1952-01-30, TLS[c] to Merton, 'We are planning to publish in book form approximately 100 of the best articles which'

식별 요소


US US-kylobm 1-B-162-#1

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1952-01-30, TLS[c] to Merton, 'We are planning to publish in book form approximately 100 of the best articles which'


  • 1952 January 3 (생성)


1 page(s); Carbon copy of a typed signed letter.

생산자 이름


개인 이력

Fr. Paul Bussard was Editor-in-Chief of «The Catholic Digest» and was writing from St. Paul, Minnesota.

내용과 구조 요소

범위와 내용

First lines: "We are planning to publish in book form approximately 100 of the best articles which have appeared"... Contents index: asking Merton's consent to publish "I Begin to Meditate" (appearing in the November, 1948 edition of the « Catholic Digest Reader») in the « Catholic Digest Reader».

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