Surnames beginning with the letter "A"

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
039 "Andrews, Faith Elizabeth (Young)" correspondence Record subgroup 1964-1965, 1971-1984
#03 1964-08-18, HLS Andrews to Merton, 'Your most comforting letter-- followed by the beautiful preface to our book--' Item 1964 August 18
#06 1964-12-07 (#02), other Andrews, 'Dr. Edward Deming Andrews, Ted to his classmates, was born in Pittsfield, Mass.' Item 1964 December 7
#07 1965-04-20, HLS Andrews from Merton, 'I think often of you and of the' Item 1965 April 2
#11 1983-02-07 (#01), TLS Andrews to Center from Andrews, Faith, 'I'm happy to be able to help you complete your collection of Thomas Merton's' Item 1983 February 7
#13 1983-02-11, TLS Andrews from Center to Andrews, Faith, 'I was delighted to receive your letter of February 7, enclosing three of the missing' Item 1983 February 11
#14 1983-04-25, TLS[x] Andrews from Center to Andrews, Faith, 'I am writing you to inform you that I expect to go to Louisville on May' Item 1983 April 25
#16 1983-06-25, other Andrews to Center from Andrews, Faith, 'The Bookstore is pleased to invite you to a Booksigning Party for Faith' Item 1983 June 25
#17 1983-07-12, HLS Andrews to Center from Andrews, Faith, 'Your letter from Pleasant Hill was a beautiful one. Now I must tell you of the' Item 1983 July 12
#18 1983-08-07, TLS[c] Andrews from Center to Andrews, Faith, 'It was a real joy to meet you and to have the opportunity of talking with you about' Item 1983 August 7
044 "Anna Mary, Sr." correspondence Record subgroup 1949
045 "Anne Madeleine, Sr., V.H.M." correspondence Record subgroup 1968
#02 1968-03-15, TL[c] Anne Madeleine from Merton, 'Unfortunately I cannot come to your workshop. I realize that something of the sort' Item 1968 March 15
#01 1966-02-15, TALS Annesi to Merton, 'About two years ago I had a long talk (in fact, several long talks extending over 4' Item 1966 February 15
#02 1966-02-21, TL[c] Annesi from Merton, 'I am afraid that Dom James, now absent, has been making every effort to see that I' Item 1966 February 21
#01 1964-11-06, TAL[c] Antoine from Merton, 'I am afraid that I cannot five you a great deal of information on the Carthusians' Item 1964 November 6
049 "Anton, Rita (Kenter)" correspondence Record subgroup 1966-1967
051 "Antoninus, Br. (William Oliver Everson), O.P." correspondence Record subgroup 1960-1968, 1973
#02 1960-12-01, TALS[x] Antoninus from Merton, 'It was very thoughtful of you to send me the piece about Cuba by Leroi Jones. It is' Item 1960 December 1
#06 1961-09-01, HPCS Antoninus from Merton, 'Thanks for your very good and kind letter. I am glad I gave you the books and that' Item 1961 September 1
#15 1965-01-09 (#01), TLS[c] Antoninus from Merton, 'Many thanks for the "Tongs" which got here a couple of days ago. I have not had a' Item 1965 January 9
#17 1967-01-27, HLS Antoninus to Merton, 'Time has come for me to publish another book of poems with Doubleday and I would' Item 1967 January 27
#23 undated (#01), HLS[x] Antoninus from Merton, 'This is to thank you belatedly for the […] a fine book of penetrating insights and' Item undated
#01 1968-04-18, TL[c] Antoniutti to Merton, 'I am grateful to your Paternity for the report you submitted on the three meetings' Item 1968 April 18
#03 undated (#01), TL[c] Appel from Merton, 'Sorry, I owe answers to three or four notes. I will try to cover what I remember: ' Item undated
#02 1968-02-11, TL[c] Apple from Merton, 'I wish I had been able to answer you sooner. I know you have' Item 1968 February 11
#02 1966-03-05 (#01), TL[c] Appleton from Merton, 'You may certainly read the galleys of MYSTICS AND ZEN MASTERS when the publisher has' Item 1966 March 5
#03 1966-03-05 (#02), TALS[x] Appleton from Merton, 'You may certainly read the galleys of MYSTICS AND ZEN MASTERS when the publisher has' Item 1966 March 5
#04 1967-12-30, TL[c] Arasteh from Merton, 'Thanks for your very charming card: certainly the most beautiful and most' Item 1967 December 3
#07 1968-02-07, TLS Arasteh to Merton, 'Thank you for your letter and your kind appreciation of my book. I also enjoyed' Item 1968 February 7
#12 1968-05-22 (#01), TL[c] Arasteh from Merton, 'Here is the reworked piece on "Rebirth in Christianity". I have been somewhat' Item 1968 May 22
#25 undated (#01), other Arasteh, 'Arasteh, A(bdol) Reza 1927- / Personal: Born September 27, 1927, in Shiraz,' Item undated
057 "Arca de Sardiña, Evora" correspondence Record subgroup 1961-1966
#08 1961-11-27, TLS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'Have courage and faith. The advent liturgy will soon be reminding us that the Lord' Item 1961 November 27
