식별 요소
US US-kylobm TMC-RG3-ii-ST-Shannon-1991-SEASONAL
기록보존소의 이름과 위치
기술 계층
Review [SEASONAL] by (Tobin, Mary Luke, Sr., S.L.) of Silence on Fire: The Prayer of Awareness.. in Merton Seasonal 17:1 (Winter1992): ...
- 1992 (생성)
See Scope and Content note.
생산자 이름
개인 이력
Sr. Mary Luke Tobin was former Superior General of the Sisters of Loretto. She writes from the Loretto Motherhouse in Nerinx, Kentucky. Sr. Mary Luke was the only American woman who served as an observer to the Second Vatican Council.
내용과 구조 요소
범위와 내용
Review (by: Tobin, Mary Luke, Sr., S.L.) in Merton Seasonal 17:1 (Winter1992): 24-25. http://merton.org/ITMS/Seasonal/17/17-1TobinRevShannon.pdf
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First Lines:
'If one has followed the earlier works of William H. Shannon, particularly Thomas Merton's Dark'...
Review Title:
Awareness for Searchers.