Level of description
Digital object |
#2 |
undated (#01), HLS to Merton, 'Excusez-moi de vous écrire en français: je parle trop mal l'anglais et j'ai tenu à' |
Item |
undated |
#2 |
1959-06-22, HPCS from Merton, 'Thank you for the surprise letter and for the gift which I shall use to good' |
Item |
1959 June 22 |
#1 |
1963-09-12, TALS to Merton, 'Muchas gracias por su amable carta del 19 de Agosto, en la cual tiene la bondad de' |
Item |
1963 September 12 |
#6 |
1965-04-05, TLS to Merton, 'suponho que por sobrecarga de trabalho, ficaram sem resposta minhas últimas cartas. ' |
Item |
1965 April 5 |
#9 |
1965-05-21 (#02), TL[c] from Merton, 'I will try to reply to your letter before the matter ceases to be fresh in my mind. ' |
Item |
1965 May 21 |
#10 |
1965-05-27, TALS to Merton, 'sua carta (verdadeiro documento) foi um enorme prazer para mim, e por este prazer' |
Item |
1965 May 27 |
#12 |
1966-02-03, TALS[x] to Merton, 'Em 19 de abril prôximo, Manuel Bandeira vai fazer 80 anos. O fato se reveste,' |
Item |
1966 February 3 |
#16 |
1966-08-01, TL[c] from Merton, 'First of all, thanks very much for the excellent article. You have been very' |
Item |
1966 August 1 |
#17 |
1967-05-31, TALS to Merton, 'hoje acabo de receber as provas do ensaio que escrevi sôbre Ud., a ser publicado, em' |
Item |
1967 May 31 |
#2 |
1966-09-25, TL[x] from Merton, 'Thanks for your invitation to write a few words on the Vietnam war. The statement' |
Item |
1966 September 25 |
006 |
"Bailey, J. Martin" correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1965 |
#9 |
1968-06-11 (#02), TL[c] from Merton, 'In the past couple of weeks I have hardly had time to answer any mail at all. ' |
Item |
1968 June 11 |
#10 |
1968-07-03, TLS to Merton, 'We are safely settled in Bowling Green and are enjoying the "cool" Kentucky summer. ' |
Item |
1968 July 3 |
#11 |
1968-07-25, TL[c] from Merton, 'In your letter you mention the cool summer: it has got hot enough now! I have' |
Item |
1968 July 25 |
#12 |
1980, other[x], 'James Thomas Baker [-] 335 Sumpter Avenue, Bowling Green, Kentucky' |
Item |
1980 (date approximate) |
#4 |
1965-02-01, HLS to Merton, 'Je dois' |
Item |
1965 February 1 |
#8 |
1966-09-12, TAL[c] from Merton, 'Grand merci de votre bonne lettre que date déjà de trois mois! Je pense que le Fr.' |
Item |
1966 September 12 |
010 |
"Bamberger, John Eudes, Dom, O.C.S.O." correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1951-1984 |
#001a |
1967-03-11 (#01), TL[c] from Merton, 'This is not anything urgent, but I am just beginning to wonder. Br Martin has been' |
Item |
1967 March 11 |
#001b |
1967-03-11 (#02), TALS[x] from Merton, 'This is not anything urgent, but I am just beginning to wonder. Br Martin has been' |
Item |
1967 March 11 |
#003a |
1967-05-04 (#01), TL[c] from Merton, 'Through the devious workings of Providence I have now fallen into the hands of a new' |
Item |
1967 May 4 |
#008 |
1963-11-11, TLS from Mitchell, W. C., 'Per your request of 11-8-63, please note that we have been giving Father Merton' |
Item |
1963 November 11 |
#013 |
undated, other, 'Room where FR. LOUIS died is on the corner. Taken by Mother Christiana of' |
Item |
undated |
#015 |
undated, HC, 'This was fr. Louis's: I found it Dec. 25, 1968 in Mign PL 153 Guigo's' |
Item |
undated |
#016 |
undated, other, 'A Christmas Poem. For Jane, Kate and Ann and Lee, and Dorothy. (that is, a poem' |
Item |
undated |
#018 |
