Thomas Merton Collection

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
#01 1967-02-12, TL[c] Britton from Merton, 'I have no qualms in saying I like your ms, but selling it is another thing again. ' Item 1967 February 12
#03 1967-10-no-day, HLS Britton to Merton, 'About two years ago I sent you 30 or 40 pages of poetry and received a newsletter in' Item 1967 October (date approximate)
#02 1963-12-12, TAL[c] Browne from Merton, 'It was good to hear from you and receive the proofs of Daniel-Rops' book. I am glad' Item 1963 December 12
#03 1948-08-09, TLS Bruce to Merton, 'Some years ago a Jesuit telephoned me to say that a very dear friend of ours, a' Item 1948 August 9
#02 1966-05-08, TLS Bryan to Merton, 'That letter of your received in July has been waiting an answer for many a month. I' Item 1966 May 8
#02 1965-07-22, TL[c] Brzatynska from Merton, 'I will answer your good letter without delay, because otherwise I will put it aside' Item 1965 July 22
#01 1967-04-04, TLS Buckley to Merton, 'I write to inquire whether your schedule of commitments might permit you to do the' Item 1967 April 4
#03 1967-07-20, TLS Buckley to Merton, 'Yesterday we received from Lee Belford the manuscript of your excellent commentary' Item 1967 July 2
#02 1961-12-26 (#01), TLS[x] Burdick from Merton, 'For several weeks I have wanted to find an opportunity to answer your letter with' Item 1961 December 26
#01 1965-11-02, TL[c] Burhans from Merton, 'I have read your long letter carefully, and sympathize with you. I wonder if you' Item 1965 November 2
#01 1966-09-22, TL[c] Burke from Merton to Chairman of Local Draft Board 116, 'I am writing this letter in behalf of Christopher Burke who is petitioning for' Item 1966 September 22
#01 1962-11-02, TL[x] Burke to The Editors, AVE MARIA, 'For the past month I have been searching for time and a timely word to thank you for' Item 1962 November 2
#03 1968-06-27 (#02), TLS[x] Burke from Merton, 'Thanks for your kind invitation to preach the retreat at the Genesee. Since I have' Item 1968 June 27
#01 1963-02-no-day, TL[c] Burns from Merton, 'I would have a hard time telling you exactly what books of ours are in print now,' Item 1963 February
#02 1967-05-22, TLS Burns to Merton, 'I have been working here at Boystown since the first of the year, spend part of the' Item 1967 May 22
#01 1958-12-25, HCS Burns from Merton, 'This is a very late "Christmas" card to thank you for your kind letter and the Mass' Item 1958 December 25 (date approximate)
#09 1966-08-30, HNS Burns from Merton, 'Many thanks for your kind letter and gift. No, I did not know Mark Van Doren had' Item 1966 August 3
#19 undated (#02), HLS Burns from Merton, 'Let nothing disturb you! Trust and peace. God is always near. Thanks for' Item undated
#20 undated (#03), HLS Burns from Merton, 'Thanks again for your kindness. I do keep you in my prayers. Life is not as easy' Item undated
#23 undated (#06), HNS[x] Burns from Merton, '+ for Ethel Burns with prayers and good wishes in Xt [-] Thomas' Item undated
#01 1964-03-01, TAL[c] Burns from Merton, 'I am in profound agreement with your talks on the hermit life etc. However there is' Item 1964 March 1
#14 1968-10-09, TLS[x] Burns from Merton, 'I borrowed Mother Myriam's Olivetti to write out my paper for Darjeeling (they' Item 1968 October 9
#16 1968-11-09, TLS[x] Burns from Merton, 'I owe you a progress report. Not having got any mail for a couple of weeks I don't' Item 1968 November 9
#18 1968-12-13, HLS[x] Burns from Jenkins, Harold, 'Thank you for your telegram informing us of Father Thomas Merton's death. I assume' Item 1968 December 13
