1955-12-15 (#01), TLS to Merton, 'Con un telegramma di stamane Le annunziavo la spedizione per posta aerea della'

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1955-12-15 (#01), TLS to Merton, 'Con un telegramma di stamane Le annunziavo la spedizione per posta aerea della'


  • 1955 December 15 (생성)


3 page(s); Typed signed letter.

생산자 이름


개인 이력

At the time of correspondence, Gregorio Pietro Cardinal Agagianian was Patriarch of Cilicia and of Armenia. He sends his letter and preface for «The Living Bread» from Beirut in December of 1955. Merton notes in a published letter to Sr. Therese Lentfoehr («The Hidden Ground of Love», p. 222) that Cardinal Agagianian's preface will not appear in the first printing of the book. However, by the first printing in 1956, it seems to have made it in.

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범위와 내용

First lines: "Con un telegramma di stamane Le annunziavo la spedizione per posta aerea della richiesta prefazione"...

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