식별 요소
US US-kylobm TMC-RG3-i-008a-D4b-22
기록보존소의 이름과 위치
기술 계층
Review [22] of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton.. in Bulletin de L'Aide a L'Implantation...
- 1974 (생성)
See Scope and Content note.
생산자 이름
개인 이력
Dom Jean Leclercq was a Benedictine priest, prolific writer and scholar of the history of monasticism. Born in France, he joined the Abbey of Clervaux in Luxembourg. He first came into contact with Merton concerning the history of the Trappists. Later, during the changes occurring within the Catholic Church before and after the Second Vatican Council, they carry on a crucial dialog on the role and future of monasticism.
내용과 구조 요소
범위와 내용
Review (by: Leclercq, Jean, Dom, O.S.B.) in Bulletin de L'Aide a L'Implantation Monastique 17 (1974): 111-113.
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수집과 평가 요소
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원본 존재와 소장위치
복사본의 존재와 소장위치
관련 기록 자료
관련 기술
주기 요소
상세 노트
대체 식별자
First Lines:
'Merton's memory will be for every linked with the A.I.M. since his last writings were occasioned by'...
Review Title:
Thomas merton.