Author surnames beginning with the letters "S-T"

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
Schilling-Bernhard-1979 "Thomas Merton und der Friede im Nachchristlichen Zeitalter: Ein Erster Blick auf Thomas Merton und Seine Sozialkritik am Beispiel Seines Engagements fur den Weltfrieden." (Schilling, Bernhard: 1979) Item 1979
Schmitt-James-Edward-1954 "Aspects of Literary Quality in Thomas Merton's Prose." (Schmitt, James Edward: 1954) Item 1954
Schmitt-Jurgen-1986 "Liturgie Im Leben und Werk von Thomas Merton." (Schmitt, Jurgen: 1986) Item 1986
Schreiber-Suzanne-M-1976 "Thomas Merton: Man of Contemplation and Creativity." (Schreiber, Suzanne M.: 1976) Item 1976
Seal-Philip-2015 "Towards a Formalist Theological Poetics: Practising What You Preach in the Prose Writings of Thomas Merton." (Seal, Philip: 2015) Item 2015
Shaw-Jeffrey-M-2012 "Thomas Merton and Jacques Ellul on Technology and Freedom." (Shaw, Jeffrey M.: 2012) Item 2012
Shean-M-Jeannette-1958 "An Indexed Systhesis of the Critical Thought of Thomas Merton." (Shean, M. Jeannette: 1958) Item 1958
Silva-Rodrigo-Moreno-Ribeiro-2015 "A Relação Ética e Espiritualidade em Thomas Merton: Constituição, Percurso e Abordagens." (Silva, Rodrigo Moreno Ribeiro: 2015) Item 2015 View
Skemp-Therese-H-2001 "Three Who Found God: Spirituality in the Twentieth Century." (Skemp, Therese H.: 2001) Item 2001
Slater-Jennifer-1993 "Direct Experience of God in Contemporary Theology." (Slater, Jennifer: 1993) Item 1993
Smith-Allynn-1990 "Jung's Archetype of the Self as it Appears in Thomas Merton's Journey Toward Self-awareness." (Smith, Allynn: 1990) Item 1990
Stewart-Dustin-Donahue-2004 "Reading in(to) Thomas Merton." (Stewart, Dustin Donahue: 2004) Item 2004
Summers-Simon-C-2023 "How Is the Christian Virtue of Detachment Epistemically Transformative?" (Summers, Simon C.: 2023) Item 2023
Tebow-Michael-Wayne-2014 "Individuation Within Psychology and Spirituality: A Need for Pluralism." (Tebow, Michael Wayne: 2014) Item 2014
Tedcastle-Helen-Louise-2016 "Thomas Merton as a 'Wise Theologian': An Engagement with Hans Urs von Balthasar and David F. Ford." (Tedcastle, Helen Louise: 2016) Item 2016
Terry-Hannah-2012 "Sermon on the Mount: The Nonviolent Influence of the Catholic Church in the Vietnam Peace Protest 1960-1968." (Terry, Hannah: 2012) Item 2012
Thompson-Ryan-1997 "Thomas Merton: The Heart of Marginality." (Thompson, Ryan: 1997) Item 2015
Thomson-Susan-Mary-2020 "To What Extent is Thomas Merton's The Seven Storey Mountain 'A Twentieth Century Form' of The Confessions of St. Augustine?" (Thomson, Susan Mary: 2020) Item 2020
Saint-Elizabeth-of-the-Cross-Sister-1951-ma "Thomas Merton, Social Critic of the Times." (Saint Elizabeth of the Cross, Sister: 1951) Item 1951
Saint-Elizabeth-of-the-Cross-Sister-1951-phd "Thomas Merton, Poet and Prose Writer." (Saint Elizabeth of the Cross, Sister: 1951) Item 1951
Sampson-James-1986 "Thomas Merton's Paradigm of the Spiritual Life: Journey from the False Self to the True Self." (Sampson, James: 1986) Item 1986
Santasilia-Stefano-2002 "Mistica ed Etica in Thomas Merton." (Santasilia, Stefano: 2002) Item 2002
Sawtelle-Mary-Elizabeth-1990 "Guided Research: Merton, Monasticism, and the World." (Sawtelle, Mary Elizabeth: 1990) Item 1990
