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Cager-Marion-Theresa-1953 |
"Merton the Mystic." (Cager, Marion Theresa: 1953) |
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1953 |
Callaghan-Michael-John-1998 |
"The English Mystics and Thomas Merton's Sense of Absence." (Callaghan, Michael John: 1998) |
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1998 |
Calmes-Robert-1993 |
"Literary Devices and Apophatic Thought in Thomas Merton's Early Poetry." (Calmes, Robert: 1993) |
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1993 |
Cashen-Richard-Anthony-1981 |
"The Concept of Solitude in the Thought of Thomas Merton." (Cashen, Richard Anthony: 1981) |
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1981 |
Cechony-Therese-Rowley-2002 |
"Birds of a Feather: A Study of the Influence of Eastern Philosophy on the Writings of Henry David Thoreau and Thomas Merton." (Cechony, Therese Rowley: 2002) |
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2002 |
Chambers-Timothy-J-1976 |
"Contemplation as the Rediscovery of Paradise: A Key to Understanding Thomas Merton." (Chambers, Timothy J.: 1976) |
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1976 |
Ciesielski-P-OP-1990 |
"Samotność Jako Droga i Przestrzeń Kontemplacji Na Podstawie Wybranych Tekstów Thomasa Mertona." (Ciesielski, P., O.P.: 1990) |
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1990 |
Ciller-Elvira-Rodenas-2005 |
"Thomas Merton: Una Propuesta De Vida Interior." (Ciller, Elvira Rodenas: 2005) |
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2005 |
Collier-Trent-Bryce-1996 |
"A Madman Runs to the East: Thomas Merton and Zen Buddhism." (Collier, Trent Bryce: 1996) |
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1996 |
Cosgrove-Edward-Coleman-1973 |
"Contemplation for Education: Its Value Shown in the Life, Education, and Writings of Thomas Merton." (Cosgrove, Edward Coleman: 1973) |
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1973 |
Cotty-Marion-William-Sr-SND-1966 |
"Christian Wisdom and Merton's Poetry." (Cotty, Marion William, Sr., S.N.D.: 1966) |
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1966 |
Cronin-James-G-R-2021 |
"A Reluctant Pacifist: Thomas Merton and the Cold War Letters, October 1961-April 1962." (Cronin, James G. R.: 2021) |
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2021 |
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Crouse-Jeffrey-Dennis-Peter-1988 |
"A Political Consideration of Thomas Merton's Metaphysic of Nonviolence." (Crouse, Jeffrey Dennis Peter: 1988) |
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1988 |
Currie-Joshua-Ryan-2014 |
"The Contemplative Potential of the Sacramentally United." (Currie, Joshua Ryan: 2014) |
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2014 |
Davies-Marguerite-1973 |
"Thomas Merton's Rethinking of the Christian Monastic Life in the Light of the Bodhisattvacarya of Mahayana Buddhism." (Davies, Marguerite: 1973) |
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1973 |
Davis-Andrew-Otto-2014 |
"You Are That: An Upanishadic Approach to Empathic Writing Instruction in a High School Social Science Course." (Davis, Andrew Otto: 2014) |
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2009 |
De-Vrieze-Franklin-1990 |
"Thomas Merton: Theologische Aspecten van Zijn Gebedspedagogie." (De Vrieze, Franklin: 1990) |
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1986 |
Dobies-Karolina-2011 |
"Idee Personalistyczne i Egzystencjalne w Refleksji Thomasa Mertona o Człowieku." (Dobies, Karolina: 2014) |
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2011 |
Dufresne-Oliver-Joseph-Aloysius-1975 |
"Human and Cosmic Renewal: Thomas Merton's Affirmation of Christic Involvement." (Dufresne, Oliver Joseph Aloysius: 1975) |
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1975 |
Eaker-Alfred-2012 |
"Justification by Imagination: The Artistic Imagination of Thomas Merton: Its Marian Sources and Implications." (Eaker, Alfred: 2012) |
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2012 |
Campbell-Annette-1983 |
"Thomas Merton's Dilemma: The Kerygma and/or Zen Consciousness." (Campbell, Annette: 1983) |
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1954 |
Campbell-Susan-Margaret-1954 |
"The Poetry of Thomas Merton: A Study in Theory, Influences and Form." (Campbell, Susan Margaret: 1954) |
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1983 |
Charankat-Peter-M-1982 |
"The Influence of Gandhi and Hinduism on Thomas Merton: The Consciousness of 'Being' and of 'Non-duality' in the Non-violence of Gandhi and its Influence on Thomas Merton." (Charankat, Peter M.: 1982) |
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1982 |
Chevreau-Guy-Antony-1981 |
"Thomas Merton on Contemplative Prayer." (Chevreau, Guy Antony: 1981) |
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1981 |
Cook-Megan-2004 |
"A Journey of Paradox: Thomas Merton on Being Human." (Cook, Megan: 2004) |
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2004 |
Crowe-Terrence-R-1985 |
"An Examination of Thomas Merton's Changing Views of the Contemplative in Society, 1948-1968." (Crowe, Terrence R.: 1985) |
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1985 |
Cunningham-Ben-1999 |
"How Do I Come to Know My Spirituality, As I Create My Own Living Educational Theory." (Cunningham, Ben: 1999) |
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1991 |
Cunningham-Edna-1991 |
"Grace as the Self-communication of the Holy Spirit in the Writings of Thomas Merton." (Cunningham, Edna: 1991) |
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1999 |
Del-Prete-Thomas-Andrew-1987 |
"'The Formation of the Whole Person': An Interpretative Study of Thomas Merton's Ideas on Education." (Del Prete, Thomas Andrew: 1987) |
