1953-10-29, TALS to Merton, 'This Intro. to Doctor Mellifluus seems to me quite the best thing of this sort you'

식별 요소


US US-kylobm 1-B-102-#13

기록보존소의 이름과 위치

기술 계층


1953-10-29, TALS to Merton, 'This Intro. to Doctor Mellifluus seems to me quite the best thing of this sort you'


  • 1953 October 29 (생성)


1 page(s); Typed signed letter with holograph (handwritten) annotations.

생산자 이름

개인 이력

Fr. Paul Bourne was the head censor (now called "reader") of the Cistercian Order and needed to approve of Merton's writings before he received the «Imprimi Potest», or permission to publish, from his Order and the Church. He was more considerably more friendly with Merton and more lenient of his works than other censors. Fr. Paul was at Our Lady of the Holy Ghost Abbey (now called the Monastery of the Holy Spirit) in Conyers, Georgia. (Source: «The School of Charity», p. 168.)

내용과 구조 요소

범위와 내용

First lines: "This Intro. to Doctor Mellifluus seems to me quite the best thing of this sort you have done."... Contents index: [see "Censors Reports" file in correspondence for physical copy] "Last of the Fathers" [book].

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