Scaccia-Michael-2020 "Poems in Interreligious Dialogue: Searching for God in the Poetry of Ku Sang and Thomas Merton." (Scaccia, Michael: 2020) Item 2020 View
Schmittle-Mark-Sax-2018 "Thomas Merton: Mystic or Mystique - An Alternative View of a Would-be Mystic, Reformer, Zen Master." (Schmittle, Mark Sax: 2018) Item 2018
Serran-Pagan-y-Fuentes-Cristobal-2003 "Mystical Vision And Prophetic Voice In St. John Of The Cross: Towards A Mystical Theology Of Final Integration." (Serran-Pagan y Fuentes, Cristobal: 2003) Item 2003
Shaffer-Timothy-Joseph-2006 "A Secret Son of Francis: The Franciscan Influence in the Thought and Writings of Thomas Merton." (Shaffer, Timothy Joseph: 2006) Item 2006
Siek-Pawel-2004 "The Life and Theology of Thomas Merton." (Siek, Pawel: 2004) Item 2004
Skinner-Trey-2007 "Becoming Through Paradox: Thomas Merton's Spiritual and Vocational Discernment." (Skinner, Trey: 2007) Item 2007
Skowronski-Marek-1992 "Milczenie Jako Czynnik Integrujacy Zycie Wewnetrzne Wedlug Tomasza Merton." (Skowronski, Marek: 1992) Item 1992
Solis-Carol-W-2017 "Dynamic Synergy and Liberating Balance: The Friendship of Dorothy Day and Thomas Merton." (Solis, Carol W.: 2017) Item 2017
Spence-Roger-Earl-1976 "Meditation, Counseling and the Theology of Thomas Merton." (Spence, Roger Earl: 1976) Item 1976
Steyn-Helena-Christian-1988 "Thomas Merton and Theravada Buddhism - A Comparative Study of Religious Experience." (Steyn, Helena Christian: 1988) Item 1988
Stockwell-Mary-1984 "In the Presence of Tradition: Speculative Catholic Theology in Modern America." (Stockwell, Mary: 1984) Item 1984
Summerfield-Michael-L-1981 "Thomas Merton: A Peaceable Kingdom." (Summerfield, Michael L.: 1981) Item 1981
Tae-Hoon-Kim-2009 "The Spirituality of Thomas Merton: True Self and False Self." (Tae-Hoon, Kim: 2009) Item 2009
Tam-Ekman-Pui-Chuen-2001 "The Influence of Zen-Taoism on Thomas Merton's View of Contemplation." (Tam, Ekman Pui-Chuen: 2001) Item 2001
Tarpley-Kent-W-1974 "Merton, the Contemplative Life: A Study in the Writings of Thomas Merton." (Tarpley, Kent W.: 1974) Item 1974
Thompson-Michael-Trent-2015 "Living in Lectio: Praying with Their Pens (Catholic Writers and the Sacramental Worldview)." (Thompson, Michael Trent: 2015) Item 1997
Thompson-Phillip-Marshall-1999 "The Searchers: Twentieth Century Catholic Intellectuals and the Transformation of the Church's Engagement with Science and Technology." (Thompson, Phillip Marshall: 1999) Item 1999
Treon-Richard-T-1962 "Thomas Merton: A Prophet For Our Time." (Treon, Richard T.: 1962) Item 1962
Truitt-Gordon-Edward-1981 "A Historical and Theological Analysis of the Main Trends of the Catholic Theology of Prayer in the United States, 1949-1975." (Truitt, Gordon Edward: 1981) Item 1981
Turek-Hubert-2011 "Motyw Biblijnego Jonasza W ŻYciu I Twórczości Tomasza Mertona." (Turek, Hubert: 2011) Item 2011
Saltman-Benjamin-1968 "The Descent to God: Religious Language in Several Contemporary American Poets." (Saltman, Benjamin: 1968) Item 1968
Schell-Karl-Heinz-1984 "Grundung, Theorie und Lebenspraxis Amerikanischer Kloster Benediktinischer Tradition." (Schell, Karl-Heinz: 1984) Item 1984
Schuyler-William-Kearns-1970 "Transfiguration in the Desert: Thomas Merton's Search for the Love of God in Modern Man." (Schuyler, William Kearns: 1970) Item 1970