#19 1985-01-09, HLS[x] Burns to Hart, Patrick, 'Thank you for letting me read this book by Victor Kramer. To quote Naomi:' Item 1985 January 9
#08 1963-11-13, TAL[c] Burns from Merton, 'Forgive my long delay, perhaps no longer than usual, but I have been in the' Item 1963 November 13
#09 1964-03-31, TLS Burns to Merton, 'Many thanks for yours of March 25th. I feel very ashamed of myself for not having' Item 1964 March 31
#11 1964-06-24, TAL[c] Burns from Merton, 'A copy of the Gorres journals arrived yesterday, and I want to thank you also for' Item 1964 June 24
#12 1965-07-30, TALS Burns to Merton, 'Your very kind letter of July 17th only increases the sense of guilt I have had for' Item 1965 July 3
#17 1966-10-13, TL[c] Burns from Merton, 'Probably copies of REDEEMING THE TIME are on their way but I have not yet seen it. ' Item 1966 October 13
#01 1965-12-24, TL[c] Burtt from Merton, 'I have received you book and have begun it, under conditions that are quite' Item 1965 December 24
#02 1966-01-07, HLS Burtt to Merton, 'Many thanks for your kind words about the book. I was sure you would find some' Item 1966 January 7
#01 1967-06-15, TALS Butorovich to Merton, 'Sorry for the first mistake but I'm a pretty rotten typist but my penmanship is' Item 1967 June 15
#04 1967-07-03, TALS Butorovich to Merton, 'Guess what! You got a new name you didn't need!!!! HELLO!! This is the Disaster' Item 1967 July 3
#13 1967-11-09, TALS Butorovich to Merton, 'This is going to be a fast letter. Hello! I am getting very bored with life and,' Item 1967 November 9
#15 1967-12-09 (#02), TALS[x] Butorovich from Merton, 'Sorry for the long delay. I've been very busy. Just had a wonderful time with' Item 1967 December 9
#20 1968-05-no-day, HPCS[x] Butorovich from Merton, 'I read your long letter--with insertions from Cris, etc., etc.-in Dallas airport.' Item 1968 May
#21 1968-06-04 (#01), TL[c] Butorovich from Merton, 'Don't mind the letterhead, this is just the secret headquarters of my drug pushing' Item 1968 June 4
#22 1968-09-26, TALS[x] Butorovich from Merton, 'Your letter(s) followed me to Alaska and got here just in time. I have not run out' Item 1968 September 26
#03 1967-01-22, HLS Byles to Merton, 'Many thanks for your letter about Holy Obedience which I think corresponds to Tenko' Item 1967 January 22
#06 1967-05-12, TL[c] Byles from Merton, 'Your book on the Buddha is a joy to read and full of wisdom, so that once again I' Item 1967 May 12
#22 1968-07-07, Bonazzi from Merton, 'I'm sorry everyone is bugging you about Latitudes 5. As a matter of fact I hadn't' Item 1997 March 31
#24 1997-03-31 (#02), other Bonazzi to Grip, Robert, 'ELIZABETH GRIFFIN-BONAZZI --Widow of John Howard Griffin, wife of 27 years, mother' Item 1997 April 3
#01 1968-08-12, TLS Bond to Merton, 'We would deeply appreciate your reading the enclosed manuscript. Please be aware' Item 1968 August 12
#02 1966-02-20 (#01), TALS Borgerhoff from Merton, 'First of all I want to say quite candidly that I think that a non-Catholic publisher' Item 1966 February 2
#03 1966-02-20 (#02), TL[c] Borgerhoff from Merton, 'First of all I want to say quite candidly that I think that a non-Catholic publisher' Item 1966 February 2
#04 1966-11-18, HLS Borgerhoff to Merton, 'Jacques has asked me to tell you that he would be extremely grateful if you would' Item 1966 November 18
#09 1968-06-03, HLS Borgstin to Merton, 'The first think we have to thank you for is your good visit - a real joy and source' Item 1968 June 3
