"Bonazzi, Robert" correspondence

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
#01 1966-10-14, TALS Bonazzi to Merton, 'John Griffin wrote me as soon as he got back from the Abbey with you and Jacques' Item 1966 October 14
#07 1967-09-08, TL[c] Bonazzi from Merton, 'Perfectly ok to use the quote from "Letter to Innocent Bystander". And of course to' Item 1967 September 8
#13 1967-10-08, TALS Bonazzi to Merton, 'Since last writing you we have decided to do a little 20-page quarto to commemorate' Item 1967 October 8 (date approximate)
#14 1967-10-09, TLS Bonazzi to Merton, 'Just returned from Griffin's. The photographs are fantastic! We will just flip' Item 1967 October 9
#18 1967-12-10, TL[c] Bonazzi from Merton, 'I don't see any problems whatever about the copyrights. It seems to me everything' Item 1967 December 1
#19 1967-12-26, TLS Bonazzi to Merton, 'Heard the long almighty & beautiful tape at John Griffin's last weekend and he' Item 1967 December 26
#20 1968-01-31, TLS Bonazzi to Merton, 'Thank you for your note. What is this about starting a magazine of your own? I' Item 1968 January 31
#23 1997-03-31 (#01), TLS Bonazzi to Grip, Robert, 'Thanks so much for the kindly support, the generous clarification of expenses in our' Item 1997 March 31
#04 1967-05-13, TL[c] Bonazzi from Merton, 'I have been meaning to write and thank you for the first issue of Latitudes. I' Item 1967 May 13
#05 1967-05-22, TALS Bonazzi to Merton, 'First rule of publishing: a Monk should never allow an editor to edit out what' Item 1967 May 22
#22 1968-07-07, Bonazzi from Merton, 'I'm sorry everyone is bugging you about Latitudes 5. As a matter of fact I hadn't' Item 1997 March 31
#24 1997-03-31 (#02), other Bonazzi to Grip, Robert, 'ELIZABETH GRIFFIN-BONAZZI --Widow of John Howard Griffin, wife of 27 years, mother' Item 1997 April 3
#02 1966-10-19, TAPCS Bonazzi to Merton, 'Thank you so much for the ok on the poem. I will of course makesome [sic] reference' Item 1966 October 19
#10 1967-10-03 (#01), TLS[c] Bonazzi from Griffin, John Howard, 'Gregory and I are in a dudgeon over these Merton photos. After we mocked up a first' Item 1967 October 3
#12 1967-10-03 (#03), TALS Bonazzi to Merton, 'What a very moving collection of signatures. We are mulling over them now but' Item 1967 October 3
#15 1967-10-10, TL[c] Bonazzi from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter: glad everything is working out. I am happy that you can' Item 1967 October 1
#16 1967-10-15, TLS Bonazzi to Merton, 'Acknowledging your letter which clarified CABLES TO THE [sic] ACE and all news of' Item 1967 October 15
#17 1967-12-06, TLS Bonazzi to Merton, 'John is genuinely frantic about your special issue of Latitudes, concerning' Item 1967 December 6
#21b 1997-04-30, TLS Bonazzi to Grip, Robert, 'Thanks so much for your kind letter of 21 April, as well as for the much-needed' Item 1968 July 7
#03 1967-01-18, HLS Bonazzi to Merton, 'Congratulations on your fantastic poem, "Fall '66", in NY REVIEW (Dec. 15 issue) -- ' Item 1967 January 18
#06 1967-09-01, TLS Bonazzi to Merton, 'We have decided to make #3 and #4 a DOUBLE ISSUE for many reasons: 1) to balance' Item 1967 September 1
#08 1967-09-17, TALS Bonazzi to Merton, 'Have chosen from CABLES what could stand as individual poems. (see carbons from' Item 1967 September 17
#09 1967-09-28, TL[c] Bonazzi from Merton, 'Many thanks for your letter and the returned ms. I am chacking [sic] immediately' Item 1967 September 28
#11 1967-10-03 (#02), TN Bonazzi from Griffin, John Howard / to Merton, 'You will probably have the prints from E&F when you receive this. I enclose a' Item 1967 October 3
#21 1968-02-29, TL[c] Bonazzi from Merton, 'Sorry for not letting you know sooner about the poems, pix etc. I don't want to' Item 1968 February 29