Review [09] of Figures for an Apocalypse.. in Saturday Review of Literature [NY] ...

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Review [09] of Figures for an Apocalypse.. in Saturday Review of Literature [NY] ...


  • 1948 (생성)


See Scope and Content note.

생산자 이름


개인 이력

John Howard Griffin was a journalist and author of a book that Merton read and found inspirational, Black Like Me, in which Griffin took medication to darken his skin and traveled throughout the racially segregated south of the late 1950's. Griffin first came to Gethsemani and met Merton in the early 1960's. Thereafter, he often visited and struck up a correspondence with Merton. He was also friends with Jacques Maritain who met with him and Merton in October of 1966 at Gethsemani. Griffin helped foster a love of photography in Merton and provided cameras, film and developing for him. Griffin was appointed Merton's official biographer, but was unable to finish his planned biography due to health troubles. Despite this, he produced a book on Merton's photography titled A Hidden Wholeness: The Visual World of Thomas Merton. Two books using materials collected while working on Merton's biography were published after Griffin's death, The Hermitage Journal: A Diary Kept While Working on the Biography of Thomas Merton and Follow the Ecstasy: Thomas Merton, the Hermitage Years 1965-1968. All letters are written from Griffin's home in Texas, unless otherwise stated. He was in Mansfield, Texas, until midway through 1966, then in Fort Worth.

내용과 구조 요소

범위와 내용

Review (by: Griffin, John Howard) in Saturday Review of Literature [NY] (10 July 1948): 21, 26.

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      First Lines:

      'In the first of these volumes an exciting young voice speaks out - a voice humble yet authoritative'...

      Review Title:

      Exciting, Low Voices.


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