"Arca de Sardiña, Evora" correspondence

식별 요소


US US-kylobm 1-A-057

기록보존소의 이름과 위치

기술 계층

하위 퐁


"Arca de Sardiña, Evora" correspondence


  • 1961-1966 (생성)


3 folder(s), 31 item(s), 56 page(s)

생산자 이름

개인 이력

Evora Arca de Sardiña was born in Cuba, attended high school in New York, and returned to Cuba in 1950. In Cuba, she was involved in social work the poor. When Castro came to power in 1959, she fled to the United States with her husband and her five sons and settled in Miami. Her husband, Eugenio, was part of the CIA-trained anti-Castro assault force captured at the Bay of Pigs. (Source: «Witness to Freedom».)

내용과 구조 요소

범위와 내용

In this group of letters, Merton provides spiritual direction to a Cuban expatriate who fled after Fidel Castro came to power. Subjects of the letters include the Cuban Revolution, the Bay of Pigs Invasion, and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Merton "Warn[s] her against those who would turn to violence but also against those who would embrace a comfortable and wealthy Catholicism" (Shannon, p. 77). (Source: <a onClick="return popup(this, 'link')" href="http://bellarmine.on.worldcat.org/search?databaseList=638&queryString=ti:Witness+to+Freedom"><i>Witness to Freedom</i></a>.) Many letters from Merton are photocopies from the published letters. However, a few carbons of his letters and original handwritten letters from Evora Arca de Sardiña are present.

정리 시스템

Records are arranged chronologically. Records are not divided into Series.

열람 및 이용 요소의 조건


Regulations governing use of the collection can be found here: (‹https://bellarmine.libraryhost.com/index.php/rules›).

기술적 접근


자료의 언어

    자료의 규약들

      기록물의 언어 및 규약


      수집과 평가 요소

      보관 이력

      수집의 직접적 출처

      평가, 폐기, 처리일정 정보

      추가 이관

      관련 자료 요소들

      원본 존재와 소장위치

      복사본의 존재와 소장위치

      관련 기록 자료

      See also Cold War Letters #27, #93, #109 and other letters from Merton to Arca de Sardiña published in «Witness to Freedom» (‹https://bellarmine.on.worldcat.org/search?queryString=no%3A32625479›), 76-85; and see also the "Rodríguez, Marta Elena" file.

      관련 기술

      주기 요소

      상세 노트

      대체 식별자


      규칙 혹은 표준규정

      사용된 자료


      주제 접근점

      장소 접근점

      이름 접근점

      Genre access points

      인수 영역