Thomas Merton Collection

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
#05 1968-01-26 (#01), TLS Arasteh from Merton, 'Your book is very fine and I am giving it a slow and fruitful reading. I find it' Item 1968 January 26
#08 1968-02-17, TALS Arasteh to Merton, 'Thank you for your kind letter and the newsletter too. If weather does not prevent' Item 1968 February 17
#11 1968-04-02, TALS[x] Arasteh from Merton, 'Many thanks for your letter. April 12 is a difficult day in some respects as it is' Item 1968 April 2
#16 1974-01-08, HLS[x] Arasteh from Tremblay, Yvonne, 'During my studies at the University of Ottawa in view of obtaining a Ph.D. in' Item 1974 January 8
#18 1976-10-19, TLS[x] Arasteh from McCorkell, Edward, 'You may be surprised to hear from a Cistercian monk out here in the lovely' Item 1976 October 19
#19 1978-02-17, TALS[x] Arasteh from Smith, Anne Abel, 'I am glad to say we received this morning three complimentary copies of the Spanish' Item 1978 February 17
#20 1980-03-22, TLS[x] Arasteh from McCorkell, Edward, 'Last week I was delighted when the mail brought a copy of your book, GROWTH TO' Item 1980 March 22
#21 1984-01-13, TLS[x] Arasteh from Shannon, William, 'It was a great pleasure to speak with you on the phone today. I have been wanting' Item 1984 January 13
#22 1984-01-19, HLS Arasteh to Shannon, William, 'Thank you for your letter. I have located some information which will help you to' Item 1984 January 19
#02 1961-05-06 (#01), HLS Arca de Sardiña to Merton, 'Te escribo para informarle que mi esposo y el novio de […] amiga Marta Elena' Item 1961 May 6
#05 1961-07-26 (#01), HLS Arca de Sardiña to Merton, 'Cuando escribe de cosas espirituales […] escribirle en español […] es más fácil para' Item 1961 July 26
#06 1961-07-26 (#02), transcript Arca de Sardiña to Merton, 'When I write about spiritual things I would prefer to write you in Spanish as it is' Item 1961 July 26
#11 1962-01-31, TALS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'This time I want to try to answer you immediately. I think you are quite right, and' Item 1962 January 31
#17 1962-10-29 (#01), TL[c] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'This is a troubled time, in which you are going to have to collect your forces and' Item 1962 October 29
#22 1963-04-17 (#02), TLS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'It was good to hear from you, both before and after Easter, with the copy of the' Item 1963 April 17
#23 1963-07-25, TLS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'I have not forgotten your letter of June 6th, but summer is a very busy season. I' Item 1963 July 25
#24 1964-02-16 (#01), TLS[x] Arca de Sardiña from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter, I had been thinking about you and wondering about you for a' Item 1964 February 16
#04 1967-06-28, TLS Arnold to Merton, 'First of all thank you so much for your kind letter of June 22. We are indeed' Item 1967 June 28
#01 undated, TLS Astudillo to Merton, 'Verdad que no importa el que no seamos católicos los dos, para que puede a llamarle' Item undated
#01 1967-09-05, TL[c] Atencio from Merton, 'I am returning the manuscript you sent me. As I get an unusual number of books and' Item 1967 September 5
#06 undated (#02), TL[c] Atkins from Merton, 'It is silly to bother you with this piece of absurd nonsense, but as I made you a' Item undated
#01 1967-01-20, TL[c] Augustine from Merton, 'Thanks for your good letter. It is encouraging to get a letter from a Cistercian' Item 1967 January 2
#008 1965-01-23, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Did not get allergy shot Sunday - will try again Monday after dinner OK? [-] fr m' Item 1963 November 11
#016 1965-07-29, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Maybe someone should do a report on the Monastic Renewal article herewith -' Item undated
#018 1965-08-10, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'I found this interesting message dating from the' Item 1970 January 17
#024 1965-11-20, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'Thanks for your note. I'll take whatever you provide. How about yogurt? I am told' Item 1966 September 13
#025 1965-11-21, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'I will start in Chapter today if you wish. Please get the information to those who' Item 1966 November 7
#030 1965-12-26, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Do you have a minute after dinner? [-] Thanx in Jesu [-] fr m' Item 1966 November 1
#046 1966-05-21, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'I will try out sleeping in hermitage for a few nights - to see if dampness effects' Item 1966 March 8
#048 1966-05-28, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'I have an appointment with Dr Mitchell Saturday - could you please make the' Item 1966 February 23
#050 1966-06-21, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'I have to see Dr Mitchell 10 am next Saturday - 25th [-] Could you please make' Item 1966 January 6
