Kacmarcik, Frank, Obl.S.B.

식별 영역

존재의 형태(조직/기관, 개인, 가족)


승인된 이름 형식

Kacmarcik, Frank, Obl.S.B.

이름 병기 형식

    다른 규칙에 따른 표목의 표준형태

    • Kacmarcik, Frank, Obl.S.B., 1920-2004

    다른 이름 형식

    • Frank Kacmarcik

    조직/기관 식별자

    기술 영역

    존재 시기


    조직사, 개인/가족이력

    On later letters to Merton, Frank Kacmarcik's letterhead stated he was an "artist, designer, consultant in the sacred arts". After a few years of corresponding with Merton, Kacmarcik and his friend Bob Rambusch visit Gethsemani in October of 1960. Merton notes in his personal journal of being "a little suspicious of the intense activation and restlessness of some of these liturgical enthusiasts", although noting he has "[n]othing against liturgy" (personal journals, 1960/10/16). Kacmarcik became a Benedictine novice at St. John's Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota, in 1940, but left the order and became an assistant chaplain in World War II. After the war, he stayed in Paris and studied at the Académie de la Grand Chaumière and the Centre d'Art Sacré. In 1950, he came back to the United States teaching art for a few years at St. John's University in Collegeville. He did book design and was the longtime artistic director for «Worship» magazine and was a graphic artist for Liturgical Press. He collaborated with Hungarian Bauhaus architect Marcel Breuer. St. John's welcomed him back to their community in 1988 as a claustral oblate, where he remained until his death in 2004.


    조직/기관의 법적 지위

    기능, 직업, 활동

    권한/권한의 근거

    내부 조직/가계

    일반 맥락

    관계 영역

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    주제 접근점

    장소 접근점


    제어 영역

    Authority record identifier

    전거레코드 책임기관 식별자

    규칙 및 협약

    전거레코드 현지위

    전거레코드 상세정도

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