식별 요소
기록보존소의 이름과 위치
기술 계층
- 1967-1968, 1980 (생성)
1 folder, 12 items, 20 pages
생산자 이름
개인 이력
James Thomas Baker, at the time of writing, was a graduate student in humanities at Florida State University. He was writing an interdisciplinary dissertation about Merton in literature, the arts, and religion (see "Related Information" below). Baker first came to know of Merton's writings while a student of Glenn Hinson at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY.
내용과 구조 요소
범위와 내용
In this interesting group of letters, Merton provides insights on how the body of his works were viewed within the Church, by the academic community, and by non-Catholics like James T. Baker, a Baptist.
정리 시스템
Records are arranged chronologically. Records are not divided into Series.
열람 및 이용 요소의 조건
Regulations governing use of the collection can be found here: (‹https://bellarmine.libraryhost.com/index.php/rules›).
기술적 접근
자료의 언어
자료의 규약들
기록물의 언어 및 규약
수집과 평가 요소
보관 이력
수집의 직접적 출처
평가, 폐기, 처리일정 정보
추가 이관
관련 자료 요소들
원본 존재와 소장위치
복사본의 존재와 소장위치
관련 기록 자료
See also a dissertation, a book, and a play by James Thomas Baker (‹https://bellarmine.on.worldcat.org/search?databaseList=638&queryString=au:James+Thomas+Baker›) about Thomas Merton, and published letters from Merton to Baker in «The Hidden Ground of Love» (‹https://bellarmine.on.worldcat.org/search?queryString=no%3A26858207›).