spence-Roger-Earl-1976 "Meditation, Counseling and the Theology of Thomas Merton." (Spence, Roger Earl: 1976) Item 1976
Steyn-Helena-Christian-1988 "Thomas Merton and Theravada Buddhism - A Comparative Study of Religious Experience." (Steyn, Helena Christian: 1988) Item 1988
Stockwell-Mary-1984 "In the Presence of Tradition: Speculative Catholic Theology in Modern America." (Stockwell, Mary: 1984) Item 1984
Summerfield-Michael-L-1981 "Thomas Merton: A Peaceable Kingdom." (Summerfield, Michael L.: 1981) Item 1981
Tae-Hoon-Kim-2009 "The Spirituality of Thomas Merton: True Self and False Self." (Tae-Hoon, Kim: 2009) Item 2009
Tam-Ekman-Pui-Chuen-2001 "The Influence of Zen-Taoism on Thomas Merton's View of Contemplation." (Tam, Ekman Pui-Chuen: 2001) Item 2001
Tarpley-Kent-W-1974 "Merton, the Contemplative Life: A Study in the Writings of Thomas Merton." (Tarpley, Kent W.: 1974) Item 1974
Thompson-Michael-Trent-2015 "Living in Lectio: Praying with Their Pens (Catholic Writers and the Sacramental Worldview)." (Thompson, Michael Trent: 2015) Item 1997
Thompson-Phillip-Marshall-1999 "The Searchers: Twentieth Century Catholic Intellectuals and the Transformation of the Church's Engagement with Science and Technology." (Thompson, Phillip Marshall: 1999) Item 1999
Treon-Richard-T-1962 "Thomas Merton: A Prophet For Our Time." (Treon, Richard T.: 1962) Item 1962
Truitt-Gordon-Edward-1981 "A Historical and Theological Analysis of the Main Trends of the Catholic Theology of Prayer in the United States, 1949-1975." (Truitt, Gordon Edward: 1981) Item 1981
Turek-Hubert-2011 "Motyw Biblijnego Jonasza W ŻYciu I Twórczości Tomasza Mertona." (Turek, Hubert: 2011) Item 2011
Ullmann-François-1986 "Transpoésie - Thomas Merton." (Ullmann, François: 1986) Item 1986
Usery-Jimmie-Dean-2001 "An Inquiry into Thomas Merton's Search for the True Self: A Study of the Journals." (Usery, Jimmie Dean: 2001) Item 2001
Verploegen-Nicki-1983 "Technology and Transformation in the Works of Thomas Merton." (Verploegen, Nicki: 1983) Item 1983
Vickers-Michael-A-1985 "The Christian as Peacemaker: Thomas Merton's Synthesis of Contemplation and Action." (Vickers, Michael A.: 1985) Item 1985
Vujica-Vikica-2019 "Misticismo Per il Dialogo Interreligioso: Una Proposta Attraverso Gli Studi di Raimon Panikkar e Thomas Merton." (Vujica, Vikica: 2019) Item 2019
Watson-Thomas-L-1979 "Thomas Merton: Christian renewalist." (Watson, Thomas L.: 1979) Item 1979
Weber-Samuel-F-1975 "The Scriptural Basis for Thomas Merton's Writings on Prayer." (Weber, Samuel F.: 1975) Item 1975
Wheeler-Elizabeth-2022 "Stillillhet och Ensamhet: Een Studie I Thomas Mertons Syn På Mystiken." (Wheeler, Elizabeth: 2022) Item 2022
Whelan-James-1969 "A Proposed Strategy of Non-violence: An Inquiry into the Published Writings of Thomas Merton 1915-1968." (Whelan, James: 1969) Item 1969
Whitley-William-Stacey-2007 "The Tower of Babel." (Whitley, William Stacey: 2007) Item 2007
Williams-A-Susanne-1982 "Eastern Spiritual Thought in Contemporary America." (Williams, A. Susanne: 1982) Item 1982
Wilson-Nettie-Hadden-1997 "The Hidden Self: The Deep Currents of Albert Camus and Thomas Merton." (Wilson, Nettie Hadden: 1997) Item 1997
Žvanut-Miran-2012 "‘When I Run, I Feel God's Pleasure’: Long-distance Running as an Ascetical Practice Based on Monastic Experience and Thomas Merton's Approach to Asceticism." (Žvanut, Miran: 2012) Item 2012
Campbell-Annette-1983 "Thomas Merton's Dilemma: The Kerygma and/or Zen Consciousness." (Campbell, Annette: 1983) Item 1954
Campbell-Susan-Margaret-1954 "The Poetry of Thomas Merton: A Study in Theory, Influences and Form." (Campbell, Susan Margaret: 1954) Item 1983
Charankat-Peter-M-1982 "The Influence of Gandhi and Hinduism on Thomas Merton: The Consciousness of 'Being' and of 'Non-duality' in the Non-violence of Gandhi and its Influence on Thomas Merton." (Charankat, Peter M.: 1982) Item 1982