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- 1965 November 27 (Création/Production)
Importance matérielle
1 page(s); Carbon copy of a typed letter (not signed).
Nom du producteur
Notice biographique
Thomas Merton (1915-1968) was a writer and Trappist monk at Our Lady of Gethsemani Abbey in Kentucky. His writings include such classics as The Seven Storey Mountain, New Seeds of Contemplation, and Zen and the Birds of Appetite. Merton is the author of more than seventy books that include poetry, personal journals, collections of letters, social criticism, and writings on peace, justice, and ecumenism.
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Portée et contenu
First lines: "I do not remember whether or not I answered your letter about writing a special preface for"... Contents index: Merton would like to see a copy of the Second Vatican Council Encyclical "Gaudium et Spes", the Church in the Modern World, before writing preface to «Redeeming the Time».
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Langue des documents
- anglais