"Andrade, Jaime" correspondence

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
#05 1958-03-03 (#03), TALS[x] Andrade from Merton, 'Le agradezco mucho su carta, y voy a explicarle mis ideas para la obra propuesta, de' Item 1958 March 3
#10 1958-05-14, TLS[x] Andrade from Merton, 'Since you understand English well, I can write to you in that language and thus save' Item 1958 May 14
#11 1958-07-08, HLS[x] Andrade to Merton, 'No he podido contestar a sus cartas mi agradecerle por el envío de su' Item 1958 July 8
#13 1958-07-18 (#02), TL Andrade from Merton, 'If I were free to do what I thought best myself, or if I could get permission to do' Item 1958 July 18
#16 1958-11-12, HLS[x] Andrade from Merton, 'Circunstancia espacialísimas me han impedido escribí a usted dando' Item 1958 November 12
#30 1961-02-09 (#01), TLS[x] Andrade from Merton, 'It is already over a month since I received your good letter. It was my intention' Item 1961 February 9
#02 1958-02-24, HLS Andrade to Merton, 'El distinguido Presidente de la Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Dr. Julio Endara,' Item 1958 February 24
#03 1958-03-03 (#01), TL[c] Andrade from Merton, 'Le agradezco mucho su carta, y voy a explicarle mis ideas para la obra propuesta, de' Item 1958 March 3
#04 1958-03-03 (#02), transcript Andrade from Merton, 'I thank you very much for your letters, and I am going to explain to you my ideas' Item 1958 March 3
#06 1958-03-18, HLS[x] Andrade to Merton, 'Contesto su interesante carta de 7 de los corriente. Mi plan de trabajo será el' Item 1958 March 18
#14 1958-07-29, HLS[x] Andrade from Merton, 'Gracias por su atenta carta de 18 de julio por el cheque de quinientos dólares' Item 1958 July 29
#15 1958-08-08, TCS[x] Andrade from Merton, 'Your letter arrived this morning and I enjoyed all of it very much. I reply' Item 1958 August 8
#23 1959-02-20, HLS[x] Andrade to Merton, 'Gracias por su carta. Estoy muy contento que el trabajo le' Item 1959 February 2
#24 1959-03-06, TLS[x] Andrade from Merton, 'I was glad to get your letter and am replying immediately to say that we would like' Item 1959 March 6
#27 1959-04-19 (#02), TLS[x] Andrade from Merton to Julio Endara, 'La estatua de la Santísima Virgen y el Niño por Jaime Andrade ha sido recibida e' Item 1959 April 19
#32 1964-08-21, TLS Andrade to Merton, 'Discúlpeme usted que de tarde en tarde le escriba unas letras. Mis actividades no' Item 1964 August 21
#34 1964-10-28 (#02), TLS[x] Andrade from Merton, 'It was good to get your letter and to hear of your new work. The mosaics in relief' Item 1964 October 28
#35 undated, other[x] Andrade, '1. [-] JAIME ANDRADE AND HIS SCULPTURE: "THE VIRGIN AND THE CHILD" [-] Jaime' Item undated
#01 1958-02-05, TLS[x] Andrade from Merton to Julio Endara, 'Tengo el honor de pedirles, a Uds, ayuda en un asunto que interesera tal artista' Item 1958 February 5
#08 1958-03-31, HLS[x] Andrade from Merton, 'He … de la' Item 1958 March 31
#18 1958-11-20 (#01), TL Andrade from Merton, 'I am grateful to you for your long and interesting letter, and for your thoughtful,' Item 1958 November 2
#22 1959-02-16, TLS[x] Andrade from Merton, 'By now you should have received my reply to your letter, with the' Item 1959 February 16
#26 1959-04-19 (#01), TALS[x] Andrade from Merton, 'The statue finally arrived safely three days ago and is now installed in the' Item 1959 April 19
#29 1960-02-27, HLS[x] Andrade from Merton, 'It was a joy to get your letter and to see the photographs of the new work which is' Item 1960 February 27
#31 1961-02-09 (#02), TLS[x] Andrade from Merton to whom it may concern, 'I have no hesitation in recommending Jaime Andrade, sculptor, of Quito Ecuador, as a' Item 1961 February 9
#33 1964-10-28 (#01), TL[c] Andrade from Merton, 'It was good to get your letter and to hear of your new work. The mosaics in relief' Item 1964 October 28
#07 1958-03-27, TALS[x] Andrade from Merton, 'Le agradezco mucho su carta del 18, y tengo mucho gusto en decirle antesde todo que' Item 1958 March 27
#09 1958-04-18, TALS[x] Andrade to Merton, 'Recibí hace algunos días sus estimables cartas del 27 y 31 de marzo las cuales no ha' Item 1958 April 18
#12 1958-07-18 (#01), TALS[x] Andrade from Merton, 'It was very good to get your letter, the pictures, and especially the picture of the' Item 1958 July 18
#17 1958-11-16, transcript Andrade to Merton, 'Special circumstances have prevented my writing to you to thank you for the 2 pieces' Item 1958 November 16
#19 1958-11-20 (#02), TALS[x] Andrade from Merton, 'I am grateful to you for your long and interesting letter, and for your thoughtful,' Item 1958 November 2
#20 1959-01-22, HLS[x] Andrade to Merton, 'Debí haber contestado su interesante carta del pasado mes de noviembre a' Item 1959 January 22
#21 1959-02-06, TALS[x] Andrade from Merton, 'Your wonderfully welcome letter and the pictures came on my birthday and I was very' Item 1959 February 6
#25 1959-03-18, HLS[x] Andrade to Merton, 'Contesto su dos últimas cartas y espero hacerlo en forma muy sintética en beneficio' Item 1959 March 18
#28 1959-04-19 (#03), transcript Andrade from Merton to Julio Endara, 'The statue of the Blessed Virgin and Child by Jaime Andrade has been received and' Item 1959 April 19