#13 1962-05-24, TLS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'I deeply feel with you all the emotions that have shaken you, on meeting the' Item 1962 May 24
#15 1962-08-17, TLS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'I am sorry I have been busy and have not been able to write. This is just a note to' Item 1962 August 17
#20 1963-02-22, TLS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'Thanks for your two letters. The last one was particularly good, and I want to tell' Item 1963 February 22
#01 1963-11-13, TAL[c] from Merton, 'Recibo su carta con much [sic] interés, y trato de contsatarle [sic] al menos unas' Item 1963 November 13
#01 undated, TALS Arnold to Merton, 'Several people have asked about you in the letters that I received. Mrs. Hardebeck' Item undated
#01 1964-07-09, TLS Arnold to Merton, 'We want to thank you very much for your letter of July 4 in response to the books' Item 1964 July 9
#01 1968-09-07, TANS Arthon to Merton, 'tell father louis that ron seitz called and said that he would be here on Tuesday at' Item 1968 September 7
#01 1967-03-27 (#01), TLS Asch to Merton, 'We have acquired the publishing rights to The Roots of Faith Religion Series' Item 1967 March 27
066 "Astudillo, Rubén" correspondence Record subgroup undated
#04 1968-08-26, HLS Atkins to Merton, 'I have never thanked you for the two issues of Monks Pond. I haven't had' Item 1968 August 26
#01 1967-05-22, TLS Aud to Merton, 'My name is David Aud. My father (Jim) speaks highly of you, having been an English' Item 1967 May 22
#02 1967-05-27, TL[c] Aud from Merton, 'Sure, I remember Jim Aud, and of course have always the fondest memories of St' Item 1967 May 27
#01 1963-05-27, TALS Austin to Merton, 'May we have your permission to reprint in our 15th annual volume of Borestone' Item 1963 May 27
#02 1963-05-31, HALS Austin from Merton, 'Many thanks for your kind letter. I am glad to grant permission for "The Moslems'' Item 1963 May 31
075 "Ayyaneth, Fr." correspondence Record subgroup 1964
076 "Aziz, Abdul" correspondence Record subgroup 1959-1968, 1990-1999
#03 1959-12-17, TALS Aziz to Nicholas Heer, 'I am in receipt of your letter dated the 18th November and I am extremely grateful' Item 1959 December 17
#05 1960-11-01, TALS Aziz to Merton, 'I am in correspondence with a Prof. Louis Massignon of Paris, the common bond of' Item 1960 November 1
#19 1962-04-04 (#01), TALS[x] Aziz from Merton, 'Finally I must answer your letters, at least briefly. A brief answer will be better' Item 1962 April 4
#21 1962-04-04 (#03), other[x] Aziz from Merton, 'SONG FOR THE DEATH OF AVERROËS (from Ibn Al Arabi, after the Spanish version of Asin' Item 1962 April 4
#25 1962-06-21, TALS Aziz to Merton, 'I acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your letter enclosing an offprint of your' Item 1962 June 21
#27 1962-12-26 (#01), TALS[x] Aziz from Merton, 'It is certainly true that I deserve your mild and kind reproach for being a poor' Item 1962 December 26
#28 1962-12-26 (#02), TALS[x] Aziz from Merton, 'It is certainly true that I deserve your mild and kind reproach for being a poor' Item 1962 December 26
#33 1963-12-19, HLS Aziz to Merton, 'I am grateful to you for your detailed reply but as you had kindly mentioned therein' Item 1963 December 19
#44 1966-01-02 (#01), TL[c] Aziz from Merton, 'I have your two kind letters of Dec. 1 and Dec. 20th and once again I will try' Item 1966 January 2
#48 1966-04-04, HLS Aziz to Merton, 'My very dear good friend, I received your kind letter dt 23/3/66, while I was lying' Item 1966 April 4
#49 1966-12-28, TL[c] Aziz from Merton, 'Your good letter reached me in this season of holy days and I have not failed to' Item 1966 December 28
#51 1968-01-16, TL[c] Aziz from Merton, 'I was happy to receive your letter of December 18th. Also especially thank you for' Item 1968 January 16
#54 1990-12-04, HLS[x] Aziz to Shannon, William, 'I had acknowledged with thanks the receipt on 30th August, 1990 of your kind letter' Item 1990 December 4
#60 1994-11-30, HLS[x] Aziz to Shannon, William, 'I acknowedge with gratitude your last letter dt.' Item 1994 November 3
#62 1995-12-05, HLS[x] Aziz to Shannon, William, 'On 18th March, 1995, I sent you a detailed air mail lette acknowledging gratefully' Item 1995 December 5
#68 1999-09-18, TLS Aziz to Center from Heer, Nicholas, 'Thank you for your letter of 11 September 1999. I'm glad to know that the Abdul' Item 1999 September 18
#03 1967-05-12, TL[x] Abe from Merton, 'Just after I had sent you my last letter, the copies of "Japanese Religi [page cuts' Item 1967 May 12
