Level of description
Digital object |
33 |
Review of Hidden Ground of Love: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Experience and Social Concerns / selected and edited by William H. Shannon [33] |
Item |
1990-11 |
43 |
Review of Hidden Ground of Love: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Experience and Social Concerns / selected and edited by William H. Shannon [43] "Merton Studies" |
Item |
1991-04 |
Review of A Search for Solitude: Pursuing the Monk's True Life [JOURNAL] |
Item |
1997 |
Review of Thomas Merton: Essential Writings [JOURNAL] |
Item |
2001 |
JOURNAL-2003 |
Review of When the Trees Say Nothing: Writings on Nature [JOURNAL-2003] |
Item |
2003 |
Review of Witness to Freedom: The Letters of Thomas Merton in Times of Crisis / selected and edited by William H. Shannon [JOURNAL] "The Art of Serious Letters - Five Volumes of Merton's Correspondence" |
Item |
1995 |
Pearson-Anne-R-2022 |
"Thomas Merton: A Dead White Monk as a Model for Modern Racial Justice Activism." (Pearson, Anne R.: 2022) |
Item |
1985 |
Pearson-Paul-M-1991 |
"The Geography of a Soul: Thomas Merton's Ongoing Spiritual Autobiographical Quest within the Context of the Literary Genre of Autobiography." (Pearson, Paul M.: 1997) |
Item |
1998 |
Miller-William-J-1959 |
"A Trappist Cistercian Monastery." (Miller, William J.: 1959) |
Item |
1975 |
Milo-Tomasz-2020 |
"Samotność w Życiu i Pismach Tomasza Mertona." (Milo, Tomasz: 2009) |
Item |
2020 |
Mulligan-Mary-Therese-2002 |
"Ralph Eugene Meatyard: Poetics and the Photograph." (Mulligan, Mary Therese: 2002) |
Item |
2002 |
Nelson-Gene-2002 |
"Paria or Phoenix: An Object Relations View of Faith Reconstruction After Religious Rejection." (Nelson, Gene: 2002) |
Item |
1969 |
Nelson-Nancy-T-1969 |
"The Poetry of Thomas Merton." (Nelson, Nancy T.: 1969) |
Item |
1975 |
OLeary-Catherine-1961 |
"Henry D. Thoreau and Thomas Merton: A Comparative Study of the Contemplative Spirit as Shown in their Prose Works." (O'Leary, Catherine: 1961) |
Item |
1961 |
Paiano-Angelo-Michael-1987 |
"Thomas Merton's Notion of Freedom." (Paiano, Angelo Michael: 1987) |
Item |
1987 |
Papagni-Mario-2002 |
"The Cold War Letters of Thomas Merton." (Papagni, Mario: 2002) |
Item |
2002 |
Pavlic-Richard-1998 |
"Mertonov Govor O Kontemplativnom Zivotu U Knjizi 'Kontemplacija U Svijetu Akcije'." (Pavlic, Richard: 1998) |
Item |
1998 |
MacNeil-Stella-T-1953 |
"The Poetry of Thomas Merton Considered in Relation to that of Gerard Manley Hopkins and T.S. Eliot." (MacNeil, Stella T.: 1953) |
Item |
1953 |
MacPeak-Hélène-Elliott-1952 |
"Thomas Merton, Poet of Contemplation." (MacPeak, Hélène Elliott: 1952) |
Item |
1952 |
Madonna-Joseph-P-Jr-2011 |
"Thomas Merton and the New Monasticism." (Madonna, Joseph P., Jr.: 2011) |
Item |
2011 |
Mallon-Kay-Laraine-1975 |
"Thomas Merton on War and Peace." (Mallon, Kay Laraine: 1975) |
Item |
1975 |
Mascia-Adriana-2008 |
"Comunicare Attraverso il Silenzio: L'opera in Prosa di Thomas Merton." (Mascia, Adriana: 2008) |
Item |
2008 |
Miano-Anne-2009 |
"The Harmonies of Silence: Thomas Merton's Poetry and Poetics." (Miano, Anne: 2009) |
Item |
2009 |
Michowski-Edward-Jan-1984 |
"Granting a Certain Space to the Feminine: The Discovered-Self of Thomas Merton." (Michowski, Edward Jan: 1984) |
Item |
1984 |
Miller-Samuel-G-1975 |
"Zen in the Christian Consciousness of Thomas Merton." (Miller, Samuel G.: 1975) |
Item |
1959 |
D4b |
Reviews |
Subseries |
see other levels of description |
01 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [01] "Books in Review" |
Item |
undated |
07b |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [07b] "Book Reviews" |
Item |
1973-11-20 |
09 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [09] "Book Notes" |
Item |
1975 |
