Review [01] of Ishi Means Man.. in National Catholic Reporter 12 (Sept...

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Review [01] of Ishi Means Man.. in National Catholic Reporter 12 (Sept...


  • 1976 (생성)


See Scope and Content note.

생산자 이름


개인 이력

Harry J. Cargas was writing from the Department of English at Saint Louis University in Missouri. He was the former editor of «Queen's Work», who published Merton's introduction to the Japanese edition of «The Seven Storey Mountain». He was a decorated combat veteran who had become a pacifist and liked Merton's writings on non-violence.

내용과 구조 요소

범위와 내용

Review (by: Cargas, Harry James) in National Catholic Reporter 12 (September 24 1976):18.

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      First Lines:

      'Many books written by Thomas Merton are still to be published - even now, eight'...

      Review Title:

      Merton Assesses the Indians.


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