Thomas Merton Collection

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
#02 1958-07-11, HLS Angela to Fox, James, 'A hasty note to apologize for having caused something in the nature of a minor' Item 1958 July 11 (date approximate)
#01 1963-11-11 (#01), TL[c] from Merton, 'Sorry I did not see you when you were here. I did not even know you were here, and' Item 1963 November 11
#02 1963-11-11 (#02), TL[x] from Merton, 'Sorry I did not see you when you were here. I did not even know you were here, and' Item 1963 November 11
#01 1949-07-23, HLS Anna Mary from Anna Mary, Sr. / to James Fox, 'I enclose $5.00 to have a Mass offered for the canonization of Mother Berchmans in' Item 1949 July 23
#02 1966-11-10, TLS Anton from Merton, 'You cannot imagine with what joy I received the copy of Conjectures of a Guilty' Item 1966 November 1
#03 1967-01-10, TL[c] Anton from Merton, 'I am not scorning your do it yourselfer but after all this time I have a few things' Item 1967 January 1
#04 1961-03-13, TLS[x] Antoninus from Merton, 'Your fine letter of December 8th has lain long in the drawer. I have thought about' Item 1961 March 13
#09 1964-01-09, TL[c] Antoninus from Merton, 'Many thanks for the "Tongs" which got here a couple of days ago. I have not had a' Item 1964 January 9
#10 1964-08-26, TALS[x] Antoninus from Merton, 'There is someone working on the Louisville date, and they will probably contact you' Item 1964 August 26
#16 1965-01-09 (#02), TALS[x] Antoninus from Merton, 'Many thanks for the "Tongs" which got here a couple of days ago. I have not had a' Item 1965 January 9
#18 1967-01-30 (#01), TL[c] Antoninus from Merton, 'I am delighted that you can use the photograph on the jacket of the new book. ' Item 1967 January 3
#24 undated (#02) Bancroft Library receipt for copies of Merton letters Item undated
#01 1964-08-17, TLS[x] Appel to Moynihan, Paul V., 'At the request of our Father Louis we are forwarding to you today our library copy' Item 1964 August 17
#02 1965-05-20, TLS Appel to Merton, 'Always in the exordium… the obvious! Long time no compose elongated intramural' Item 1965 May 2
#03 1965-12-27, TALS[x] Arasteh from Merton, 'I am interested in your book, which I am sure will fill a great need in this' Item 1965 December 27
#09 1968-03-22 (#01), TLS Arasteh from Merton, 'I am sorry I have not written for so long. It wasa [sic] disappointment not to see' Item 1968 March 22
#10 1968-03-22 (#02), TL[c] Arasteh from Merton, 'I am sorry I have not written for so long. It wasa [sic] disappointment not to see' Item 1968 March 22
#14 1969-01-21, TLS[x] Arasteh from Saijo, Hisayo, 'Alan Watts has asked me to thank you very much for your letter of January 13th. Dr.' Item 1969 January 21
#15 1971-02-23, HLS[x] Arasteh from Abdelnour, Mary Madeline, 'For several weeks now I have been reading your most challenging book Final' Item 1971 February 23
#24 1984-02-26, TLS[x] Arasteh from Shannon, William, 'I hope you do not mind my calling you by your first name. I feel that we are going' Item 1984 February 26
#28 undated (#04), other Arasteh, 'The R. M. Bucke / Arasteh, A. Reza. "Final Integration in the Adult Personality". ' Item undated
#01 1961-04-10, TLS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Kelty, Matthew, 'Father Louis would have me assure you of his prayers for your husband and for all' Item 1961 April 1
#03 1961-05-06 (#02), transcript Arca de Sardiña to Merton, 'I am writing to tell you that my husband and the fiancé of my friend Marta Elena' Item 1961 May 6
#04 1961-05-15, TLS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'I write to you both as to friends, with deep compassion and concern in this moment' Item 1961 May 15
