"Bissey, Colomban, Dom, O.C.S.O." correspondence

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
#02 1960-02-16, TL[x] Bissey from Fox, James, 'We have more pleasant news for you now than in our last letter in regard to the book' Item 1960 February 16
#04 1964-01-07 (#02), transcript Bissey from Merton, 'Here are a few words for you first of all to wish you a happy New Year, and then' Item 1964 January 7
#07 1965-04-07 (#01), TAL[c] Bissey from Merton, 'Vous avez été bien aimable ce matin, je regrette beaucoup de vous avoir' Item 1965 April 7
#11 1965-11-08 (#02), transcript Bissey from Merton, 'Here is an answer I am writing to your Fr. Raymond who wrote to me as you know. I' Item 1965 November 8
#13 1967-01-24 (#01), TLS[x] Bissey from Bernard, Fr., O.C.S.O. / to James Fox, 'Vous n'êtes pas sans savoir que notre Père Abbé vient d'être nommé Chevalier de la' Item 1967 January 24
#18 1967-02-01 (#02), TLS[x] Bissey from Fox, James / to Fr. Bernard, O.C.S.O., 'I presume that you can read english, I hope. I know you have acted in all' Item 1967 February 1
#23 1967-06-23 (#01), TL[c] Bissey from Merton, 'Merci de votre aimable lettre. Je suis content d'avoir de vos nouvelles. Les' Item 1967 June 23
#06 1964-01-27, HLS Bissey to Merton, 'Merci de votre charmante lettre du 7 et de votre livre "Emblems of a Season of' Item 1964 January 27
#08 1965-04-07 (#02), transcript Bissey from Merton, 'You were very kind this morning and I am very sorry to have caused you some' Item 1965 April 7
#09 1965-04-28, HLS Bissey to Merton, 'C'est de Cîteaux, où je viens d'arriver pour le Ch. G'al presque eu même temps que' Item 1965 April 28
#14 1967-01-24 (#02), TLS[x] Bissey from Bernard, Fr., O.C.S.O. / to Merton, 'Vous savez déjà par une indiscrétion de mon Père Prieur (mon frère de sang) la' Item 1967 January 24
#16 1967-01-31, HLS Bissey to Merton, 'J'aurais voulu vous annonce' Item 1967 January 31
#19 1967-02-16 (#01), TL[c] Bissey from Merton, 'Voici que je viens un peu en retard pour vous féliciter, mais vous savez bien' Item 1967 February 16
#20 1967-02-16 (#02), transcript Bissey from Merton, 'Here I come a little bit late to congratulate you, but you know well how happy I am' Item 1967 February 16
#01 1950-05-29, HLS Bissey to Merton, 'Merci de tant coeur pour les deux exemplaires de votre beau livre sur sainte' Item 1950 May 29
#03 1964-01-07 (#01), TAL[c] Bissey from Merton, 'Voici un petit mot pour vous souhaiter d'abord une bonne année. Et puis quelques' Item 1964 January 7
#10 1965-11-08 (#01), TL[c] Bissey from Merton, 'Voici une réponse que j'écris a votre P. Raymond qui m'a écrit, comme vous le savez' Item 1965 November 8
#12 1965-11-29, HLS Bissey to Merton, 'Votre lettre du 8 Nov. m'a causé me immense' Item 1965 November 29
#15 1967-01-24 (#03), TNS[x] Bissey from Merton to James Fox, 'What about it? How about a nice birthday present? --You yourself often say it is' Item 1967 January 24
#17 1967-02-01 (#01), TLS[x] Bissey from Fox, James, 'I would not want you to misinterpret my letter which I have written to good Father' Item 1967 February 1
#21 1967-06-12 (#01), HLS Bissey to Merton, 'N'ayant pas "l'opportunité" d'aller vous voir cette année, je bien vous faire' Item 1967 June 12
#05 1964-01-07 (#03), transcript Bissey from Merton, 'Here are a few words for you, first of all to wish you a happy New Year. And then' Item 1964 January 7
#22 1967-06-12 (#02), other Bissey, 'Demande à Père Louis de Gethsemani (Th. Merton) un article comprenant de six à dix' Item 1967 June 12
#24 1967-06-23 (#02), transcript Bissey from Merton, 'Thanks for your kind letter. I am happy to have received your news. The editors of' Item 1967 June 23