식별 영역
존재의 형태(조직/기관, 개인, 가족)
승인된 이름 형식
이름 병기 형식
다른 규칙에 따른 표목의 표준형태
- Paul VI, Pope, 1897-1978
다른 이름 형식
- Giovanni B. Montini
- Giovanni Battista Montini
- Pope Paul VI
- Giovanni Enrico Antonio Maria Montini
조직/기관 식별자
기술 영역
존재 시기
조직사, 개인/가족이력
Merton first wrote Giovanni B. Montini in 1949 while serving as Secretary of State for the Vatican under Pope Pius XII. Montini became Archbishop of Milan in 1955, was elevated to cardinal in 1958, and was elected Pope Paul VI in 1963. Paul VI read and appreciated Merton's writings. He had an active role in the Second Vatican Council before and after becoming pope. Merton was lending support to the Second Vatican Council's statement on interfaith dialog, which became «Nostra Aetate», the "Declaration on the Relation of the Church with Non-Christian Religions," which was proclaimed under Pope Paul VI. Merton was also pleased with Paul VI for his statement for peace before the United Nations in 1965. Merton wrote to delegates at Vatican II supporting Schema 13's provisions against modern war, later a part of «Gaudium et Spes», the "Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World".