10 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [10] "Contemporary Christian Thought" |
Item |
1974-09 |
19 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [19] "Monks, Popes and Prophets" |
Item |
1973-08-04 |
22 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [22] "Thomas merton" |
Item |
1974 |
24 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [24] "Last pilgrimage" |
Item |
1974-05-24 |
26 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [26] |
Item |
1974-02-22 |
31 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [31] "The last words of Thomas Merton" |
Item |
1973-09-28 |
38 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [38] "Thomas Merton's Asian Journey" |
Item |
1973-10 |
39 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [39] "Creative Endeavour" |
Item |
1976-02-07 |
43 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [43] |
Item |
1975-10 |
53 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [53] "From 'Seven Storey' to the Himalayas" |
Item |
undated |
54 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [54] "Merton… a 'Pilgrim' in Asia" |
Item |
1973 |
60 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [60] "Making Reader Think" |
Item |
1973 |
63 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [63] "A Long Day's Journey" |
Item |
1973 |
65 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [65] |
Item |
1973 |
67 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [67] |
Item |
1973 |
69 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [69] |
Item |
1973 |
75 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [75] |
Item |
1974 |
77 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [77] "Le "Journal d'Asie" de Thomas Merton" |
Item |
undated |
84 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [84] "Merton: First and Last" |
Item |
1979 |
098 |
Letters of Robert Giroux and Thomas Merton, The. |
Series |
2015 |
14 |
Review of No Man Is an Island [14] "The Mysticism of Thomas Merton" |
Item |
Hall-Gary-Peter-2019 |
"Communing With the Stranger: Relational Dynamics and Critical Distance Between Thomas Merton and His Readers." (Hall, Gary Peter: 2019) |
Item |
1994 |
View |
188 |
Thirty-seven meditations. |
Series |
1958 |
189 |
Thirty Poems. |
Series |
1944 |
192 |
Thomas Merton in Alaska: Prelude to the Asian Journal: The Alaskan Conferences, Journals, and Letters. |
Series |
1989 |
198 |
Thomas Merton Reader, A. |
Series |
1962 |
199 |
Thomas Merton Studies Center, The. |
Series |
1971 |
200 |
Thomas Merton, Early Essays, 1947-1952. |
Series |
2015 |
201 |
Thomas Merton, Spiritual Master: The Essential Writings. |
Series |
1992 |
204 |
Thomas Merton: Essential Writings. |
Series |
2001 |
207 |
Thoughts in solitude. French. [Les chemins de la joie]. |
Series |
1958 |
211 |
Turning Toward the World: The Pivotal Years. The Journals of Thomas Merton vol. 4 1960-1964. |
Series |
1996 |
213 |
Vow of Conversation, A: Journals, 1964-1965. |
Series |
1988 |
214 |
Waters of Silence, The. |
Series |
1950 |
185 |
Survival or Prophecy?: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Jean Leclercq. |
Series |
2002 |
ANNUAL-2015 |
Review of The letters of Robert Giroux and Thomas Merton [ANNUAL-2015] |
Item |
2015 |
Harrod-Joshua-M-2005 |
"Thomas Merton's Antipoetry Of Resistance." (Harrod, Joshua M.: 2005) |
Item |
2005 |
Hawkins-Anne-Olivia-1978 |
"Archetypes in the Spiritual Autobiographies of St. Augustine, John Bunyan and Thomas Merton." (Hawkins, Anne Olivia: 1978) |
Item |
1978 |
Helberg-Frode-2007 |
"Stillhetens Musikk: En Idéhistorisk Analyse av Thomas Merton Som Mystiker." (Helberg, Frode: 2007) |
Item |
2007 |
Holland-Judeth-1983 |
"The Nature of God and Man in the Poetry of Thomas Merton." (Holland, Judeth: 1983) |
Item |
1983 |
Jones-Ray-L-1995 |
