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US US-kylobm TMC-RG1-B-041-#07
기록보존소의 이름과 위치
기술 계층
1968-02-14, TALS Belford from Merton, 'From the way one of the girls at Seabury was talking of reviews it sounded as though'
- 1968 February 14 (생성)
1 page(s); Typed signed letter with holograph (handwritten) annotations.
생산자 이름
개인 이력
Thomas Merton (1915-1968) was a writer and Trappist monk at Our Lady of Gethsemani Abbey in Kentucky. His writings include such classics as The Seven Storey Mountain, New Seeds of Contemplation, and Zen and the Birds of Appetite. Merton is the author of… Read more
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범위와 내용
First lines: "From the way one of the girls at Seabury was talking of reviews it sounded as though the Plague"... Contents index: planning long article on Camus' «The Stranger» / "done with Camus for a while" / "girls in the publicity department [Seabury… Read more
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Senders and recipients—
from Koshland, William / to John Goodbody