Thomas Merton Collection

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
#01 1967-08-22, HLS Biegansho to Merton, 'You have been good enough to send me several of your books - but now I dare ask you' Item 1967 August 22
#03 1967-09-25 (#02), other Biram to Merton, 'Appeared New York Times 4 Sept. 67 (editorial page) A COCKTAIL PARTY Penned' Item 1967 September 25
#01 1950-05-29, HLS Bissey to Merton, 'Merci de tant coeur pour les deux exemplaires de votre beau livre sur sainte' Item 1950 May 29
#03 1964-01-07 (#01), TAL[c] Bissey from Merton, 'Voici un petit mot pour vous souhaiter d'abord une bonne année. Et puis quelques' Item 1964 January 7
#10 1965-11-08 (#01), TL[c] Bissey from Merton, 'Voici une réponse que j'écris a votre P. Raymond qui m'a écrit, comme vous le savez' Item 1965 November 8
#12 1965-11-29, HLS Bissey to Merton, 'Votre lettre du 8 Nov. m'a causé me immense' Item 1965 November 29
#15 1967-01-24 (#03), TNS[x] Bissey from Merton to James Fox, 'What about it? How about a nice birthday present? --You yourself often say it is' Item 1967 January 24
#17 1967-02-01 (#01), TLS[x] Bissey from Fox, James, 'I would not want you to misinterpret my letter which I have written to good Father' Item 1967 February 1
#21 1967-06-12 (#01), HLS Bissey to Merton, 'N'ayant pas "l'opportunité" d'aller vous voir cette année, je bien vous faire' Item 1967 June 12
#01 1962-12-11, TL[c] Black from Merton, 'I was glad to hear from you because Les Dewart said you had been ill, and now I see' Item 1962 December 11
#01 1966-12-15, TL[c] Blanchard from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter. I do not know of any community of women in which there' Item 1966 December 15
#02 1968-03-08, TL[c] Boardman from Merton, 'I have finished reading the galleys of BLACK POWER AND WHITE PROTESTANTS which I am' Item 1968 March 8
#04 1965-05-27, HNS Boettcher from Merton, 'Thanks for telling me about Nanny. I did not know about her, but in the middle of' Item 1965 May 27
#05 1965-06-16 (#01), TLS Boettcher from Merton, 'Thanks very much for sending the telegram to let me know of Nanny's death. It was' Item 1965 June 16
#06 1965-06-16 (#02), TL[c] Boettcher from Merton, 'Thanks very much for sending the telegram to let me know of Nanny's death. It was' Item 1965 June 16
#08 1966-04-23, HNS Boettcher from Merton, 'I wanted to answer your first letter about the new baby, but let it slip until too' Item 1966 April 23
#02 undated, HLS Bogatynska to Merton, 'Thank you so much for your letter - for your goodness. I enjoyed it very much. It' Item undated
#01 1966-02-02, HLS Boggs to Merton, 'I am a sophomore at Niskayuna High School, Niskayuna, New York, and we are doing a' Item 1966 February 2
#03 1966-02-11, HLS Boggs to Merton, 'How can I ever thank you for your wonderful, gracious letter? When my teacher heard' Item 1966 February 11
#03 1961-06-21, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'I enclose the letter of the Abbot General which allows you to write a preface to the' Item 1961 June 21
#07 1962-09-02, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'Many thanks for your kind letter. I am glad that you liked the manuscript. Of' Item 1962 September 2
#12 1963-01-29, TAL[c] Bolshakoff from Merton, 'You will be glad to hear that I have finished all the work on the revision of your' Item 1963 January 29
#18 1963-11-11, TL[c] Bolshakoff from Merton, 'For a long time I have been owing you a reply to your several very interesting' Item 1963 November 11
#21 1964-01-26, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'Before Lent begins and I leave Oxford on Feb 13th for London and abroad I send you' Item 1964 January 26
#29 1965-06-09, TL[c] Bolshakoff from Merton, 'It is always so good to receive your extremely informative and lively letters, but I' Item 1965 June 9
#30 1965-08-19, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'Many thanks for your two letters of June 9th and August 10th, which were forwarded' Item 1965 August 19
#32 1965-10-16, HLS Bolshakoff to Merton, 'Since I wrote to you on October 2nd I received your two articles, which I am' Item 1965 October 16
#37 1966-12-no-day, TL[x] Bolshakoff to Sobesedniks (circular letter), 'Since I wrote my last letter in the end of July there were many developments for the' Item 1966 December
