Moore, Thomas Verner

Bereich "Identifikation"

Typ des Rechtsträgers


Autorisierte Namensform

Moore, Thomas Verner

Parallele Namensformen

    Standardisierte Namensform gemäß anderer Regelwerke

    • Moore, Thomas Verner, 1877-1969

    Andere Namensformen

    • Dom Thomas Verner Moore, Pablo Maria, Dom Pablo Maria Moore, T. V. Moore, T.V. Moore, Thomas V.

    Kennzahlen für Körperschaften


    Daten des Bestehens



    Dom Thomas Verner Moore was the founder of a Carthusian charterhouse, the first in the Americas, at Sky Farm (later named the Charterhouse of the Transfiguration) in southern Vermont. He was born in Louisville, Kentucky, in 1877. He joined the Paulists in 1896. In 1903, he was granted the first doctorate in psychology in the District of Columbia from Catholic University of America. He was sent to study under one of the pioneers of psychology, Wilhelm Wundt, in Germany, but returned to the United States due to health problems. During the First World War, he changed orders from the Paulists to the English Benedictines at Downside Abbey. He went on to study medicine and earned an M.D. from John Hopkins in 1915. He then opened a children's clinic and taught clinical medical classes at Catholic University, later heading the department. After he retired in 1947, at the age of 70, he became a Carthusian at the Cartuja de Miraflores, in Burgos, Spain. In 1950, he returned to the United States under orders to begin the Sky Farm foundation. (Sources: ["Carthusian Solitude." Time magazine (11 Dec. 1950). Bellarmine University Library, Louisville, KY. 5 May 2008. «,9171,814099-2,00.html»]; and [Stafford, John W. "Thomas Verner Moore: 1877-1969." American Journal of Psychology: Vol. 83, No. 2 (June, 1970), pp. 286-288. JSTOR. Bellarmine University Library, Louisville, KY. 5 May 2008. ‹›].)


    Rechtlicher Status

    Ämter, Beschäftigungen und Aktivitäten

    Mandate/Herkunft der Kompetenz

    Interne Strukturen/Genealogie

    Allgemeiner Zusammenhang


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    Bereich "Kontrolle"

    Identifikator der Normdatei


    Benutzte Regeln und/oder Konventionen



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