#09 1961-12-no-day, HCS Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'All blessings and joy at Christmas. May God give you strength, patience, light and' Item 1961 December (date approximate)
#14 1962-08-02, TLS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'I deeply feel with you all the emotions that have shaken you, on meeting the' Item 1962 August 2
#16 1962-09-19, TLS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'As this tense situation gets worse and worse, we must all realize that no strain or' Item 1962 September 19
#18 1962-10-29 (#02), TLS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'This is a troubled time, in which you are going to have to collect your forces and' Item 1962 October 29
#19 1963-01-01, TLS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'Well, this is the first letter dated 1963 that I have written, and by a miracle I' Item 1963 January 1
#21 1963-04-17 (#01), TL[c] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'It was good to hear from you, both before and after Easter, with the copy of the' Item 1963 April 17
#26 1964-09-05 (#01), TL[c] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'I am sorry your letter has gone so long without an answer, especially when you feel' Item 1964 September 5
#27 1964-09-05 (#02), TLS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'I am sorry your letter has gone so long without an answer, especially when you feel' Item 1964 September 5
#30 undated (#01), other Arca de Sardiña, addresses for Arca de Sardiña Item undated
#31 undated (#02), TLS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'I write to you both as to friends, with deep compassion and concern in this moment' Item undated
#01 1967-12-07, TAL[c] Armstrong from Armstrong, Bonnie / to Miss J. Gravelotte, 'Thank you very much for your letter of November 31st asking about the possibility of' Item 1967 December 7
#03 1967-06-22, TL[c] Arnold from Merton, 'I have been wanting to thank you for the book you sent, Salt and Light by' Item 1967 June 22
#02 1967-03-27 (#02), other Asch, 'human culture, going in the direction of the increased unification of the human' Item 1967 March 27
#03 1967-04-01, TL[c] Asch from Merton, 'No problem about the quote to be used in THE ROOTS OF FAITH. The credit line is all' Item 1967 April 1
#01 1965-09-14, TL[c] Atkins from Merton, 'Thanks for sending me your article. It is a smasher and I really enjoyed it. I' Item 1965 September 14
#02 1965-09-05, TL[c] Augustinius from Merton, 'It was a pleasure to receive your warm and encouraging letter from Africa and to' Item 1965 September 5
#01 1964-12-10, TL[c] Ayyaneth from Merton, 'Thank you for your kind letter. Naturally I would be delighted to have you' Item 1964 December 1
#01 1958-10-08, TCS Bach from Merton, 'It was very good to get your delightful letter and to learn about all of you--' Item 1958 October 8
#03 1961-04-05, HPCS Bach from Merton, '[…] thanks for your gift and for your good news at Easter. Glad to hear Anne and' Item 1961 April 5
#02 1963-11-19, TLS Baciu to Merton, 'Caro e estimado Poeta: muchas, muchísimas gracias por su carta del 30 de Octubre el' Item 1963 November 19
#08 1965-05-21 (#01), TL[c] Baciu from Merton, 'I will try to reply to your letter before the matter ceases to be fresh in my mind. ' Item 1965 May 21
#09 1965-05-21 (#02), TL[c] Baciu from Merton, 'I will try to reply to your letter before the matter ceases to be fresh in my mind. ' Item 1965 May 21
#11 1966-01-27, TALS Baciu to Merton, 'Meu grande e caríssimo Thomas Merton: foi exatamente na hora (ontem pela' Item 1966 January 27
#01 1966-09-17, TALS[x] Bagguley to Merton, 'In June 1937, W. H. Auden, Louis Aragon, Stephen Spender and Nancy Cunard circulated' Item 1966 September 17
