"Bourne, Russell" correspondence

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
#03 1967-01-05, TLS Bourne to Merton, 'Your kind letter arrived just in time for me to share it with the project's' Item 1967 January 5
#04 1967-01-07, TL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter of the 5th which reached me this morning. I still have not' Item 1967 January 7
#11 1967-09-24, TL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'I am enclosing a tentative plan for my introduction to the opening volume of the' Item 1967 September 24
#15 1968-03-13, TLS Bourne to Merton, 'You're right that the best place for your piece would be in the position between the' Item 1968 March 13
#01 1966-12-15, TLS Bourne to Merton, 'Our very good friend and consultant, Dr. Abraham Heschel, has told us of your' Item 1966 December 15
#06 1967-02-15, TL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'Thanks for your letterof [sic] Jan.27 and above all for the splendid book on' Item 1967 February 15
#07 1967-02-17, TLS Bourne to Merton, 'Thanks for your note. I was very pleased to hear that you see no big obstacle' Item 1967 February 17
#08 1967-02-24 (#02), TL[c] Bourne from Stone, Naomi Burton, 'Many thanks for yours of February 17th and the enclosed document. Perhaps I didn't' Item 1967 February 24
#13 1968-02-26, TLS Bourne to Merton, 'Enclosed for your interest is a copy of Dr. James Sander's Introduction to the Old' Item 1968 February 26
#02 1966-12-27, TL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter of the 15th, which gives me a much clearer idea of the' Item 1966 December 27
#05 1967-01-27, TLS Bourne to Merton, 'It certainly was kind of you to entertain me at such length and so well when I was' Item 1967 January 27
#09 1967-05-22, TLS Bourne to Merton, 'Last week at a small conference of our Bible consultants I was able to grab the' Item 1967 May 22
#14 1968-03-09, TL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'Thanks for sending me Dr Sanders' OT introduction. I have just glanced at it so far' Item 1968 March 9
#16 1968-03-28, TL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'Well, you turned the tables on me. I was happy to see your concrete poem. There is' Item 1968 March 28
#10 1967-06-07, TL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter of May 22nd. I am still certainly hoping to see you and Dr' Item 1967 June 7
#12 1967-09-28, TLS Bourne to Merton, 'Many thanks for your outline which has just arrived. It looks interesting and full' Item 1967 September 28