"Dialectics and Convergence in the Life and Writings of Thomas Merton: A Search for Balance." (Jones, Ray L.: 1995) |
Item |
1995 |
Jordan-Brendan-2015 |
"A Monastery for the Revolution: Ernesto Cardenal, Thomas Merton, and the Paradox of Violence in Nicaragua, 1957-1979." (Jordan, Brendan: 2015) |
Item |
2015 |
Juszczak-Władysław-CSsR-2003 |
"Doniosłość Kontemplacji w Ŝyciu Chrześcijańskim w Świetle Pism Tomasza Mertona." (Juszczak, Władysław, C.Ss.R.: 2003) |
Item |
2003 |
08 |
Review of A Search for Solitude: Pursuing the Monk's True Life [08] "Another journal shows Merton still speaks to us" |
Item |
1996-11-22 |
Review of Turning Toward the World: The Pivotal Years. The Journals of Thomas Merton vol. 4 1960-1964 [SEASONAL] "Merton's Turn To The World, and Ours" |
Item |
1997 |
Review of Medieval Cistercian History:
Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 9 [ANNUAL] |
Item |
2020 |
Higgins-John-J-1971 |
"The Theology of Prayer in the Spirituality of Thomas Merton." (Higgins, John J.: 1971) |
Item |
20 |
Review of The Ascent to Truth [20] "The Ascent to Truth by Thomas Merton. Harcourt Brace. $3.50" |
Item |
1952 |
03 |
Review of The Behavior of Titans [03] "Patristic and Titanic" |
Item |
1962 |
04 |
Review of Bread in the Wilderness [04] "Flash of Dark Lightning" |
Item |
1954 |
08 |
Review of Emblems of a Season of Fury [08] "No Magic" |
Item |
1964 |
25 |
Review of The Last of the Fathers: Saint Bernard of Clairvaux and the encyclical letter, Doctor Mellifluus [25] |
Item |
1954 |
11 |
Review of The Living Bread [11] "Two Studies: The Presence of God" |
Item |
1956 |
01 |
Review of Nativity Kerygma [01] "From Harlem to Gethsemani" |
Item |
1960 |
03 |
Review of Spiritual Direction and Meditation [03] |
Item |
1961-03 |
01 |
Review of The Way of Chuang Tzu [01] |
Item |
1966 |
01 |
Review of What Ought I To Do? [01] "Out of Gethsemani" |
Item |
1962 |
05c |
Review of What Are These Wounds?: The Life of a Cistercian Mystic, Saint Lutgarde of Aywières [05c] "Merton, Thomas" |
Item |
1950-06 |
19 |
Review of The Collected Poems of Thomas Merton [19] "Book Reviews" |
Item |
1978-04 |
02 |
Review of The Road to Joy: The letters of Thomas Merton to new and old friends / selected and edited by Robert E. Daggy [02] "Suggestions from M. Basil Pennington OCSO" |
Item |
06d |
Review of The Ascent to Truth [06d] "Books" |
Item |
08 |
Review of Contemplative Prayer [08] "Contemplative Prayer" |
Item |
05 |
Review of The Road to Joy: The letters of Thomas Merton to new and old friends / selected and edited by Robert E. Daggy [05] "This indefatigable monk wrote to all sorts about all subjects" |
Item |
Adams-Frances-2001 |
"A Journey Toward the Feminine: An Introduction to the Feminine Archetype in the Dreams and Selected Works of Thomas Merton." (Adams, Frances: 2001) |
Item |
1989 |
Akey-John-1950 |
"Liturgical Imagery in the Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins, Thomas Merton, and Robert Lowell." (Akey, John: 1950) |
Item |
1950 |
Almeida-Joseph-1991 |
"Content and Methodology of 'Prayer' According to the Thought of Thomas Merton." (Almeida, Joseph: 1991) |
Item |
1991 |
Arcilla-Solero-Jose-1979 |
"El Sentido del Silencio en Thomas Merton." (Arcilla Solero, Jose: 1979) |
Item |
1979 |
Bao-Zhaohui-2020 |
"A Critical Research on Thomas Merton’s ‘The Way of Chuang Tzu’." (Bao, Zhaohui: 2020) |
Item |
2020 |
Bennett-Meredith-1978 |
"Themes and Imagery in the Spiritual Poems of Thomas Merton: 1944-1949." (Bennett, Meredith: 1978) |
Item |
1978 |
Benningfield-Brittany-C-2017 |
"The Niles-Merton Songs: A Performance Guide of Selected Songs." (Benningfield, Brittany C.: 2017) |
Item |
2017 |
View |
Berry-Judith-Elizabeth-1998 |
"Thomas Merton's ‘Theology of Resistance’: Towards a Political Interpretation of his Contemplative Spirituality." (Berry, Judith Elizabeth: 1998) |
Item |
1998 |