Surnames beginning with the letter "A"

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
#10 1983-01-26, TAL Andrews from Center to Andrews, Faith, 'It was good to talk with you on the telephone. As I told you then I have been' Item 1983 January 26
040 "Angela Marie, Sr." correspondence Record subgroup 1964
#01 1964-12-30, TL[c] Angela Marie from Merton, 'Here I sit behind a very large pile of letters, trying to figure out which ones I' Item 1964 December 3
041 "Angela, Rev. Mother, O.C.S.O." correspondence Record subgroup 1958
#05 1961-08-22, HLS Antoninus to Merton, 'I returned from a long sojourn in the Northwest trying to imbibe something of that' Item 1961 August 22
#11 1964-09-03, TLS[x] Antoninus from Merton, 'Fine. We will look for you early in November. Have the people in Louisville' Item 1964 September 3
#12 1964-10-05, TLS[x] Antoninus from Merton, 'Congratulations and blessings. I was praying for you Saturday, your profession day.' Item 1964 October 5
#19 1967-01-30 (#02), TLS[x] Antoninus from Merton, 'I am delighted that you can use the photograph on the jacket of the new book. ' Item 1967 January 3
#20 1968-05-05, HLS[x] Antoninus from Merton, 'I would be so happy to have something of yours for […] venture-- a poem, a bit of' Item 1968 May 5
#22 1973-12-04, TL[c] Antoninus from Center to Antoninus, Br., 'I am one of the Merton Trustees and currently involved with Father Merton's' Item 1973 December 4
#05 undated (#03), TAL[c] Appel from Merton, 'Bibliographical problems come over horizon perhaps we need to hit Cornell again high' Item undated
054 "Apple, Karen" correspondence Record subgroup 1968
#01 1966-03-01, TLS Appleton to Merton, 'Your publishers have informed us that you control first serial rights to MYSTICS AND' Item 1966 March 1
#04 1967-06-28, TLS Arnold to Merton, 'First of all thank you so much for your kind letter of June 22. We are indeed' Item 1967 June 28
064 "Arthon, Thomas, Br. (Br. Egbert), O.C.S.O." correspondence Record subgroup 1968
#01 undated, TLS Astudillo to Merton, 'Verdad que no importa el que no seamos católicos los dos, para que puede a llamarle' Item undated
067 "Atencio, Mr." correspondence Record subgroup 1967
#01 1967-09-05, TL[c] Atencio from Merton, 'I am returning the manuscript you sent me. As I get an unusual number of books and' Item 1967 September 5
#06 undated (#02), TL[c] Atkins from Merton, 'It is silly to bother you with this piece of absurd nonsense, but as I made you a' Item undated
#01 1967-01-20, TL[c] Augustine from Merton, 'Thanks for your good letter. It is encouraging to get a letter from a Cistercian' Item 1967 January 2
072 "Augustinius, Gervasius F., Fr., K.M.NTARA." correspondence Record subgroup 1965
#02 1961-12-30 (#02), transcript Acharya to Merton, 'Mon séjour en votre ashram fût une découverte bien agréable. Pour la première fois' Item 1961 December 3
#03 1961-12-30 (#03), transcript Acharya to Merton, 'En Inde, qu'on soit Hindou, musulman ou bouddhiste, la sainteté consiste' Item 1961 December 3
#02 1959-11-18, HLS Aziz from Heer, Nicholas / to Abdul Aziz, 'Let me first apologize for not answering your letter of 22 September 1959 before' Item 1959 November 18
#04 1960-01-25, TALS Aziz to Nicholas Heer, 'I had replied to your letter dated 18th November 1959 on 17th December 1959, and I' Item 1960 January 25
#20 1962-04-04 (#02), transcript Aziz from Merton, 'Finally I must answer your letters, at least briefly. A brief answer will be better' Item 1962 April 4
#23 1962-04-04 (#05), other[x] Aziz from Merton, 'MISCELLANEA MONASTICA [-] THE ENGLISH MYSTICS. In regard to some recent' Item 1962 April 4
#37 1965-11-01, TALS Aziz to Merton, 'In your December reply to my X'mas and New Years greetings you had kindly promised' Item 1965 November 1
#38 1965-11-02, TALS[x] Aziz from Merton, 'I am really sorry for my long silence, and I know that there is no real way to make' Item 1965 November 2
#47 1966-03-23, TALS[x] Aziz from Merton, 'Thanks for your find letter which I cannot answer adequately now as I am about to go' Item 1966 March 23
#52 1968-04-24 (#01), TL[c] Aziz from Merton, 'I want to say that some time ago I received the book of Seyyed Hossein Nasr safely' Item 1968 April 24
#55 1991-10-29, HLS[x] Aziz to Shannon, William, 'I heaved a sigh of relief to receive your long-awaited letter dt. 3/10/91 which' Item 1991 October 29
#57 1992-07-26, HLS[x] Aziz to Shannon, William, 'I acknowledge with deep gratitude and joy the receipt of your valuable gift of the' Item 1992 July 26
#58 1992-11-28, HLS[x] Aziz to Shannon, William, 'I hasten to send you my sincere greetings on your forthcoming 75th birthday' Item 1992 November 28