#01 1962-02-19, TLS Baird to Merton, 'Your revised carbon of the article on Spiritual Direction reached my hands only this' Item 1962 February 19
#04 1967-10-16, TL[c] Baker from Merton, 'Fine. I'll keep Feb. 28th for you. Let me know when you will arrive, and whether' Item 1967 October 16
#06 1968-03-28, TL[c] Baker from Merton, 'Thanks for the return of the various items. Actually, the mimeographed ones did not' Item 1968 March 28
#08 1968-06-11 (#01), TAL[c] Baker from Merton, 'In the past couple of weeks I have hardly had time to answer any mail at all. ' Item 1968 June 11
#05 1965-07-17, TAL[c] Balthasar from Merton, 'Thanks very much for the two new little books you sent. Your Rechenschaft looks' Item 1965 July 17
#06 1966-02-25, HLS Balthasar to Merton, 'Comment vous remercie d'avoir le temps' Item 1966 February 25
#08 1966-09-12, TAL[c] Balthasar from Merton, 'Grand merci de votre bonne lettre que date déjà de trois mois! Je pense que le Fr.' Item 1966 September 12
#01 1962-06-11, TLS Bane to Merton, 'About a year ago, the Superior of the Maryknoll Cloistered Sisters sent me a copy of' Item 1962 June 11
#07 1966-04-20, TLS Bane to Merton, 'Please forgive the intrusion and unusual request. There is a small group of' Item 1966 April 2
#10 1966-07-23 (#01), TLS Bane to Merton, 'I am taking advantage of your offer to be of service to us. Uniquely, you can be of' Item 1966 July 23
#15 1967-07-31, TL[c] Bane from Merton, 'Thanks for your kind letter of the 17th. I will ask someone to send on some more' Item 1967 July 31
#18 1967-08-20, TLS Bane to Merton, 'Thank you for your wonderful letter. It meant a lot, and the promise of a' Item 1967 August 2
#23 1967-10-05, TL[c] Bane from Merton, 'Once more, about the date. Let me try to get down to something more definite. ' Item 1967 October 5
#28 1967-11-14, TL[c] Bane from Merton, 'Thanks for the letter and the points for discussion. Some of them are really first' Item 1967 November 14
#31 1967-12-17, TLS Bane to Merton, 'May you have a truly blessed Christmas. The tape came yesterday but I have only' Item 1967 December 17 (date approximate)
#41 1972-12-04, TALS[x] Bane from Center to Bane, Elaine, 'I will start off by asking your overlooking the errors, and hastily typed letter. I' Item 1972 December 4
#01 1966-02-07, TLS Bannon to Merton, 'In the March Art Supplement of the Magnificat, Roman Catholic Diocese of' Item 1966 February 7
#01 1968-02-22, HLS Baptist to Merton, 'Thanks for the letter and photograph. I had no idea you were so husky looking. ' Item 1968 February 22
#02 1968-04-10, TL[c] Baptist from Merton, 'I am sorry I left your letter so long without an answer. It is almost impossible' Item 1968 April 1
#01 1967-06-06, TLS Barbara to Merton, 'In view of the many changes taking place within the structured framework of' Item 1967 June 6
#02 1967-06-09, TL[c] Barbara from Merton, 'Apparently word is getting around that I am now permitted to go out and speak on' Item 1967 June 9
#02 1967-04-24, TL[c] Barnard from Merton, 'Thanks for your good letter. I am glad you found the two books interesting enough' Item 1967 April 24
#01 1965-06-25, TL[c] Barnes from Merton, 'It was good to hear from you again. I am glad you have done so well in school, and' Item 1965 June 25
#02 1967-07-08, TL[c] Barr from Merton, 'Thanks for your long and interesting letter of June 24, with its enclosures. I' Item 1967 July 8
#02 1960-11-06, HALS Barry to Merton, 'Thank you for your kind letter. I am so happy the censors approved your excellent' Item 1960 November 6
#08 1962-12-04, HLS Barry from Merton, 'I got your good letter this morning and I think it is a good idea to get started on' Item 1962 December 4
