Books and Manuscripts of Books By and About Thomas Merton; Reviews of Merton Books; and Books Used by Merton

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
01 Review of Thomas Merton on St. Bernard [01] "Thomas Merton on St. Bernard" Item 1981-10
XREF1 Review of Thomas Merton on St. Bernard [XREF1] "Merton's Affirmation and Affirmation of Merton: Writing about Silence" Item 1982
01 Review of A Thomas Merton Reader [01] "A Thomas Merton Reader Edited by Thomas P. McDonnell" Item undated
02 Review of A Thomas Merton Reader [02] "The Thomas Merton Reader" Item 1963-11
08 Review of A Thomas Merton Reader [08] Item 1964
01 Review of Thomas Merton, Early Essays, 1947-1952 [01] Item 2016
ANNUAL Review of Thomas Merton, Early Essays, 1947-1952 [ANNUAL] Item 2016
CSQ Review of Thomas Merton, Early Essays, 1947-1952 [CSQ] Item 2016
01 Review of Thomas Merton, Spiritual Master: The Essential Writings [01] "In Brief" Item 1993-04-23
02 Review of Thomas Merton, Spiritual Master: The Essential Writings [02] "Thomas Merton: Spiritual Master. The Essential Writings" Item 1993
05 Review of Thomas Merton, Spiritual Master: The Essential Writings [05] Item 1992
ANNUAL Review of Thomas Merton, Spiritual Master: The Essential Writings [ANNUAL] Item 1993
05 Review of Thomas Merton: A Life in Letters, the Essential Collection [05] "Listy Na Czas Kryzysu" Item 2012
06 Review of Thomas Merton: A Life in Letters, the Essential Collection [06] Item 2008
SEASONAL Review of Thomas Merton: A Life in Letters, the Essential Collection [SEASONAL] "Personal, Prolific, Provocative" Item 2009
D4b Reviews Subseries see other levels of description
01 Review of Thomas Merton: Essential Writings [01] Item 2001
04 Review of Thomas Merton: Essential Writings [04] "Tracing Thomas Merton's Vocational Transformation" Item 2001
02 Review of Thomas Merton: Preview of the Asian journey [02] Item 1992
SEASONAL-1 Review of Thomas Merton: Preview of the Asian journey [SEASONAL-1] "The Center Dialogue" Item 1990
03 Review of Thoughts in Solitude [03] "Pithy Notes" Item 1958-05-22
13 Review of Thoughts in Solitude [13] "Thoughts in Solitude" Item 1958-06-29
16 Review of Thoughts in Solitude [16] Item 1959-03
17 Review of Thoughts in Solitude [17] Item 1959-07
18 Review of Thoughts in Solitude [18] Item 1958-07
19 Review of Thoughts in Solitude [19] Item 1958-08
21 Review of Thoughts in Solitude [21] Item 1958-08-15
23 Review of Thoughts in Solitude [23] "Books of the Week: INTUITIONS Thoughts in Solitude." Item 1958
26 Review of Thoughts in Solitude [26] Item 1962
01 Review of Thoughts on the East [01] "Mertonia" Item 1995
JOURNAL Review of The Cold War Letters [JOURNAL] Item 2007
Cager-Marion-Theresa-1953 "Merton the Mystic." (Cager, Marion Theresa: 1953) Item 1953
Callaghan-Michael-John-1998 "The English Mystics and Thomas Merton's Sense of Absence." (Callaghan, Michael John: 1998) Item 1998
Calmes-Robert-1993 "Literary Devices and Apophatic Thought in Thomas Merton's Early Poetry." (Calmes, Robert: 1993) Item 1993
Cechony-Therese-Rowley-2002 "Birds of a Feather: A Study of the Influence of Eastern Philosophy on the Writings of Henry David Thoreau and Thomas Merton." (Cechony, Therese Rowley: 2002) Item 2002
Chambers-Timothy-J-1976 "Contemplation as the Rediscovery of Paradise: A Key to Understanding Thomas Merton." (Chambers, Timothy J.: 1976) Item 1976
Ciesielski-P-OP-1990 "Samotność Jako Droga i Przestrzeń Kontemplacji Na Podstawie Wybranych Tekstów Thomasa Mertona." (Ciesielski, P., O.P.: 1990) Item 1990
Ciller-Elvira-Rodenas-2005 "Thomas Merton: Una Propuesta De Vida Interior." (Ciller, Elvira Rodenas: 2005) Item 2005
Collier-Trent-Bryce-1996 "A Madman Runs to the East: Thomas Merton and Zen Buddhism." (Collier, Trent Bryce: 1996) Item 1996
Cosgrove-Edward-Coleman-1973 "Contemplation for Education: Its Value Shown in the Life, Education, and Writings of Thomas Merton." (Cosgrove, Edward Coleman: 1973) Item 1973
Cotty-Marion-William-Sr-SND-1966 "Christian Wisdom and Merton's Poetry." (Cotty, Marion William, Sr., S.N.D.: 1966) Item 1966