#056 1966-07-27, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'I need to be at the Medical Arts Building about 10.30 Friday. So if we leave here' Item undated
#061 1966-08-no-day, TALS[x] Bamberger from Merton, 'Our talk yesterday has been fruitful in this: it has suggested some helpful' Item undated
#065 1966-09-08, TAN Bamberger from Merton to Br. Zachary, 'As soon as we have copies of Raids on Unspeakable I would like 12 of them to send' Item undated November 21
#076 1966-11-07, TN Bamberger, 'Frln. Dagmar Henne [-] Agence Hoffman [-] Seestrasse 6 [-] 8 Munchen 23 W.' Item undated
#090 1967-01-02, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Thought you would like to glance at this - thou [sic] you can throw it away. [-] In' Item 1965 November 28
#091 1967-01-03, TL[x] Bamberger from Peisel, Francis, et al., 'Thank you for referring Father Thomas Merton to us. Father has tinnitus aurium due' Item 1968 August 3
#098b 1967-03-no-day, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'As to the Alberti piece: please believe that I had no idea you would take it that' Item 1965 August 18
#100 1967-04-no-day, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'I'd appreciate if these prescriptions could be filled as soon as convenient. I did' Item 1967 June 8
#102 1967-05-04 (#02), TLS[x] Bamberger from Merton, 'Through the devious workings of Providence I have now fallen into the hands of a new' Item undated
#107 1967-06-no-day, HNS Bamberger from Merton to Br. Camillus, 'I am through with the clothes for a while now- Don't know where to return them?? ' Item undated
#108a 1967-10-28, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'If you have not done so I strongly recommend you take a look at the American' Item 1966 November 2
#108b 1967-10-no-day, HNS Bamberger from Merton to Br. Camillus, 'I have to go to Louisville Thursday about 8 a.m. Could you please fix it up?' Item 1966 November 2
#114 1970-01-17, HLS Bamberger from Marie-Pascal, Sr. / to John Eudes Bamberger, 'En ce moment, je termine la lecture de votre article su Th. Merton Traduit par P.' Item 1964 November 28
#118 undated-04-28 (#01), TL[c] Bamberger from Merton, 'Thanks for letting me see your essay on Basil. I think you are on to something' Item undated
#127 undated, other Bamberger, 'A Christmas Poem. For Jane, Kate and Ann and Lee, and Dorothy. (that is, a poem' Item undated
#130 undated, other Bamberger, 'Robert Francis Kennedy [-] Senator of the United States [-] November 20, 1925 - June' Item 1967 March
#133 undated, TN Bamberger, 'Frln. Dagmar Henne [-] Agence Hoffman [-] Seestrasse 6 [-] 8 Munchen 23 W. Germany' Item undated
#135 undated, HNS Bamberger, 'I'll drop by Monday AM for' Item 1967 May 24
#139 undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Interested? I have signed this - it will appear in one of those ads that groups' Item 1966 April 1
#144 undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'I remember Bernard Hall - at best I could give it only a cursory glance that would' Item undated
#148b undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Zalman Schachter will be here tomorrow Tuesday - nothing special is planned. Two' Item undated
#149 undated, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'An afterthought on my note of the other day. This is by way of exception, I won't' Item undated
#152 undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Our B. Robert (postulant) has a chill with diarrhea etc again and has been resting. ' Item 1964 June 1
#154 undated, HN Bamberger to Merton, 'will you give a conference at 4:00 p.m. on some Oriental texts on the Presentation' Item undated
#164 undated, TNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Concerning the change in time of the Brothers' lauds: as you have it set up it' Item undated August 27
#165b undated, TN Bamberger from Merton, 'I hope you did not think I was being even more unsociable than usual this morning. ' Item 1966 September 5
#166 undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Saturday Fr Felix is giving the novice conference, so Juniors will not come this' Item 1966 July 26
#169 undated, HN Bamberger from Merton, 'I will give a conference today after all on some Oriental texts on the Presentation' Item undated
#170 undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Please put this in the mail when you are through with it. [-] Thanx in Jesu [-] fr' Item 1966 June 21
#176 undated, HNS Bamberger, 'I also need some more Lomotil. I have a prescription if you want that but it would' Item 1965 November
#182 undated, HN Bamberger from Merton, '+How the traction works. [-] You hook it on to head of the bed. But here the head' Item undated
#186 undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Fr Eudes [-] many thanks! [-] fr m' Item 1967 March 3
#187 undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'You might enjoy this - no need to return it. [-] In Jesu [-] fr m' Item 1964 December
#191 undated, TAN Bamberger from Merton, 'I have no objection to you and juniors using the sheep barn cell, as there are few' Item 1966 October 22
