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Kehoe-Ellen-1985 |
"Thomas Merton's True and False Self: Implications for Persons Today in Crisis." (Kehoe, Ellen: 1985) |
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1985 |
Kelly-Christopher-1998 |
"Contemptus Mundi: Thomas Merton's Critique of Modernity." (Kelly, Christopher: 1998) |
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1950 |
Kim-Chin-Kyung-1990 |
"Thomas Merton's Attitude Toward Writing." (Kim, Chin Kyung: 1990) |
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1990 |
Koch-William-Nicholas-1989 |
"An Unexpected American Apocalypse: Eschatology in the Thought of Thomas Merton and its Significance for the Myth of America." (Koch, William Nicholas: 1989) |
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1989 |
Konarska-Malgorzata-2001 |
"Katolickoscw ujeciu Tomasza Mertona." (Konarska, Malgorzata: 2001) |
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2001 |
Lee-Saba-H-1998 |
"The Role of Contemplative Prayer in Self Discovery According to Thomas Merton." (Lee, Saba H.: 1998) |
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2022 |
Lee-Somyong-2022 |
"The Mystique of Earth: An Exploration of Eco-mysticism via Thomas Merton’s Encounters with Zen in Dialogue with Thomas Berry." (Lee, Somyong: 2022) |
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2001 |
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Leung-Ching-Sum-2021 |
"True Self is No Self? A Kenotic Reading of Thich Nhat Hanh’s ‘Please call me by my true names’ through Thomas Merton’s Understanding of Zen." (Leung, Ching Sum: 2021) |
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2021 |
Llavador-Fernando-Beltran-1991 |
"Solitude and Society in Thomas Merton: The New Adam and the American Identity." (Llavador, Fernando Beltran: 1991) |
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1991 |
Kaerts-Myriam-1990 |
"Geweldloosheid, Oorlog en Racisme de Christelijke van Thomas Merton." (Kaerts, Myriam: 1990) |
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1990 |
Kang-Kun-Ki-1979 |
"Thomas Merton and Buddhism: A Comparative Study of the Spiritual Thought of Thomas Merton and that of National Teacher Bojo." (Kang, Kun Ki: 1979) |
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1979 |
Knight-Messenger-Rachel-Marian-2020 |
"Mystical Theology and Ecological Theology: The Role of Nature Mysticism in Building Ecological Theology and Ethics." (Knight-Messenger, Rachel Marian: 2020) |
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2020 |
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Knosala-Łukasz-2012 |
"Reinterpretacja Modlitwy Chrześcijańskiej w Świetle Buddyzmu Zen na Podstawie Twórczości Tomasa Mertona." (Knosala, Łukasz: 2012) |
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2012 |
Koivusalo-Jukka-1986 |
"Valheminästä Tosiminään - Thomas Mertonin Mystisen Antropologian Rakenne." (Koivusalo, Jukka: 1986) |
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1986 |
Kountz-Peter-James-1976 |
"Thomas Merton as Writer and Monk: A Cultural Study, 1915- 1951." (Kountz, Peter James: 1976) |
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1976 |
Krumins-Norbert-Michael-2010 |
"The Brilliance of Beauty: Theology and the Expressive Arts." (Krumins, Norbert Michael: 2010) |
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2010 |
Kwaśnik-Danuta-2013 |
"Anthropological and Spiritual/Theological Model of the Dialogue Between Christianity and Zen Buddhism According to Thomas Merton." (Kwaśnik, Danuta: 2013) |
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2013 |
Kwon-Hyeokil-2008 |
"Poetic and Prophetic Life in a Time of the Hidden God: A Comparative Study of Thomas Merton’s and Yun Dong-Ju’s Spiritualities." (Kwon, Hyeokil: 2016) |
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2008 |
LaSana-André-LC-2017 |
"Thomas Merton: Notes on Contemplative Prayer: A Study of Merton’s Approach to Contemplative Prayer." (LaSana, André, LC: 2017) |