1970-01-17, HLS from Marie-Pascal, Sr. / to John Eudes Bamberger, 'En ce moment, je termine la lecture de votre article su Th. Merton Traduit par P.' |
Item |
1970 January 17 |
#020 |
1951, other, '«Direction in St John of the +.» Faulty directions [-] 1 Moral deficiency -' |
Item |
1951 |
#022b |
undated, other, '«Scripture» [-] The Psalms -Msgr Patrick Boylan (2 Vol) [-] Hesed and Hasid ' |
Item |
undated |
#026 |
undated, HN, 'Fr. Louis [-] two paperback books. @ 1.35 [-] $2.70 [-] B' |
Item |
undated |
#030 |
1966-11-01, TN, 'Editora Vozes Ltda. [-] Caixa Postal 23 [-] Petropolis - Est Do' |
Item |
1966 November 1 |
#035 |
undated, , 'Sent gifts (translator) to: [-] Rev. Fr. Bui-bang-Hien [-] Truong Mich Giany [-]' |
Item |
undated |
#036 |
1966-03-11, HN, 'If possible, please, send a copy of "Seasons of Celebration" to: Dom Abade Basilio' |
Item |
1966 March 11 |
#039 |
1966-09-19, HNS from Merton to Br. Zachary, 'May I please have our «hardcover» «No Man Is Island» [sic] and 1 paperback' |
Item |
1966 September 19 |
#043 |
1966-12-16, TALS from Merton to Br. Zachary, 'This is an «ex novice». I think it would be an act of charity to send' |
Item |
1966 December 16 |
#044 |
1967-06-no-day, HNS from Merton to Br. Camillus, 'Have to go to Dr tomorrow - just checked and found there was «no underwear» -' |
Item |
1967 June |
#045 |
1967-06-no-day, HNS from Merton to Br. Camillus, 'I am through with the clothes for a while now- Don't know where to return them?? ' |
Item |
1967 June |
#046 |
1966-03-08, TN from Merton to Br. Zachary, 'May I please have two copies of Chuang Tzu and of Gandhi to sign and send out? [-]' |
Item |
1966 March 8 |
#047 |
1967-10-no-day, HNS from Merton to Br. Camillus, 'I have to go to «Louisville» Thursday about 8 a.m. Could you please fix it up?' |
Item |
1967 October |
#050 |
1966-01-06, TAN from Merton to Br. Zachary, 'May I please have copies of Ascent to Truth and No Man is an Island to send out? (1' |
Item |
1966 January 6 |
#051 |
1967-05-no-day, HANS from Merton to Br. Camillus, 'The doctor sent me a shot as I can't get there this week (Decoration Day) [-] I'll' |
Item |
1967 May |
#052 |
1966-12-28, HNS from Merton to Br. Zachary, 'May I please have 3 Raids on Unspeakable to send out? [-] Thanx in Jesu [-] fr m' |
Item |
1966 December 28 |
#056 |
undated, HNS from Merton to Fr. Linus, 'I will have an informal conference and discussion on church architecture today, for' |
Item |
undated |
#059 |
undated, TNS from Merton to Br. Zachary, 'These people have produced a record of some well known actor reading some of my' |
Item |
undated |
#062 |
undated, HNS from Merton to Richard Schmidlen, 'I will try to remember to leave the radio on AM and PM. - 8-10 and 2-4 or 5. Any' |
Item |
undated |
#063 |
undated, HNS from Merton to Br. Chrysostom, 'Sorry I am so bad at answering notes. First I want to thank you for the' |
Item |
undated |
#066 |
1966-10-29, HNS from Merton to Br. Zachary, 'May I please have 3 Chuang Tzu to send out? [-] Thanx [-] fr m' |
Item |
1966 October 29 |
#069 |
undated, HNS, 'I also need some more Lomotil. I have a prescription if you want that but it would' |
Item |
undated |
#073 |
1966-07-04, TL[c] from Merton to Richard Schmidlen, 'Three points: first the books that were given gratis to Mrs Parsons were as far as' |
Item |
1966 July 4 |
#080 |
1965-01-23, HNS from Merton, 'Did not get allergy shot Sunday - will try again Monday after dinner OK? [-] fr m' |
Item |
1965 January 23 |
