식별 요소
US US-kylobm TMC-RG3-ii-MO-Nouwen-2005-SEASONAL
기록보존소의 이름과 위치
기술 계층
Review [SEASONAL] by (Burton, Patricia A.) of Encounters with Merton: Spiritual Reflections.. in Merton Seasonal 30:2 (Summer 2005):...
- 2005 (생성)
See Scope and Content note.
생산자 이름
개인 이력
Patricia Burton has produced bibliographies of Thomas Merton and wrote The Book that Never Was: Thomas Merton’s Peace in the Post-Christian Era.
내용과 구조 요소
범위와 내용
Review (by: Burton, Patricia A.) in Merton Seasonal 30:2 (Summer 2005): 31-34. http://merton.org/ITMS/Seasonal/30/30-2BurtonRevNouwen.pdf
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First Lines:
'Last October I had the pleasure of examining a small file of material on Thomas Merton in Henri'...
Review Title:
The Nouwen File and the Merton Book.