#42 1968-04-26, TL[c] Bolshakoff from Merton, 'I am afraid I owe you a deep apology: I have not been able to get your Easter' Item 1968 April 26
#02 1966-10-19, TAPCS Bonazzi to Merton, 'Thank you so much for the ok on the poem. I will of course makesome [sic] reference' Item 1966 October 19
001 "Abbott, Eric Symes, The Very Rev." correspondence Record subgroup 1963-1968
006 "Accioly, Inácio, Dom, O.S.B." correspondence Record subgroup 1966
014 "Aidan, Mary, Mother, S.H.C.J." correspondence Record subgroup 1967
017 "Albee, Edith Greenburg" correspondence Record subgroup 1968
018 "Albert of the Blessed Sacrament, Fr., O.C.D." correspondence Record subgroup 1960
027 "Allman, Susan" correspondence Record subgroup 1967-1968
029 "Alves de Araújo, Celso" correspondence Record subgroup 1967
035 "Anderson, Olof, Dr." correspondence Record subgroup 1964-1965
042 "Angelita, Sr." correspondence Record subgroup 1965
043 "Anglican Seminarians" correspondence Record subgroup 1963
050 "Antonella, Mary, Sr., S.C.N." correspondence Record subgroup 1964
053 "Appel, Regis, Fr., O.C.S.O." correspondence Record subgroup 1964-1965
055 "Appleton, John" correspondence Record subgroup 1966
060 "Armstrong, Bonnie" correspondence Record subgroup 1967
068 "Atkins, Anselm, Fr., O.C.S.O." correspondence Record subgroup 1965-1968
069 "Aud, David" correspondence Record subgroup 1967
071 "Augustine, Br." correspondence Record subgroup 1967
073 "Aurelia, Mary, Sr." correspondence Record subgroup undated
074 "Austin, Waddell" correspondence Record subgroup 1963, 1970
#10 1967-10-03 (#01), TLS[c] Bonazzi from Griffin, John Howard, 'Gregory and I are in a dudgeon over these Merton photos. After we mocked up a first' Item 1967 October 3
#12 1967-10-03 (#03), TALS Bonazzi to Merton, 'What a very moving collection of signatures. We are mulling over them now but' Item 1967 October 3
#15 1967-10-10, TL[c] Bonazzi from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter: glad everything is working out. I am happy that you can' Item 1967 October 1
#16 1967-10-15, TLS Bonazzi to Merton, 'Acknowledging your letter which clarified CABLES TO THE [sic] ACE and all news of' Item 1967 October 15
#17 1967-12-06, TLS Bonazzi to Merton, 'John is genuinely frantic about your special issue of Latitudes, concerning' Item 1967 December 6
#21b 1997-04-30, TLS Bonazzi to Grip, Robert, 'Thanks so much for your kind letter of 21 April, as well as for the much-needed' Item 1968 July 7
#03 1960-03-21, TLS Burden to Merton, 'I flew back to New York the other day to watch the birth of "God is My Life". The' Item 1960 March 21
#05 1961-08-28, TLS Burden to Merton, 'Shortly you will receive a small gift package from me. It is a chasuble I saw in a' Item 1961 August 28
#08 1970-10-08, TLS[x] Burden to Center from Burden, Shirley, 'In answer to your recent letter regarding any letters, etc. I might have from Thomas' Item 1970 October 8
#04 1961-12-26 (#03), transcript Burdick from Merton, '(not for publication) "The way I would express it now is in purely religious and' Item 1961 December 26
#02 1962-11-15, TALS Burke to Merton, 'It is quite impossible for me to tell you how much your letter of November 8th meant' Item 1962 November 15
#03 1962-11-30, TLS Burke to Merton, 'In lieu of thanks for sending Peace in the Post Christian Era, may I send you' Item 1962 November 3
#04 1962-12-11, TAL[c] Burke from Merton, 'Cold, windy, snowy days, bright ones, are perhaps good for writing letters. At' Item 1962 December 11
#02 1959-04-18, HNS Burns from Merton, 'My Masses today and tomorrow are for your intention. God bless you - I wish you' Item 1959 April 18
#08 1966-08-22, HLS Burns to Merton, 'Your feast day will soon be here and I want to wish you a happy one. A little' Item 1966 August 22
#11 1967-08-18 (#02), TAL[c] Burns from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter and for the stipend. I will gladly say that Mass for' Item 1967 August 18
#13 1970-10-23, HLS Burns to Center from Burns, Ethel, 'Thank you for your letter regarding Fr Merton. Father, his correspondence with me' Item 1970 October 23
#14 1970-11-10, TL[x] Burns from Center to Burns, Ethel, 'Thank you for your letter of October 23. More and more people are replying to the' Item 1970 November 1
#16 undated-08-23, TLS Burns from Merton, 'Thanks for your remembrance and gift. I shall pray for you especially along with' Item undated August 23