#01 1967-11-18, TALS Aberle to Merton, 'Forgive me, but whereas I know that Franciscans are addressed by their first names' Item 1967 November 18 View
#01 1966-05-16, TLS Accioly to Merton, 'Animado por D.Abade Basílio Penido, que me disse que poderia escrever mesmo em' Item 1966 May 16
#02 1966-06-13, TAL[c] Accioly from Merton, 'I have your letter of May 16th and regret my delay in answering your questions. I' Item 1966 June 13
008 "Aelred, Fr., S.S.F." correspondence Record subgroup 1964
#02 1964-12-08, TL[c] Aelred from Merton, 'I thank you in anticipation for the book and magazine you have sent. They will, I' Item 1964 December 8
#05 1967-09-23, HLS Agadjanian to Merton, '1) I have finished reading "Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander", and it is certainly' Item 1967 September 23
#01 undated, HALS Agnes to Merton, '1. When can a Carmelite Monastery be declared "non-viable"? Because of a genuine' Item undated
#10 1952-09-04, TLS Ahern to Merton, 'Under separate cover I am returning the ms. All typographical errors are checked' Item 1952 September 4
#15 1953-01-29, TLS Ahern to Merton, 'Thank you for your letter of clarification; for, yes, I was concerned. Your' Item 1953 January 29
#17 1953-02-20, transcript Ahern to Fox, James, 'I am writing directly to you, for I feared a letter to Father M. Louis might not' Item 1953 February 2
#22 1954-05-12, TLS Ahern to Merton, 'Thank you ever so much -- first, for the fine letter of February 27, which I should' Item 1954 May 12
#23 1954-08-09, TLS Ahern to Merton, 'I returned just this morning from the summer schools in Detroit (to our own Fathers)' Item 1954 August 9
#25 1955-07-24 (#02), other Ahern to Merton, '1. The new translation must read smoothly and yet follow the text closely. It must' Item 1955 July 24
#26 1955-09-05, TALS Ahern to Merton, 'It was very good to hear from you, and to know that you will carry on with the' Item 1955 September 5
#01 1960-03-11, TALS Akers to Merton, 'We are traveling around this part of the country, these days. Bob is making' Item 1960 March 11
#08 1964-11-21, TL[c] Akers from Merton, 'It has been good to hear from you and to see the postcards with which you share your' Item 1964 November 21
#10 1965-01-29, TALS Akers to Merton, 'Due to the introduction of friends we had a very memorable visit which I wanted to' Item 1965 January 29
#12 1970-10-05, TALS Akers from Center to Akers, Sibylle, 'We are writing to you regarding your correspondence with the late Thomas Merton. ' Item 1970 October 5
#01 1960-11-18 (#01), TLS Alexeieff to Merton, 'Tout ce qui touche B.Pasternak me touche et intéresse Ainsi, sans en faire un' Item 1960 November 18
021 "Alice, M., Sr., O.S.B." correspondence Record subgroup 1967, 1970
#02 1967-10-16 (#01), TLS Alice from Merton, 'I am in the middle of the semi-hopeless task of trying to get through the piled up' Item 1967 October 16
#06 undated, HN Alice, 'Sister Alice thought this might be' Item undated
#01 1963-07-04, TLS[x] Allchin from Merton, 'It was a pleasure to receive your letter. Certainly you will be very welcome at the' Item 1963 July 4
#03 1963-10-21, HLS Allchin from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter. I find the proposal to do an introduction on Isaac for' Item 1963 October 21
#06 1964-01-04, HLS Allchin to Merton, 'Please forgive me for not writing before. I have meant to, over and over again, but' Item 1964 January 4
#08 1964-12-31, HLS Allchin to Merton, 'It's a very long time since I have written. I am so sorry, but you certainly know' Item 1964 December 31
#09 1965-05-22 (#01), TALS[x] Allchin from Merton, 'Please believe that I am covered with the most utter confusion. I knew I owed you a' Item 1965 May 22
#10 1965-05-22 (#02), TL[c] Allchin from Merton, 'Please believe that I am covered with the most utter confusion. I knew I owed you a' Item 1965 May 22
#15 1967-01-27, HLS Allchin to Merton, 'Thank you very much for your letter. I have now heard from my friends in Louisville' Item 1967 January 27
#17 1967-04-04, HLS Allchin to Merton, 'I was taught at home (and also at […] perhaps?) that one ought always to write Thank' Item 1967 April 4
#18 1967-06-16 (#01), TLS[x] Allchin from Merton, 'So many things to thank your for. It seems a long time since your visit, when the' Item 1967 June 16
#24 1967-09-27, TALS Allchin to Merton, 'Thank you very much for your letter which was extremely encouraging from more points' Item 1967 September 27
#31 1968-03-26, HLS Allchin to Merton, 'Thank you very much for your letter. We shall aim to be at the monastery by about' Item 1968 March 26