식별 요소
US US-kylobm TMC-RG3-ii-PR-Powaski-1989-ANNUAL
기록보존소의 이름과 위치
기술 계층
Review [ANNUAL] by (Forest, James H.) of Thomas Merton on Nuclear Weapons.. in Merton Annual 2: 336-339....
- 1989 (생성)
See Scope and Content note.
생산자 이름
개인 이력
A life-long activist for peace, Forest first came into contact with Merton through Dorothy Day while Forest was at the Catholic Worker in New York. He was active in the Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR) and started the Catholic Peace Fellowship (CPF), an affiliate program of FOR, to assist those trying to obtain Conscientious Objector status in 1964. In 1977, Forest assumed the duty of General Secretary of the International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR) based in the Netherlands.
내용과 구조 요소
범위와 내용
Review (by: Forest, James H.) in Merton Annual 2: 336-339. http://merton.org/ITMS/Annual/2/ForestRevPowaki336-339.pdf
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First Lines:
'It is often thought that it was world crises in the sixties that provoked Thomas Merton to turn'...