식별 영역
존재의 형태(조직/기관, 개인, 가족)
승인된 이름 형식
Dodge, James, Fr. (pseud., Fr. Linus, O.C.S.O.)
이름 병기 형식
다른 규칙에 따른 표목의 표준형태
다른 이름 형식
- Fr. Linus Dodge
- Fr. James Dodge
조직/기관 식별자
기술 영역
존재 시기
조직사, 개인/가족이력
According to a letter in this file from Br. Patrick Hart, O.C.S.O. dated 2001, Fr. James Dodge (known as Frater Linus while with the Trappists) was a novice with Merton in 1941-1942. He later went to Mepkin Abbey in South Carolina after its founding in 1949. After staying at Mepkin a few years, he left to become a parish priest.