#086 |
1966-09-11, HNS from Merton, 'Dr Mitchell ex-rayed the back and said the operation had been a complete success and' |
Item |
1966 September 11 |
#087 |
1965-12-26, HNS from Merton, 'Do you have a minute after dinner? [-] Thanx in Jesu [-] fr m' |
Item |
1965 December 26 |
#091 |
1968-08-30, HNS from Merton, 'Dr Mitchell recommended these - can you please provide? [-] Thanks in Jesu [-] fr m' |
Item |
1968 August 3 |
#095b |
1966-05-28, HN, 'Doing better - moved from Infirmary to hermitage. Buddhist monk, prof. at' |
Item |
1966 May 28 |
#098b |
1965-08-18, HN, 'Yesterday we had a council meeting and, at my suggestion, voted on F. Louis' |
Item |
1965 August 18 |
#101 |
1965-09-20, HNS from Merton, 'Are they giving you the Commonweal? I asked them to. May I have an article on' |
Item |
1965 September 2 |
#102 |
undated, TN from Merton, 'I had a long session with Br Alphonse yesterday. He is one novice about' |
Item |
undated |
#104 |
undated, HNS from Merton, 'Are you free for two minutes after dinner today? [-] In Jesu [-] fr m' |
Item |
undated |
#109 |
1967-01-02, HNS from Merton, 'Thought you would like to glance at this - thou [sic] you can throw it away. [-] In' |
Item |
1967 January 2 |
#115 |
1966-03-04, HNS from Merton, 'I thought you might want to see the clipping. Dr Mitchell has a new office and his' |
Item |
1966 March 4 |
#117 |
undated, HNS from Merton, 'As this skin thing seems to be getting worse and the poison ivy seems to be in my' |
Item |
undated |
#121 |
undated, HNS from Merton, 'Fr Eudes [-] many thanks! [-] fr m' |
Item |
undated |
#123 |
undated, HN from Merton, 'might as well put this in to library when through [-] inadvertently signed in blood.' |
Item |
undated |
#125 |
1966-06-11, HNS from Merton, 'Dr Mitchell told me to come back next Saturday the 11th if the bursitis was still' |
Item |
1966 June 11 |
#127 |
undated, HNS from Merton, 'Does anyone in your department have copy of "Eight Freedom Songs"? I have none at' |
Item |
undated |
#130 |
1967-03-no-day, TN from Merton, 'As to the Alberti piece: please believe that I had no idea you would take it that' |
Item |
1967 March |
#133 |
undated, other, 'Fr. Louis' bookmark in' |
Item |
undated |
#134 |
undated, HN from Merton, 'I spoke with Br Finbarr. In my opinion this boy has a good monastic vocation but he' |
Item |
undated |
#136 |
undated, HN from Merton, 'address from Dom Columban [-] M. Michel Pigeon [-] 46 Boulevard de la Concorde [-]' |
Item |
undated |
#138 |
undated, HNS from Merton, 'Zalman Schachter will be here tomorrow Tuesday - nothing special is planned. Two' |
Item |
undated |
#139 |
1966-04-10, HNS from Merton, 'Of course there will be no conference today or next Sunday. After that will be if I' |
Item |
1966 April 1 |
#145 |
undated, HNS from Merton, 'Thanks for your note on Bro [name scratch out by Bamberger]. The points you cited' |
Item |
undated |
#147 |
undated, HNS from Merton, 'I did not get your note until noon today. Sometime I will say a few words to clear' |
Item |
undated |
#150 |
1966-05-12, TN from Merton, 'In preparing my talks on the Church and the modern world and looking ahead to some' |
Item |
1966 May 12 |
#152 |
1964-06-10, TN from Merton, 'It seems to me that the fact that milk is no longer given three times a week at' |
Item |
1964 June 1 |
#158 |
1966-02-06, other, 'Books -' |
Item |
1966 February 6 |
#160 |
1966-09-18, HNS from Merton, 'Don't worry about that Bio. Strath. If there is no special health-food outfit' |