#17 undated-12-25, HCS Burns from Merton, 'Thanks for the gift and clipping. I hope you are well these days. I have had a bad' Item undated December 25 (date approximate)
#18 undated (#01), TNS Burns from Merton, 'I tried to reach you with this at 181st Street last June when you sent the Masses' Item undated
#21 undated (#04), HNS[x] Burns from Merton, 'with gratitude and best wishes for the New Year. You will certainly be in my Masses' Item undated
#22 undated (#05), HNS[x] Burns from Merton, 'Thanks for your very interesting letter and the offering! I bet Columbia is amazing' Item undated
#24 undated (#07), HNS[x] Burns from Merton, '+ to Ethel M. Burns - with all good wishes and prayers and with deep gratitude for' Item undated
#04 1968-05-08, HLS[x] Burns from Merton, 'I had a good flight out - after Chicago was alone by a window and did not have to' Item 1968 May 8
#05 1968-05-14, HLS[x] Burns from Merton, 'Finished the talks to the nuns on Sunday and am now on retreat: which means the' Item 1968 May 14
#07 1968-08-16 (#01), TL[c] Burns from Merton, 'In regard to the letter of Dom John Morson of Aug. 12th. This problem arose rather' Item 1968 August 16
#11 1968-09-25, TLS[x] Burns from Merton, 'I am writing this in the Chancery Office while waiting to get my flight to' Item 1968 September 25
#12 1968-09-26, TLS[x] Burns from Merton, 'Yesterday I wrote in a big hurry on a most unfamiliar typewriter. This is still not' Item 1968 September 26
#17 1968-12-11, TL[x] Burns from Laughlin, James, 'I am shattered by this unbelievable event. I know it is God's will, and I know that' Item 1968 December 11
#01 1949-11-15, TL[x] Burns to Merton, 'I hope you got my letter of 20th October safely? We are all ready to go ahead with' Item 1949 November 15
#03 1962-03-29, TALS Burns to Merton, 'At long last New Directions have sent me a finished copy of NEW SEEDS OF' Item 1962 March 29
#05 1963-03-11, TL[c] Burns from Merton, 'Thanks for your note. I am afraid I don't have a complete typescript of PRAYER AS' Item 1963 March 11
#15 1965-11-27, TL[c] Burns from Merton, 'I do not remember whether or not I answered your letter about writing a special' Item 1965 November 27
#03 1966-02-09, HLS Burtt to Merton, 'The copy of The Way of Chuang Tzu which you kindly sent me has been forwarded' Item 1966 February 9
#01 1961-01-19, TLS Busby from Busby, C. R. / to Mr. Burns, 'Father Merton's letter of January 4. I think "leads about Sufism, Moslem culture' Item 1961 January 19
#01 1967-07-20, TLS Bush to Merton, 'We are sending you, under separate cover, an advance copy of Jules Supervielle's' Item 1967 July 2
#03 1967-06-22 (#02), TLS[x] Butorovich from Merton, 'I don't know if your letter was a disaster: but anyway, if it was, it was a nice' Item 1967 June 22
#05 1967-07-18 (#01), TL[c] Butorovich from Merton, 'I refuse to call anybody Susie. (I met a girl in a bar in London who was called' Item 1967 July 18
#07 1967-08-28, HLS Butorovich to Merton, 'I send this quick. I know you would probably not hear so I am writing. I have a' Item 1967 August 28
#08 1967-08-31 (#01), TL[c] Butorovich from Merton, 'The certified letter came today and by the time you get this you will have got back' Item 1967 August 31
#14 1967-12-09 (#01), TL[c] Butorovich from Merton, 'Sorry for the long delay. I've been very busy. Just had a wonderful time with' Item 1967 December 9
#19 1968-05-20, HPCS[x] Butorovich from Merton, 'Do you know I was in Cal. and tried to call you from the S.F. airport? But I guess' Item 1968 May 2
#23 1968-11-06, HPCS[x] Butorovich from Merton, 'India has turned out to be very groovy indeed. The meeting in Calcutta was not very' Item 1968 November 6 (date approximate)
#02 1967-01-23, TL[c] Butterfield from Merton, 'I am delighted to hear that Prof. John H. Ford of Bellarmine College has been' Item 1967 January 23
#05 1967-05-03, HLS Byles to Merton, 'Many thanks for "Chuang Tzu". I have already recommended it for the library of an' Item 1967 May 3
#01 1967-09-20, TL[c] Byrne from Merton, 'Your outline looks very good to me, and there is not much that I would add to it. ' Item 1967 September 2
002 "Bach, Marian T." correspondence Record subgroup 1958-1963
007 "Baird, Mary Julian, Sr., R.S.M." correspondence Record subgroup 1962
010 "Bamberger, John Eudes, Dom, O.C.S.O." correspondence Record subgroup 1951-1984
017 "Barnes, Thomas Garden" correspondence Record subgroup 1965, 1967