Schweigl-Paul-2019 "Catholic Intellectual Hospitality: An Application to Catholic Higher Education." (Schweigl, Paul: 2019) Item 2019
Scruggs-Ryan-2009 "Thomas Merton and the Bible: Reading that Transforms." (Scruggs, Ryan: 2005) Item 2009
Seitz-Sheila-1982 "Thomas Merton's Spirituality of Consent." (Seitz, Sheila: 1982) Item 1982
Skeffington-Thomas-1950 "Poems Set To Original Music [includes setting for Merton's poem: 'For My Brother']." (Skeffington, Thomas: 1950) Item 1950
Smith-Kevin-2016 "The Art of Integration? Psychology and Religion in the Work of Thomas Merton." (Smith, Kevin: 2016) Item 2016
Spolverato-Antonio-1986 "Thomas Merton: Dalla Filosofia Alla Contemplazione." (Spolverato, Antonio: 1986) Item 1986
St-Onge-Timothy-S-2010 "Cosmosophia: The Dwelling of the Divine in the Contemporary World." (St. Onge, Timothy S.: 2010) Item 2010
Staggs-John-H-1995 "Thomas Merton's Understanding of the Cross and its Positive Impact upon the Spiritual Well-being of Adult Lay People." (Staggs, John H.: 1995) Item 1995
Steffen-Donna-1981 "Nonviolence in the Thought of Thomas Merton." (Steffen, Donna: 1981) Item 1981
Stull-Bradford-Thomas-1992 "Religious Dialectics of Pain and Imagination: Postmodern and Liberation Rhetorics." (Stull, Bradford Thomas: 1992) Item 1992
Świerszcz-Katarzyna-1998 "Asceza Na drodze Do świętości w Nauce Tomasza Mertona." (Świerszcz, Katarzyna: 1998) Item 1998
Teahan-John-Francis-1976 "The Mysticism of Thomas Merton: Contemplation as a Way of Life." (Teahan, John Francis: 1976) Item 1976
Tredget-Dermot-Alan-2020 "In What Ways Can the Concept of Holy or Sacred Leisure Inform a Renewed Theological Understanding of Work and Leisure in the Twenty-first Century?" (Tredget, Dermot Alan: 2020) Item 2020 View
Sandstrom-Henning-Erik-1992 "Ars Gratia Dei: A Study in the Theological Aesthetics of Thomas Merton." (Sandstrom, Henning Erik: 1992) Item 1992
Scarpino-James-Leonard-2001 "Thomas Merton's Broken Vows: Learning the Lessons Failure Alone May Teach." (Scarpino, James Leonard: 2001) Item 2001
Schmidt-Gail-Ramshaw-1976 "The Poetry of Thomas Merton: An Introduction." (Schmidt, Gail Ramshaw: 1976) Item 1976
Scruggs-Ryan-2005 "Faith Seeks Understanding: Thomas Merton's Interest in Karl Barth." (Scruggs, Ryan: 2009) Item 2005
Shay-Susan-2012 "Other Voices: The Transforming Voice of Women and the Sacred Feminine in the Life of Thomas Merton, 1958-1968." (Shay, Susan: 2012) Item 2012
Sisson-Larry-Wayman-1995 "Spiritual Autobiography: Origins to Apocalypse." (Sisson, Larry Wayman: 1995) Item 1995
Strumiłowski-Jan-Paweł-OCist-2012 "Poznanie Boga Źródłem Moralnej Doskonałości U Thomasa Mertona." (Strumiłowski, Jan Paweł, O.Cist.: 2012) Item 2012
Sutherland-William-D-2008 "A Seed with Wings: Thomas Merton's Journey Fosters Interreligious Understanding." (Sutherland, William D.: 2008) Item 2008
Szpila-Sister-Mary-Janell-1987 "Thomas Merton on Obedience." (Szpila, Sister Mary Janell: 1987) Item 1987
Trinka-Zachary-David-2015 "Forgiveness - A Comparative Look at the Works of Chogyam Trungpa and Thomas Merton." (Trinka, Zachary David: 2015) Item 2015
Trzebuniak-Józef-SVD-2006 "Teologiczny Wymiar Milczenia: Na Podstawie Autobiografii I Wybranych Pism Tomasza Mertona." (Trzebuniak, Józef, SVD: 2006) Item 2006