#65 1997-04-15, HLS[x] Aziz to Shannon, William, 'I am glad that at long last you were good enough to find some time from your heavy' Item 1997 April 15
#66 1999-08-06, TL Aziz from Heer, Nicholas / to Rob Baker, 'Enclosed are copies of the letters from Abdul Aziz. In addition to the one I' Item 1999 August 6
#67 1999-08-23, TLS Aziz to Center from Heer, Nicholas, 'Thank you for your letter of 16 August 1999. Enclosed are the original Abdel [sic]' Item 1999 August 23
#69 undated (#01), other Aziz, 'My academic qualifications are of the highest order, being M.A., LL.B., I was a' Item undated
#70 undated (#02), other Aziz, 'Ch. Abdul Aziz, whose letters sparked Merton's interest in Sufism, has lived all his' Item undated
#02 1967-07-10, TL[c] Allen from Merton, 'I want to write a few words to thank you for your letter and to encourage you to' Item 1967 July 1
#05 1968-01-26 (#01), TLS Arasteh from Merton, 'Your book is very fine and I am giving it a slow and fruitful reading. I find it' Item 1968 January 26
#08 1968-02-17, TALS Arasteh to Merton, 'Thank you for your kind letter and the newsletter too. If weather does not prevent' Item 1968 February 17
#11 1968-04-02, TALS[x] Arasteh from Merton, 'Many thanks for your letter. April 12 is a difficult day in some respects as it is' Item 1968 April 2
#16 1974-01-08, HLS[x] Arasteh from Tremblay, Yvonne, 'During my studies at the University of Ottawa in view of obtaining a Ph.D. in' Item 1974 January 8
#18 1976-10-19, TLS[x] Arasteh from McCorkell, Edward, 'You may be surprised to hear from a Cistercian monk out here in the lovely' Item 1976 October 19
#19 1978-02-17, TALS[x] Arasteh from Smith, Anne Abel, 'I am glad to say we received this morning three complimentary copies of the Spanish' Item 1978 February 17
#20 1980-03-22, TLS[x] Arasteh from McCorkell, Edward, 'Last week I was delighted when the mail brought a copy of your book, GROWTH TO' Item 1980 March 22
#21 1984-01-13, TLS[x] Arasteh from Shannon, William, 'It was a great pleasure to speak with you on the phone today. I have been wanting' Item 1984 January 13
#22 1984-01-19, HLS Arasteh to Shannon, William, 'Thank you for your letter. I have located some information which will help you to' Item 1984 January 19
#02 1961-05-06 (#01), HLS Arca de Sardiña to Merton, 'Te escribo para informarle que mi esposo y el novio de […] amiga Marta Elena' Item 1961 May 6
#05 1961-07-26 (#01), HLS Arca de Sardiña to Merton, 'Cuando escribe de cosas espirituales […] escribirle en español […] es más fácil para' Item 1961 July 26
#06 1961-07-26 (#02), transcript Arca de Sardiña to Merton, 'When I write about spiritual things I would prefer to write you in Spanish as it is' Item 1961 July 26
#11 1962-01-31, TALS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'This time I want to try to answer you immediately. I think you are quite right, and' Item 1962 January 31
#17 1962-10-29 (#01), TL[c] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'This is a troubled time, in which you are going to have to collect your forces and' Item 1962 October 29
#22 1963-04-17 (#02), TLS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'It was good to hear from you, both before and after Easter, with the copy of the' Item 1963 April 17
#23 1963-07-25, TLS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'I have not forgotten your letter of June 6th, but summer is a very busy season. I' Item 1963 July 25
#24 1964-02-16 (#01), TLS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter, I had been thinking about you and wondering about you for a' Item 1964 February 16
#02 1967-03-27, TL[c] Abe from Merton, 'I deeply regret the fact that due to your ill health you had to return early to' Item 1967 March 27
#04 1967-06-30, HLS Abe to Merton, 'I am sorry not to have written to you long before this. I have been dreadfully busy' Item 1967 June 3
#09 1965-01-18, TL[c] Akers from Merton, 'I am just about to go into retreat for eight days, and wanted to drop you this note.' Item 1965 January 18
#04 1964-09-18, HLS Akers to Merton, 'I hope that I have not transgressed your wishes in showing your letter at Wisques. ' Item 1964 September 18 (date approximate)
#11 1965-05-20, HPCS Akers to Merton, 'Remembering you here! Yugoslavia difficult,- Egypt: land and monuments' Item 1965 May 2
001 "Abbott, Eric Symes, The Very Rev." correspondence Record subgroup 1963-1968
#02 1967-05-19, TL Abdeslam ben Mohamed from Merton, 'C'est un véritable ami qui me parle, comme vous l'avez fait, de ce' Item 1967 May 19