#01 1968-05-12, TLS Borton to Merton, 'Four years ago, I came upon one your books. Since that time I have read almost' Item 1968 May 12
#03 1968-05-23 (#02), TL[c] Borton from Merton, 'Thanks for the confidence you show in me, in presenting your questions about John of' Item 1968 May 23
#01 1954-07-11, HLS Bosco to Merton, 'This will have to be short, because if I don't finish it tonight, I won't be able to' Item 1954 July 11
#01 1965-01-03, TL[c] Boucher from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter. This cannot be much more than a brief note to say that I' Item 1965 January 3
#03 1951-09-16, TLS Bourne to Merton, 'Enclosed you will find the document you requested for the edification or something' Item 1951 September 16
#06 1952-05-02 (#01), TLS Bourne from Merton, 'Could you please look over these two works of art (?) and tell me if they are too' Item 1952 May 2
#17 1960-03-01, HLS Bourne to Fox, James, 'First- please tell Fr. Louis to go ahead with his preface to Disputed Questions -' Item 1960 March 1
#19 1960-03-no-day, TLS Bourne from Merton to Censors, 'Since objections were raised to the article entitled Vocation to Solitude, the theme' Item 1960 March (date approximate)
#29 1962-01-23, TLS[c] Bourne from Fox, James, 'We certainly are keeping the Air Mail or Postal Clerks busy these days. I just' Item 1962 January 23
#32 1962-02-21, TALS[c] Bourne from Fox, James, 'I received your gracious note of Septuagesima Sunday. Don't worry about the other' Item 1962 February 21
#35 1963-05-01, TL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'Here is a problem for you as Head Censor: I hope you can help me unravel it. The' Item 1963 May 1
#37 1964-01-02, HALS Bourne to Merton, 'Judged best not to submit this to formal censorship-- as I don’t know how long it' Item 1964 January 2
#41 1964-03-13, HLS Bourne to Merton, 'Taking all factors into account I can't see that this little piece requires' Item 1964 March 13
#42 1964-05-27, HLS Bourne to Merton, 'You should have your green light for the Diaspora very soon; but meanwhile I've run' Item 1964 May 27
#43 1964-06-03, TAL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'Many thanks to you and Fr Charles for your good work: the approval from Rome' Item 1964 June 3
#44 1964-07-18, TAL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'Many thanks for returning the articles. I suppose there is a new system under way. ' Item 1964 July 18
#46 1964-07-no-day, HLS Bourne to Merton, 'I don't know what's going on, censorshipwise, at the Generalate. I get no response' Item 1964 July (date approximate)
#47 1964-08-06, HLS Bourne to Merton, 'Since Commonweal themselves have been recently bewailing their circulation one can' Item 1964 August 6
#48 1964-08-11, TAL[c] Bourne to Merton, 'Thanks for your last letter and your green light on Honest to God for the' Item 1964 August 11
#50 1965-01-18 (#01), TLS Bourne from Merton, 'I am sending two copies of a preface which I wrote thinking that probably it would' Item 1965 January 18
#52 1965-01-18 (#03), other Bourne from Merton, 'Forty - Three Signatures [-] an exhibit of Drawings [-] by Thomas' Item 1965 January 18
#57 1965-02-04, HLS Bourne to Merton, 'Turn about is fair play - the enclosed is an article by me for you to censor. ' Item 1965 February 4 (date approximate)
#65 1967-01-18, HLS Bourne to Merton, 'Don't worry about your ms. All is under control. Have you read Dewart's Future' Item 1967 January 18
#66 1967-06-23, TL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'Here is the ms of a book of poems-- or rather a mosaic of poetry and poetic prose,' Item 1967 June 23