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2017 |
Le-François-Josette-2009 |
"La Conversion Chez Thomas Merton." (Le François, Josette: 2001) |
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1982 |
Lebeau-Dorothy-1998 |
"Thomas Merton: The Solitary Life." (Lebeau, Dorothy: 1982) |
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1998 |
Lemburg-Benjamin-2002 |
"Thomas Merton on Violence of Yesterday and Today." (Lemburg, Benjamin: 2002) |
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2002 |
Lewis-Bret-Jeffrey-2001 |
"Thomas Merton and Sufism: A Modern Catholic Approach to a Non-Christian Religion." (Lewis, Bret Jeffrey: 2001) |
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2001 |
Ligo-Lael-Vivian-L-1987 |
"The Language of Paradox in the Life and Writings of Thomas Merton." (Ligo, Lael Vivian L.: 1989) |
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1987 |
Kelly-Frederick-Joseph-1972 |
"The Social Dimension of Religious Man in the Writings of Thomas Merton." (Kelly, Frederick Joseph: 1972) |
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1972 |
Kemeza-William-James-1976 |
"The Renewal of the Contemplative Life in the Works of Thomas Merton." (Kemeza, William James: 1976) |
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1976 |
Kendall-John-James-1983 |
"Through Words and Silence a Comparative Study of William Johnston and Thomas Merton, Roman Catholics in Dialogue with Zen." (Kendall, John James: 1983) |
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1983 |
Kilby-Christina-Anne-2006 |
"The Poetics of Praise: Eastern Orthodox Aesthetics in the Writings of Rainer Maria Rilke and Thomas Merton." (Kilby, Christina Anne: 2006) |
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2006 |
Kilcourse-George-Arthur-Jr-1974 |
"Incarnation as the Integrating Principle in Thomas Merton's Poetry and Spirituality." (Kilcourse, George Arthur, Jr.: 1974) |
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1974 |
Kim-Tae-Keun-2006 |
"A Study on Congregation's Spiritual Growth by Contemplative Prayer Applied from Thomas Merton's Theory: (A Case Study of Bethel Methodist Church)." (Kim, Tae Keun: 2006) |
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2006 |
King-Marilyn-Helene-1975 |
"The Mountain Path: Purification and Purity of Heart in the Spiritual Life According to Thomas Merton." (King, Marilyn Helene: 1975) |
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1975 |
King-Peter-C-1993 |
"The Context of Spirituality: A Study with Special Reference to Thomas Merton and Dietrich Bonhoeffer." (King, Peter C.: 1993) |
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1993 |
Kulwikowski-Rafał-Szymon-2015 |
"Wielowarstwowość Problematyki Pokoju Na Podstawie Wybranych Dzieł Thomasa Mertona." (Kulwikowski, Rafał Szymon: 2015) |
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2015 |
Kwon-Hyeokil-2010 |
"Peace and Social Justice as Flowers of Contemplation: Wisdom from St. Ignatius of Loyola, Thomas Merton and Gil Seon-Ju for the 21st Century Korean Church." (Kwon, Hyeokil: 2010) |
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2010 |
Lamm-Joy-Elvey-1974 |
"Thomas Merton and His Message to the Poet." (Lamm, Joy Elvey: 1974) |
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1974 |
Lanoue-Deirdre-Madison-1999 |
"Henri J. M. Nouwen And Modern American Spirituality." (Lanoue, Deirdre Madison: 1999) |
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1999 |
Laughlin-John-Lewis-1991 |
"The Contributions of Thomas Merton's Writings on the True Self to Humanistic and Existential Psychology." (Laughlin, John Lewis: 1991) |
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1991 |
Le-François-Josette-2001 |
"Une Lecture Théologique de la Conversion Chez Thomas Merton à Travers la Triple Clé Biblique de Mc 8, 34; Jn 3, 7 et Ga 2, 20a: La Théologie de la Conversion Chez Thomas Merton." (Le François, Josette: 2009) |
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1998 |