#196 undated, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'Br Aelred is having trouble with coffee, could he have 1/2 cup of milk at supper?' Item 1965 September
#000a 1951, other Bamberger, 'Direction in St John of the +. Faulty directions [-] 1 Moral deficiency -' Item 1966 August
#001a 1963-11-04, TALS Bamberger from Flood, Maurice / to Merton, 'Just a few words to relate to you as Master of Novices that for some time a few of' Item 1967 March 11
#002a 1963-11-15, HNS Bamberger from Merton, 'As man is late again tomorrow (Sat.) and I would otherwise miss practically a full' Item 1967 March 12
#01 1966-12-26, TL[c] Babin from Merton, 'Merci de votre bonne lettre: oui, elle était bien pour moi "un cadeau de Dieu." Je' Item 1966 December 26
#03 undated (#02), TLS Babin to Merton, 'The MONK TO-DAY 1 - Does a monk have a specific task in the world? -' Item undated
#02 1959-06-22, HPCS Bach from Merton, 'Thank you for the surprise letter and for the gift which I shall use to good' Item 1959 June 22
#04 1963-04-09, HPCS Bach from Merton, 'I will be saying the Masses for Mimi -- I hope she will take care of' Item 1963 April 9
#01 1963-09-12, TALS Baciu to Merton, 'Muchas gracias por su amable carta del 19 de Agosto, en la cual tiene la bondad de' Item 1963 September 12
#06 1965-04-05, TLS Baciu to Merton, 'suponho que por sobrecarga de trabalho, ficaram sem resposta minhas últimas cartas. ' Item 1965 April 5
#12 1966-02-03, TALS[x] Baciu to Merton, 'Em 19 de abril prôximo, Manuel Bandeira vai fazer 80 anos. O fato se reveste,' Item 1966 February 3
#13 1966-06-17, TALS Baciu to Merton, 'é com alegria que posso lhe dizer que hoje acabo de pôr o ponto final em seu ensaio,' Item 1966 June 17
#14 1966-07-07, TL[c] Baciu from Merton, 'Your book on Manuel Bandeira arrived today. It is very handsome and I will read it' Item 1966 July 7
#16 1966-08-01, TL[c] Baciu from Merton, 'First of all, thanks very much for the excellent article. You have been very' Item 1966 August 1
#18 1968-12-16, TLS[x] Baciu to Laughlin, James, 'I take the liberty to write you as a friend of Thomas Merton, since you were his' Item 1968 December 16
#01 1967-09-13, TLS Baker to Merton, 'Glenn Hinson, who was my teacher and spiritual adviser at the Baptist seminary in' Item 1967 September 13
#03 1967-10-10, TLS Baker to Merton, 'I am grateful for your interest in my dissertation and for your concern that I get' Item 1967 October 1
#05 1968-03-04, TLS Baker to Merton, 'I wish to express my appreciation to you for your hospitality last week and for the' Item 1968 March 4
#07 1968-05-no-day, TLS Baker to Merton, 'I am happy to tell you that my committee accepted the dissertation this week and' Item 1968 May (date approximate)
#09 1968-06-11 (#02), TL[c] Baker from Merton, 'In the past couple of weeks I have hardly had time to answer any mail at all. ' Item 1968 June 11
#02 1964-08-07, TAL[c] Balthasar from Merton, 'Je vous remercie de votre bonne lettre. Ce que vous me dites de votre théologie de' Item 1964 August 7
#03 1967-09-24, TPCS Bando to Merton, 'Thank you very much for your kind reply permitting us to include the Japanese' Item 1967 September 24
#04 1964-12-26, TL[c] Bane from Merton, 'I am sorry to have left your letter unanswered for so long. I am always glad to' Item 1964 December 26
#05 1965-12-14, TLS Bane to Merton, 'I haven't been acknowledging your kindness in the articles which you send us from' Item 1965 December 14
#08 1966-05-02, TL[c] Bane from Merton, 'Many thanks for your letter of April 20 and for your invitation to preach a retreat,' Item 1966 May 2
#16 1967-08-09, TLS Bane to Merton, 'Your letter was a very pleasant surprise, Father. Thank you. We read and discussed' Item 1967 August 9
#30 1967-12-09, TLS Bane to Merton, 'Just a brief and most sincere thank-you right now. It was a great week. Right now' Item 1967 December 9
#32 1967-12-21, TL[c] Bane from Merton, 'Thanks so much for the two letters. I have just a moment to answer quickly. Snowed' Item 1967 December 21
#36 1968-03-19, TL[c] Bane to Merton, 'Plans are shaping up pretty well for the small meeting at the end of May. We have' Item 1968 March 19
#37 1968-08-18, TLS Bane to Merton, 'How have you been? We have thought of you often and the influence you have had on' Item 1968 August 18
#40 1972-10-02 (#02), TAL[c] Bane from Center to Bane, Elaine, 'I have a copy of Mr. Bailey's letter to you of October second, explaining to you' Item 1972 October 2
#04 1967-06-27, TL[c] Barnard from Merton, 'Many thanks for your double-letter. I will try to answer it speedily while its' Item 1967 June 27
#06 1967-10-11, TL[c] Barnard from Merton, 'I enjoyed your piece in the last PN (or the last one here) about the Writers take' Item 1967 October 11
#02 1967-12-04, TLS Barnes to Merton, 'The grace of Christ be with you in abundance this Christmas. You know how much I' Item 1967 December 4
#03 1967-12-16, TL[c] Barnes from Merton, 'Thanks for your letter. It shows that you are finding your way confidently and I am' Item 1967 December 16