#67 1967-06-28, HLS Bourne to Merton, 'Don't fret about censorship. I've about reached the point where I consider it' Item 1967 June 28
#70 1968-06-03, TL[x] Bourne from Martin, Frederick R., 'Father Thomas Merton has asked me to send a set of uncorrected galleys for his' Item 1968 June 3
#71 1968-09-03, HNS Bourne from Merton, 'Will you please do whatever is necessary to process this new book of verse? [-] Many' Item 1968 September 3
#74 1973-12-05, TAL[c] Bourne from Center to Bourne, Paul, 'I have just finished a fascinating experience of going through the Thomas Merton' Item 1973 December 5
#76 undated (#02), HNS Bourne to Merton, 'Fret not about your novel - I'm not supposed to be reading novels so how could I' Item undated
#82 undated (#08), HLS Bourne to Merton, 'Thought you might like to see our new Guide. The text was not easy to write - just' Item undated
#01 1966-12-15, TLS Bourne to Merton, 'Our very good friend and consultant, Dr. Abraham Heschel, has told us of your' Item 1966 December 15
#06 1967-02-15, TL[c] Bourne from Merton, 'Thanks for your letterof [sic] Jan.27 and above all for the splendid book on' Item 1967 February 15
#07 1967-02-17, TLS Bourne to Merton, 'Thanks for your note. I was very pleased to hear that you see no big obstacle' Item 1967 February 17
#08 1967-02-24 (#02), TL[c] Bourne from Stone, Naomi Burton, 'Many thanks for yours of February 17th and the enclosed document. Perhaps I didn't' Item 1967 February 24
#13 1968-02-26, TLS Bourne to Merton, 'Enclosed for your interest is a copy of Dr. James Sander's Introduction to the Old' Item 1968 February 26
#01 1951-11-17, TLS[x] Boutoute from Merton, 'Cette lettre vous surprendra à première vue, mais plus dutout lorsque je vous aurai' Item 1951 November 17
#02 1967-11-06, other Boyd to Merton, '[…] A HERMIT'S PREFERENCES Seabury Press recently sent Thomas Merton an author' Item 1967 November 6
#01 1967-03-20, TL[c] Boyd from Merton, 'You are the first person who ever picked me out as an authority on music. I cannot' Item 1967 March 2
#02 1965-08-08, TL[c] Brahmachari from Merton, 'It was a delight to get your letter dated May 28th, and I am sorry to see that so' Item 1965 August 8
#01 1964-09-14, TLS Brandt to Merton, 'Perhaps you will remember me. Back in Easter, '56, when Fr. Hilary was guestmaster,' Item 1964 September 14
#02 1964-09-27 (#01), TL[c] Brandt from Merton, 'It was good to hear from you, and I think I have a fairly clear memory of your' Item 1964 September 27
#03 1964-09-27 (#02), TL[c] Brandt from Merton, 'It was good to hear from you, and I think I have a fairly clear memory of your' Item 1964 September 27
#01 1964-08-11, TL[c] Brasier-Creagh from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter of July 21st. I am slow in replying, and yet this is' Item 1964 August 11
#02 1967-10-19, TL[c] Braveman from Merton, 'Thanks for Freelance: a pleasant surprise and a good alive magazine. I have' Item 1967 October 19
#06 1968-04-28, TLS Braveman to Merton, 'Thank you so much for all you did with Sue and Sandy. Whether Sue will ever come' Item 1968 April 28
001 "Babin, Pierre, Fr., O.M.I." correspondence Record subgroup 1966
010 "Agadjanian, Georges" correspondence Record subgroup 1967
011 "Agagianian, Gregorio Pietro, Cardinal" correspondence Record subgroup 1955
012 "Agnes, Mother, O.C.D." correspondence Record subgroup undated
015 "Aiken, John W., Dr." correspondence Record subgroup 1967
019 "Alexander, Judy" correspondence Record subgroup 1965
022 "Allan, Julian P., O.B.E., F.R.B.S." correspondence Record subgroup 1955