#12 1964-05-25, Barry from Bolshakoff, Serge, 'Since I received your letter nearly a year ago I had no more news from you and do' Item 1964 May 25
#02 1962-02-27, TALS Bartelme to Merton, 'Thank you so much for sending me your article, as well as the off-print from' Item 1962 February 27
#11 1963-08-12, TLS Bartelme to Merton, 'Our manufacturing department has now returned to me the' Item 1963 August 12
#16 1967-09-13, TLS Bartelme to Merton, 'I am sending you a copy of a book that we are publishing in October by John' Item 1967 September 13
#18 1968-05-24, TLS Bartelme to Merton, 'I am sending you herewith a copy of the Catholic Worker Reader, A Penny a' Item 1968 May 24
#01 1965, Bartolomé Merton, 'Para el Padre Merton con mi amistad y mis' Item 1965
#01 1967-08-07, TALS Barton to Merton, 'My hope is that you might explain your poem, "Fall '66" which appeared in the New' Item 1967 August 7
#02 1967-08-11, TL[c] Barton from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter. Yes, I think there are probably unconscious resonances of' Item 1967 August 11
#03 1967-08-26, TALS Barton to Merton, 'Thank you very much for your prompt reply. It was quite encouraging. There has' Item 1967 August 26
#05 1967-09-25 (#02), TLS[x] Barton from Merton, 'One thing I have been meaning to say: if you don't know the poetic work of David' Item 1967 September 25
#01 1963-10-31, HLS Basetti-Sani to Merton, 'Je m'excuse de venir vous déranger. ' Item 1963 October 31
#05 1967-12-02, HLS Basetti-Sani to Merton, 'I am very greatfull [sic] for your kindness sending your article: The Cross' Item 1967 December 2
#01 1967-12-11, HLS Bastin to Merton, 'I am writing to you as manager of our quarterly journal "Theoria to Theory", though' Item 1967 December 11
#04 1966-04-05, TALS Bastos to Merton, 'Thank you very much for sending your article back. I took notice of the mistakes' Item 1966 April 5
#02 1968-06-27, TL[c] Batastini from Merton, 'Thank you for your letter of June 18th informing me of the project to publish Four' Item 1968 June 27
#02 1967-07-25, TL[c] Bates from Merton, 'Thanks for inviting me to the convocation on Pot, Pills and LSD next spring. I am' Item 1967 July 25
#02 1968-06-27, HLS Beaumont to Merton, 'I beg your permission to […] from "The Strange Islands" into some Little Worship' Item 1968 June 27
#01 1954-07-28, TALS Beaurin to Merton, 'L'idée m'est venue d'entrer très simplement en rapport avec vous. L'on nous a lu au' Item 1954 July 28
#02 1954-09-15, TALS Beaurin to Merton, 'En rentrant de notre pèlerinage de Rome j'ai trouvé votre lettre si fraternelle qui' Item 1954 September 15
#01 undated, HCS Benaudes to Merton, '"But the fruit of the Spirit is charity, joy, peace, patience, benignity,' Item undated
#01 1950-05-23, TLS Benedict to Merton, 'Yesterday Father Abbot asked me to get in touch with you and ask your advice about' Item 1950 May 23
#02 1966-08-24, TL[c] Bennett from Merton, 'Your letter came to me as a complete surprise, and one that was in its own way' Item 1966 August 24
#04 1966-11-10 (#01), TL[c] Bennett from Merton, 'It occurs to me that I probably did not fulfill a promise-- or a threat-- to send' Item 1966 November 1
#05 1966-11-10 (#02), TLS[x] Bennett from Merton, 'It occurs to me that I probably did not fulfill a promise-- or a threat-- to send' Item 1966 November 1
#09 undated, other[x] Bennett, '(His first Mass) "Friday I said that Mass I had promised to Our Lady of Cobre… It' Item undated
#01 1966-06-16, TALS Bentley to Merton, 'It was indeed very good of you to come to see me. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting you' Item 1966 June 16