George-Virginia-S-2010 "Thomas Merton: Another Look At Enneagram Type." (George, Virginia S.: 2010) Item 2010
Giannini-Robert-Edward-1976 "Mysticism and Social Ethics: Thomas Merton Seen in the Light of Paul Tillich's Theology." (Giannini, Robert Edward: 1976) Item 1976
Givey-David-W-1977 "The Social Thought of Thomas Merton: Towards a Christian Philosophy of Non-Violence." (Givey, David W.: 1977) Item 1977
13 Review of The Road to Joy: The letters of Thomas Merton to new and old friends / selected and edited by Robert E. Daggy [13] Item 1990-03
Cronin-James-G-R-2021 "A Reluctant Pacifist: Thomas Merton and the Cold War Letters, October 1961-April 1962." (Cronin, James G. R.: 2021) Item 2021 View
Crouse-Jeffrey-Dennis-Peter-1988 "A Political Consideration of Thomas Merton's Metaphysic of Nonviolence." (Crouse, Jeffrey Dennis Peter: 1988) Item 1988
Currie-Joshua-Ryan-2014 "The Contemplative Potential of the Sacramentally United." (Currie, Joshua Ryan: 2014) Item 2014
Davies-Marguerite-1973 "Thomas Merton's Rethinking of the Christian Monastic Life in the Light of the Bodhisattvacarya of Mahayana Buddhism." (Davies, Marguerite: 1973) Item 1973
Davis-Andrew-Otto-2014 "You Are That: An Upanishadic Approach to Empathic Writing Instruction in a High School Social Science Course." (Davis, Andrew Otto: 2014) Item 2009
De-Vrieze-Franklin-1990 "Thomas Merton: Theologische Aspecten van Zijn Gebedspedagogie." (De Vrieze, Franklin: 1990) Item 1986
Dobies-Karolina-2011 "Idee Personalistyczne i Egzystencjalne w Refleksji Thomasa Mertona o Człowieku." (Dobies, Karolina: 2014) Item 2011
Dufresne-Oliver-Joseph-Aloysius-1975 "Human and Cosmic Renewal: Thomas Merton's Affirmation of Christic Involvement." (Dufresne, Oliver Joseph Aloysius: 1975) Item 1975
Eaker-Alfred-2012 "Justification by Imagination: The Artistic Imagination of Thomas Merton: Its Marian Sources and Implications." (Eaker, Alfred: 2012) Item 2012
Flaherty-Luke-1969 "Mystery and Unity as Anagological Vision in Thomas Merton's 'Cables to the Ace': A Critical Explication." (Flaherty, Luke: 1969) Item 1969
Frilling-Daniel-Lee-1982 "Thomas Merton's Call to Monasticism: An Inquiry into the Spirit of Protest as it is Found Within the Monastic Calling of Thomas Merton." (Frilling, Daniel Lee: 1982) Item 1982
Oh-Bang-Sik-1992 "Contemplation in the Writings of Thomas Merton: A Developmental Hermeneutic." Item 1992
Rainsford-McMahon-Elizabeth-M-2020 "Setting Theology Free: The Shaping of an Alternative Language for Theology in the Work of Thomas Merton through a Poetics of Place." (Rainsford-McMahon, Elizabeth M.: 2020) Item 2020 View
Ranzoli-Cuccolini-Silvana-1964 "Thomas Merton." (Ranzoli Cuccolini, Silvana: 1964) Item 1964
Reilly-Mary-Paul-1953 "Thomas Merton as Poet of the Liturgy." (Reilly, Mary Paul: 1953) Item 1953
Richardson-Virginia-Anne-1993 "An Adlerian Perspective on Religious Conversion." (Richardson, Virginia Anne: 1993) Item 1993
Rossini-Giovanni-Antonio-2018 "'Summonses to Awareness:' A Meditation upon Wisdom and Artful Inquiry." (Rossini, Giovanni Antonio: 2018) Item 2018 View
Rudolph-Gerald-Lee-1978 "The Influence of the Church Fathers upon the Thought of Thomas Merton." (Rudolph, Gerald Lee: 1978) Item 1978
Schilling-Bernhard-1979 "Thomas Merton und der Friede im Nachchristlichen Zeitalter: Ein Erster Blick auf Thomas Merton und Seine Sozialkritik am Beispiel Seines Engagements fur den Weltfrieden." (Schilling, Bernhard: 1979) Item 1979
Schmitt-James-Edward-1954 "Aspects of Literary Quality in Thomas Merton's Prose." (Schmitt, James Edward: 1954) Item 1954
Schmitt-Jurgen-1986 "Liturgie Im Leben und Werk von Thomas Merton." (Schmitt, Jurgen: 1986) Item 1986
Schreiber-Suzanne-M-1976 "Thomas Merton: Man of Contemplation and Creativity." (Schreiber, Suzanne M.: 1976) Item 1976
Seal-Philip-2015 "Towards a Formalist Theological Poetics: Practising What You Preach in the Prose Writings of Thomas Merton." (Seal, Philip: 2015) Item 2015
Shaw-Jeffrey-M-2012 "Thomas Merton and Jacques Ellul on Technology and Freedom." (Shaw, Jeffrey M.: 2012) Item 2012
