Review [09] of The Monastic Journey.. in Church World [Portland ME] (24 Nove...

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Review [09] of The Monastic Journey.. in Church World [Portland ME] (24 Nove...


  • 1977 (생성)


See Scope and Content note.

생산자 이름

개인 이력

Thomas P. McDonnell was a staff writer for «The Pilot», a publication of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston, Massachusetts. He often wrote book reviews about Merton's books, edited «A Thomas Merton Reader», and interviewed Merton for «Motive», a magazine affiliated with the Methodist Student Movement. McDonnell often sent Merton other reviews and articles he had written for «The Pilot» and other publications.

내용과 구조 요소

범위와 내용

Review (by: McDonnell, Thomas P.) in Church World [Portland ME] (24 November 1977): 8.

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      대체 식별자

      First Lines:

      'Was Thomas Merton the last great 'traditional' monk of the Western world? It is essential, I think,'...

      Review Title:

      Was Thomas Merton the last great traditional monk?.


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