"Arca de Sardiña, Evora" correspondence

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
#08 1961-11-27, TLS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'Have courage and faith. The advent liturgy will soon be reminding us that the Lord' Item 1961 November 27
#13 1962-05-24, TLS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'I deeply feel with you all the emotions that have shaken you, on meeting the' Item 1962 May 24
#15 1962-08-17, TLS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'I am sorry I have been busy and have not been able to write. This is just a note to' Item 1962 August 17
#20 1963-02-22, TLS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'Thanks for your two letters. The last one was particularly good, and I want to tell' Item 1963 February 22
#02 1961-05-06 (#01), HLS Arca de Sardiña to Merton, 'Te escribo para informarle que mi esposo y el novio de […] amiga Marta Elena' Item 1961 May 6
#05 1961-07-26 (#01), HLS Arca de Sardiña to Merton, 'Cuando escribe de cosas espirituales […] escribirle en español […] es más fácil para' Item 1961 July 26
#06 1961-07-26 (#02), transcript Arca de Sardiña to Merton, 'When I write about spiritual things I would prefer to write you in Spanish as it is' Item 1961 July 26
#11 1962-01-31, TALS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'This time I want to try to answer you immediately. I think you are quite right, and' Item 1962 January 31
#17 1962-10-29 (#01), TL[c] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'This is a troubled time, in which you are going to have to collect your forces and' Item 1962 October 29
#22 1963-04-17 (#02), TLS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'It was good to hear from you, both before and after Easter, with the copy of the' Item 1963 April 17
#23 1963-07-25, TLS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'I have not forgotten your letter of June 6th, but summer is a very busy season. I' Item 1963 July 25
#24 1964-02-16 (#01), TLS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter, I had been thinking about you and wondering about you for a' Item 1964 February 16
#01 1961-04-10, TLS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Kelty, Matthew, 'Father Louis would have me assure you of his prayers for your husband and for all' Item 1961 April 1
#03 1961-05-06 (#02), transcript Arca de Sardiña to Merton, 'I am writing to tell you that my husband and the fiancé of my friend Marta Elena' Item 1961 May 6
#04 1961-05-15, TLS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'I write to you both as to friends, with deep compassion and concern in this moment' Item 1961 May 15
#09 1961-12-no-day, HCS Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'All blessings and joy at Christmas. May God give you strength, patience, light and' Item 1961 December (date approximate)
#14 1962-08-02, TLS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'I deeply feel with you all the emotions that have shaken you, on meeting the' Item 1962 August 2
#16 1962-09-19, TLS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'As this tense situation gets worse and worse, we must all realize that no strain or' Item 1962 September 19
#18 1962-10-29 (#02), TLS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'This is a troubled time, in which you are going to have to collect your forces and' Item 1962 October 29
#19 1963-01-01, TLS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'Well, this is the first letter dated 1963 that I have written, and by a miracle I' Item 1963 January 1
#21 1963-04-17 (#01), TL[c] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'It was good to hear from you, both before and after Easter, with the copy of the' Item 1963 April 17
#26 1964-09-05 (#01), TL[c] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'I am sorry your letter has gone so long without an answer, especially when you feel' Item 1964 September 5
#27 1964-09-05 (#02), TLS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'I am sorry your letter has gone so long without an answer, especially when you feel' Item 1964 September 5
#30 undated (#01), other Arca de Sardiña, addresses for Arca de Sardiña Item undated
#31 undated (#02), TLS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'I write to you both as to friends, with deep compassion and concern in this moment' Item undated
#07 1961-09-09, TLS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'I do not have time to give you a really full answer to your good letter, though I' Item 1961 September 9
#10 1962-01-27, HLS Arca de Sardiña to Merton, 'Yesterday while I was in church, after Holy Communion I tried to talk to Our Lord. ' Item 1962 January 27
#12 1962-02-27, TLS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'If I answer you now it has to be a very quick answer. You cannot help suffering the' Item 1962 February 27
#25 1964-02-16 (#02), HLS[x] Arca de Sardiña to Hart, Patrick, 'Here are the letters from Merton that I promised to mail you. Father Shannon called' Item 1964 February 16
#28 1966-12-no-day, HCS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'Peace and joy in the New Year. God bless you -- fear not. ' Item 1966 December (date approximate)
#29 1992-09-no-day, other Arca de Sardiña from Sardinia Corp. / to William Shannon, 'EVORA ARCA' Item 1992 September