Shean-M-Jeannette-1958 "An Indexed Systhesis of the Critical Thought of Thomas Merton." (Shean, M. Jeannette: 1958) Item 1958
Silva-Rodrigo-Moreno-Ribeiro-2015 "A Relação Ética e Espiritualidade em Thomas Merton: Constituição, Percurso e Abordagens." (Silva, Rodrigo Moreno Ribeiro: 2015) Item 2015 View
Skemp-Therese-H-2001 "Three Who Found God: Spirituality in the Twentieth Century." (Skemp, Therese H.: 2001) Item 2001
Slater-Jennifer-1993 "Direct Experience of God in Contemporary Theology." (Slater, Jennifer: 1993) Item 1993
Smith-Allynn-1990 "Jung's Archetype of the Self as it Appears in Thomas Merton's Journey Toward Self-awareness." (Smith, Allynn: 1990) Item 1990
Stewart-Dustin-Donahue-2004 "Reading in(to) Thomas Merton." (Stewart, Dustin Donahue: 2004) Item 2004
Summers-Simon-C-2023 "How Is the Christian Virtue of Detachment Epistemically Transformative?" (Summers, Simon C.: 2023) Item 2023
Tebow-Michael-Wayne-2014 "Individuation Within Psychology and Spirituality: A Need for Pluralism." (Tebow, Michael Wayne: 2014) Item 2014
Tedcastle-Helen-Louise-2016 "Thomas Merton as a 'Wise Theologian': An Engagement with Hans Urs von Balthasar and David F. Ford." (Tedcastle, Helen Louise: 2016) Item 2016
Terry-Hannah-2012 "Sermon on the Mount: The Nonviolent Influence of the Catholic Church in the Vietnam Peace Protest 1960-1968." (Terry, Hannah: 2012) Item 2012
Thompson-Ryan-1997 "Thomas Merton: The Heart of Marginality." (Thompson, Ryan: 1997) Item 2015
Thomson-Susan-Mary-2020 "To What Extent is Thomas Merton's The Seven Storey Mountain 'A Twentieth Century Form' of The Confessions of St. Augustine?" (Thomson, Susan Mary: 2020) Item 2020
Vaden-Matthew-Brett-2015 "The False Self and True Self: A Christian Perspective." (Vaden, Matthew Brett: 2015) Item 2015
Vazhakoottathil-John-Antony-Theodore-1992 "Thomas Merton's Mystical Quest for the Union with God." (Vazhakoottathil, John Antony Theodore: 1992) Item 1992
Weickert-David-C-2012 "The Virtue of Detachment in the Christian Tradition: A Study of St. John of the Cross and Thomas Merton." (Weickert, David C.: 2012) Item 2012
Wierwill-Jonathan-Paul-1970 "A Comparison of the Value Notions of God, Love, and Person in the Writings of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Thomas Merton." (Wierwill, Jonathan Paul: 1970) Item 1970
Wright-Scott-1967 "The Merton-Mailer Vision." (Wright, Scott: 1967) Item 1967
Zieliński-Tomasz-2004 "Życie Monastyczne Jako Zmierzanie do Wolności Duchowej na Podstawie Pism Tomasza Mertona." (Zieliński, Tomasz: 2004) Item 2004
Peddie-Scott-2015 "An Existential Analysis of Thomas Merton’s ‘The Seven Storey Mountain’." (Peddie, Scott: 2015) Item 2015
Phillips-Andrew-1989 "The Transpersonal Aspects of Thomas Merton's Mysticism." (Phillips, Andrew: 1989) Item 1989
Pobuta-Paweł-OP-2005 "Medytacja Chrześcijańska Według Thomasa Mertona." (Pobuta, Paweł, O.P.: 2005) Item 2005
Poks-Malgorzata-2003 "Thomas Merton and Latin America: A Consonance of Voices." (Poks, Malgorzata: 2003) Item 2003
ANNUAL Review of The Selected Essays of Thomas Merton [ANNUAL] Item 2014
Pramuk-Christopher-2007 "Hagia Sophia: Imagination, Poetics and Presence in the Christology of Thomas Merton." (Pramuk, Christopher: 2007) Item 2007
Quinn-Mark-Anthony-1982 "Thomas Merton's Understanding of God." (Quinn, Mark Anthony: 1982) Item 1982
Raccuglia-Robert-J-1984 "The Journey of Thomas Merton." (Raccuglia, Robert J.: 1984) Item 1984
128 On Christian Contemplation. Series 2012
Journal Review of Advent and Christmas with Thomas Merton [JOURNAL] Item 2002 View
JOURNAL Review of The Courage for Truth: The Letters of Thomas Merton to Writers [JOURNAL] "The Art of Serious Letters - Five Volumes of Merton's Correspondence" Item 1995
03 Review of Dancing in the Water of Life: Seeking Peace in the Hermitage [03] "Dancing in the Water of Life: The Journals of Thomas Merton Vol. 5 1963-1965" Item 1999-07
JOURNAL Review of Dialogues with Silence: Prayers and Drawings by Thomas Merton [JOURNAL] Item 2001