Leary-Denise-A-1998 |
"Surrender to Grace." (Leary, Denise A.: 1998) |
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1998 |
Lebeau-Dorothy-1982 |
"The Monk as a Marginal Person in the Later Writings of Thomas Merton." (Lebeau, Dorothy: 1998) |
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1999 |
Lee-Tzu-Ying-2020 |
"Traducción y Recreación de la Literatura Clásica China en la Poesía Anglófona Moderna: Ezra Pound a Thomas Merton." (Lee, Tzu Ying: 2020) |
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2009 |
Ligo-Lael-Vivian-L-1989 |
"The Language of Paradox in the 'Confessions' of Augustine and the 'Seven Storey Mountain' of Thomas Merton." (Ligo, Lael Vivian L.: 1987) |
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1989 |
Lizano-Jesus-1963 |
"Merton." (Lizano, Jesus: 1963) |
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1963 |
Lloyd-RD-1975 |
"The Theological Foundation of the Contemplative Teaching of Thomas Merton, O.C.S.O." (Lloyd, R.D.: 1975) |
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1975 |
Lummel-Mark-Van-1985 |
"The Self and Self-Denial in Selected Writings of Thomas Merton." (Lummel, Mark Van: 1985) |
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1985 |
Kauffmann-Lydie-1970 |
"'Groupe et Individu' dans la Vie et L'oeuvre de Thomas Merton." (Kauffmann, Lydie: 1970) |
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1970 |
Kelly-Mary-Isabelle-1950 |
"Critical Appreciation of the Poetry of Thomas Merton." (Kelly, Mary Isabelle: 1950) |
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1998 |
Kilcullen-Trudy-2006 |
"Is Mystical Experience of God in Contemplation Open to All Human Beings or Only an Elite Group? - A Contrasting of Medieval and Modern Perspectives." (Kilcullen, Trudy: 2006) |
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2006 |
Konechnik-Thomas-J-2017 |
"Thomas Merton’s Spirituality of the Authentic Self." (Konechnik, Thomas J.: 2017) |
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2017 |
Kramp-Joseph-2006 |
"The Lives of Thomas Merton: A Study in Psychoanalysis, History, and Identity." (Kramp, Joseph: 2006) |
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2006 |
Krumins-Norbert-Michael-2018 |
"Curating the Liminal Space: Zen, Being Peace, and the Cultivation of Presence." (Krumins, Norbert Michael: 2018) |
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2018 |
Kwon-Hyeokil-2016 |
"The Progress of Thomas Merton's Thoughts according to His Experience of Contemplation: A Comparative Study of <i>Seeds of Contemplation</i> and <i>New Seeds of Contemplation</i>." (Kwon, Hyeokil: 2008) |
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2016 |
Labasauskas-Vaidotas-2006 |
"A Theological Analysis of Thomas Merton's Conversion: The Moral Dimension." (Labasauskas, Vaidotas: 2006) |
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2006 |
Lechicka-Elżbieta-1999 |
"Mądrość według Tomasza Mertona." (Lechicka, Elżbieta: 1999) |
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2020 |
Lencioni-Joe-2004 |
"Total Kenosis, True Shunyata, and the Plerotic Self of Thomas Merton and Abe Masao." (Lencioni, Joe: 2004) |
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2004 |
Lilin-Wu-2014 |
"A Study of the Monk Thomas Merton's Way of Contemplation." (Lilin, Wu: 2014) |
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2014 |
Little-David-E-1994 |
"An Historical Overview and Analytical Study in the Origin of Texts, Melodies and Performance Practices of the Niles-Merton Song Cycles." (Little, David E.: 1994) |
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1994 |
Lucander-Pirjo-1991 |
"'Noverim Te, Noverim Me': Det Kontemplativa I Thomas Mertons Religiösa Åskådning." (Lucander, Pirjo: 1991) |
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1991 |
Łukaszewski-Mariusz-Czesław-2005 |
"Orędzie Życia Monastycznego w Wybranych Pismach Tomasza Mertona." (Łukaszewski, Mariusz Czesław: 2005) |
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2005 |