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1955 |
Delavan-Jonathan-Neil-2021 |
"Esoteric Techniques Within the Works of New Monastic Teachers: An Analysis of Cynthia Bourgeault, Richard Rohr, and James Finley." (Delavan, Jonathan Neil: 2021) |
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1990 |
Dobies-Karolina-2014 |
"Poznanie Rzeczywistości Zewnętrznej I Wewnętrznej W Ujęciu Tomasza Mertona." (Dobies, Karolina: 2011) |
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2014 |
Dobson-Karen-1972 |
"Consciousness of God Witnessed by Thomas Merton." (Dobson, Karen: 1972) |
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1972 |
Dumpys-Jon-2002 |
"Thomas Merton and the Contemplative Basis of Social Action." (Dumpys, Jon: 2002) |
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2002 |
Dutka-Dawn-A-1986 |
"Merton as Mystic: A Thesis." (Dutka, Dawn A.: 1986) |
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1986 |
Centner-David-J-1972 |
"The Influence of St. John of the Cross in the Writings of Thomas Merton." (Centner, David J.: 1972) |
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1972 |
Chan-Pui-Fun-Doris-2005 |
"Contemplation and Action: Thomas Merton's Understanding of Kenotic Christ." (Chan, Pui Fun Doris: 2005) |
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2005 |
Coombs-Marie-1996 |
"Mystery Hidden Yet Revealed: A Study of the Interrelationship of Transcendence, Self-Actualization and Creative Expression, with Reference to the Lives and the Works of Thomas Merton and Georgia O'Keeffe." (Coombs, Marie: 1996) |
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1996 |
Cousineau-Monique-1971 |
"La Theologie de la Paix Selon Thomas Merton: Un Cheminement Spirituel." (Cousineau, Monique: 1971) |
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1971 |
Cousins-Patrick-2015 |
"Prometheus and Promethean Theology in the Thought of Thomas Merton." (Cousins, Patrick: 2015) |
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2015 |
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Dat-Tien-Vu-Joseph-1986 |
"The Recovery of Paradise: A Search for the Self According to Thomas Merton." (Dat-Tien-Vu, Joseph: 1986) |
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1986 |
Davis-Adam-2009 |
"Recovering the Face of God: The Mystical Journey of Thomas Merton." (Davis, Adam: 2009) |
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1993 |
Domagała-Tadeusz-2006 |
"Wiara Chrześcijańska a Duchowość Wschodu Według Bede Griffithsa i Tomasza Mertona." (Domagała, Tadeusz: 2006) |
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2006 |
Dufresne-Oliver-Joseph-Aloysius-1971 |
"Thomas Merton: A Man for our Times." (Dufresne, Oliver Joseph Aloysius: 1971) |
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1971 |
Duggan-E-F-2014 |
"Three Lives: Three Paths: The Spiritual Quest of Thomas Merton, Alan Watts, and Annie Dillard." (Duggan, E. F.: 2014) |
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2014 |
Dwyer-Cynthia-Mary-2010 |
"The Spiritual Journey According to Thomas Merton: Its Inner and Outer Dimensions and Pastoral Implications." (Dwyer, Cynthia Mary: 2010) |
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2010 |
Caputi-Ilaria-1971 |
"Il Primo Thomas Merton: The Seven Storey Mountain." (Caputi, Ilaria: 1971) |
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1971 |
Choi-Bong-Kyu-2011 |
"Select Themes in Thomas Merton's Thought as a Resource for Korean Presbyterianism." (Choi, Bong Kyu: 2011) |
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2011 |
Crozier-William-D-2020 |
"The Given Word: A Descriptive Phenomenology of Private Writing Toward Conversion." (Crozier, William D.: 2020) |
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2020 |
Cullen-Thérèse-A-2004 |
"'Love is the Measure': The Lives of Dorothy Day and Thomas Merton as Counter-Cultural Models of the Church." (Cullen, Thérèse A.: 2004) |
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2004 |
Davis-Jennifer-Mary-1993 |
"The Moral Character Formation of John Lennon and Thomas Merton: Their Lives Interpreted Using Insights From Stanley Hauerwas." (Davis, Jennifer Mary: 1993) |
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2014 |
De-Lange-Ecclesia-2006 |
"Thomas Merton: Life, Work and Thoughts on Zen." (De Lange, Ecclesia: 2006) |
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1988 |
De-Nicolo-Georg-1995 |
"Thomas Merton's Anti-Poetry: Genetic and Functional Aspects of Cables to the Ace and The Geography of Lograire." (De Nicolo, Georg: 1995) |
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2006 |
De-Puy-Harold-A-1955 |
"Humor and Mysticism in Thomas Merton." (De Puy, Harold A.: 1955) |
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2021 |
Decker-Christopher-William-1988 |
"Thomas Merton, Social Critic: The Early and Late Years: Discontinuity or Development?" (Decker, Christopher William: 1988) |
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1987 |
Del-Prete-Thomas-Andrew-1986 |
"Self-Discovery: The Purpose of Education According to Thomas Merton." (Del Prete, Thomas Andrew: 1986) |
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1995 |
Doll-Peter-1989 |
"'Be What You Are': Zichzeif Worden Voigens 'The New Man' van Thomas Merton." (Doll, Peter: 1989) |
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1989 |
Edgar-Goeser-Deborah-Boatwright-2016 |
"Invited into the Dance: The Sacred and the Courage to be Embodied." (Edgar-Goeser, Deborah Boatwright: 2016) |
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2016 |
Edinger-Kendra-J-2006 |
"A Sense of the Divine." (Edinger, Kendra J.: 2006) |
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2006 |