Item |
1966 September 18 |
#161 |
1966-01-02, HNS from Merton, 'Will your team please take care of this and will you deal with him directly? [-]' |
Item |
1966 January 2 |
#162 |
1963-11-15, HNS from Merton, 'As man is late again tomorrow (Sat.) and I would otherwise miss practically a full' |
Item |
1963 November 15 |
#163 |
1966-08-11, HN from Merton, 'My request to B. Irenaeus for new sox has not led to anything. But I will need them' |
Item |
1966 August 11 |
#165a |
1966-09-05, TN to Merton, 'could we change your date to Saturday, do you think? Bernard has several people to' |
Item |
1966 September 5 |
#167 |
undated, TN from Merton, 'As far as I can see there is no way for the bro novices to get to your 10 20 Mass on' |
Item |
undated |
#172 |
undated, TN from Merton, 'Bro Ailred is now using a book of poems of Tiutchev in Russian and French which you' |
Item |
undated |
#178 |
1965-08-01, HLS from Merton, 'In case you don't know, the Medicare bill has been passed and [name note legible]' |
Item |
1965 August 1 |
#181 |
1966-12-27, HN from Merton, 'I have to see the Doctor again Friday (Dec. 30th) [-] Will you please make the' |
Item |
1966 December 27 (date approximate) |
#184 |
1965-06-04, HNS from Merton, 'I got out of the clinic at 12:30 and the Doctor was not yet finished. So far' |
Item |
1965 June 4 |
#185 |
1967, HNS from Merton, 'Dr Mitchell wants to operate on that bursa. He has arranged for me to be admitted' |
Item |
1967 |
#193 |
1964-01-15, HNS from Merton, 'No I don't have the [indecipherable word..] «copies» I have recently used the' |
Item |
1964 January 15 |
#195a |
1965-08-10, TAN to Merton, 'you may wish to see this sometime in the next' |
Item |
1965 August 1 |
#196 |
1965-09-no-day, HNS from Merton, 'Could I catch you for a minute in infirmary after dinner? [-] Thanks in Jesu [-] fr' |
Item |
1965 September |
#1 |
1967-08-16, TLS to Merton, 'We have taken the liberty of translating your article which you had sent us for the' |
Item |
1967 August 16 |
#12 |
1966-08-09, TL[c] from Merton, 'I have been meaning to answer your letter, and I am sorry to discover that today,' |
Item |
1966 August 9 |
#16 |
1967-08-09, TLS to Merton, 'Your letter was a very pleasant surprise, Father. Thank you. We read and discussed' |
Item |
1967 August 9 |
#19 |
1967-09-17, TALS to Merton, 'May the Lord give you His peace! Thank you for the enclosed typescripts which we' |
Item |
1967 September 17 (date approximate) |
#21 |
1967-09-30, TLS to Merton, 'Thank you very much for the tape which came a few days ago. We have heard the first' |
Item |
1967 September 3 |
#25 |
1967-10-25, TLS to Merton, 'The tape came last Saturday and it is excellent. Thank you very much, Father, I' |
Item |
1967 October 25 |
#29 |
1967-11-17, TALS to Merton, 'You'll be relieved when all this correspondence lets up a bit. A few complications' |
Item |
1967 November 17 |
#31 |
1967-12-17, TLS to Merton, 'May you have a truly blessed Christmas. The tape came yesterday but I have only' |
Item |
1967 December 17 (date approximate) |
013 |
"Bannon, Anthony L." correspondence |
Record subgroup |
1966 |
#1 |
1968-02-22, HLS to Merton, 'Thanks for the letter and photograph. I had no idea you were so husky looking. ' |
Item |
1968 February 22 |
#1 |
1967-04-20, TALS to Merton, 'Excuse me writing to you unannounced, out of the blue, like this. I have been a' |
Item |
1967 April 2 |