#01 1967-02-14, HLS Abdeslam to Merton, 'Sidi Abdeslam […] oublié votre rencontre, les moments pour le Colliue, et tout ce' Item 1967 February 14
006 "Accioly, Inácio, Dom, O.S.B." correspondence Record subgroup 1966
#02 1967-06-07, TL[c] Agadjanian from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter. About publication of the article in the "Laureate"-- you' Item 1967 June 7
#04 1967-08-05, HALS Agadjanian to Merton, 'I. I have read thus far the following books written by you: 1) The Seven' Item 1967 August 5
#01 1950-04-10, TALS Ahern to Merton, 'May Our Lord and Our Lady bless you for cooperating so generously and earnestly in' Item 1950 April 1
#06 1951-03-26, TALS Ahern to Merton, 'I was very happy to hear that you are launching out into your Scripture course. ' Item 1951 March 26
#11 1952-11-16, TLS Ahern to Merton, 'This is just a note to thank you for the copy of Monastic Orientation which you were' Item 1952 November 16
#12 1952-12-30, TLS Ahern to Merton, 'Though I did not write for Christmas, I did not forget; for I offered Holy Mass for' Item 1952 December 3
#27 1956-04-08, TALS Ahern to Merton, 'I have thought of you many a time since my last letter - and always with a prayer. ' Item 1956 April 8
014 "Aidan, Mary, Mother, S.H.C.J." correspondence Record subgroup 1967
#02 1967-07-12 (#02), TL[c] Aiken to Friends, 'After 26 years in the practice of medicine, we retired in February 1964 to travel,' Item 1967 July 12
017 "Albee, Edith Greenburg" correspondence Record subgroup 1968
#01 1968-04-05, TLS Albee to Merton, 'Of course we shall be delighted to pay the one hundred dollars--certainly a modest' Item 1968 April 5
018 "Albert of the Blessed Sacrament, Fr., O.C.D." correspondence Record subgroup 1960
#01 1967-09-01, HLS Alice to Merton, 'I have never met you Father, but after reading many of your books I have learned to' Item 1967 September 1
#02 1963-10-15, HLS Allchin to Merton, 'I have often been on the point of writing, but other things have always interfered. ' Item 1963 October 15
#04 1963-12-01 (#01), TLS[c] Allchin from Merton, 'Thank you so much for the Traherne. It will be very valuable if and when I come to' Item 1963 December 1
#05 1963-12-01 (#02), TLS[x] Allchin from Merton, 'Thank you so much for the Traherne. It will be very valuable if and when I come to' Item 1963 December 1
#12 1966-07-22, TLS[x] Allchin from Merton, 'Sorry Fr Linus missed you. He was anxious to see you. However I can count on' Item 1966 July 22
#19 1967-06-16 (#02), TL[c] Allchin from Merton, 'So many things to thank your for. It seems a long time since your visit, when the' Item 1967 June 16
#21 1967-08-15, HLS Allchin to Merton, 'I have been meaning to write for the last two or three weeks. Many things to say,' Item 1967 August 15
#22 1967-08-29, HLS Allchin to Merton, 'This is just to ask one thing. I had planned to come to Gethsemani after Easter' Item 1967 August 29
#27 1968-02-05, HLS Allchin to Merton, 'Thank you very much for your letter and the article, which I have glanced through. ' Item 1968 February 5
#34 1968-08-27, TLS Allchin from Merton, 'September has nearly come around and alas, no Wales. First of all the General' Item 1968 August 27
#35 1968-11-10 (#01), HPCS Allchin from Merton, 'By all means use the article - with better title. The Indian journey has been fine' Item 1968 November 1 (date approximate)
#44 undated (#02), other Allchin, 'The Reverend Arthur MacDonald Allchin (known as Donald to his' Item undated
#01 undated, TL[c] Allen from Merton, 'I went and lost your note, so failed to answer it yesterday. I am really very sorry' Item undated
027 "Allman, Susan" correspondence Record subgroup 1967-1968
029 "Alves de Araújo, Celso" correspondence Record subgroup 1967
#01 1954-02-28, HLS Amici de Jesus to Merton, 'La lettre de Soeur Thérèse écrite' Item 1954 February 28
#01 1961-06-21, TANS Amps to Merton, 'Would you have time to translate these lines for me? Thanks very' Item 1961 June 21
#05 1967-04-11 (#02), TN Amps to Merton, 'According to our record (of this year} we have not sent anything to the reverse side' Item 1967 April 11
#06 1967-05-27, HNS Amps from Merton, 'May I please have [-] 1 - Seven Storey Mtn (Hard cover) [-] 1 Reader [-] To send' Item 1967 May 27
#11 1968-02-07, TN Amps from Merton, 'Could you please send to this library, free of charge, the following: New Seeds of' Item 1968 February 7
#03 1963-11-03, TLS Anderson to Merton, 'Thank you very much for the commentary on Julien Green for CHARLATAN. We did not' Item 1963 November 3
#01 1963-05-28, TL[c] Anderson from Merton, 'Things do not seem to be too encouraging, in your life, do they? I am sorry to hear' Item 1963 May 28