Books and Manuscripts of Books By and About Thomas Merton; Reviews of Merton Books; and Books Used by Merton

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
04h Review [04h] of The Silent Life.. in Herald Tribune New York City (13 Ja... Item 1957
05g Review [05g] of The Silent Life.. in Press Telegram Long Beach CA (3 Feb... Item 1957
06a Review [06a] of The Silent Life.. in Dispatch Columbus, OH (24 February ... Item 1957
07c Review [07c] of The Silent Life.. in Gazette Middleboro, MA (28 February... Item 1957
08a Review [08a] of The Silent Life.. in Sign 36 (March 1957): 65-66.... Item 1957
08b Review [08b] of The Silent Life.. in Catholic Free Press (29 March 1957)... Item 1957
08e Review [08e] of The Silent Life.. in New York Times (13 October 1956).... Item 1956
09a Review [09a] of The Silent Life.. in Presbyterian Action (July 1957).... Item 1957
09b Review [09b] of The Silent Life.. in Saturday Review 40 (18 May 1957): 3... Item 1957
13 Review [13] of The Silent Life.. in Catholic World 185 (February 1957):... Item 1957
18 Review [18] of The Silent Life.. in Newsday Club (January 5, 1957).... Item 1957
19 Review [19] of The Silent Life.. in Life of the Spirit (December 1957):... Item 1957
22 Review [22] of The Silent Life.. in The Monitor (February 8, 1957).... Item 1957
24 Review [24] of The Silent Life.. in State Times, Jackson, Mississippi (... Item 1957
26 Review [26] of The Silent Life.. in Catholic Review Service VIII.7 (Feb... Item 1957
27 Review [27] of The Silent Life.. in Franciscan Herald and Forum (March ... Item 1957
28 Review [28] of The Silent Life.. in The Pittsburgh Press (December 30, ... Item 1956
29 Review [29] of The Silent Life.. in The News Weekly (January 6, 1957): ... Item 1957
SEASONAL Review [SEASONAL] of Solitude and Love of the World.. in Merton Seasonal 24:4 (Winter 1999):... Item 1999
2 Review [02] of The Spirit of Simplicity.. in American Benedictine Review 69.4 (D... Item 2018
ANNUAL Review [ANNUAL] of The Spirit of Simplicity.. in The Merton Annual 31 (2018): 213-21... Item 2018
CSQ Review [CSQ] of The Spirit of Simplicity.. in Cistercian Studies Quarterly 54.3 (... Item 2019
D4b Reviews Subseries see other levels of description
1 Review [01] of The Springs of Contemplation: A Retreat at the .. in Commonweal 121.4 (25 February 1994)... Item 1994
7 Review [07] of The Springs of Contemplation: A Retreat at the .. in Tablet [London] 246.7930 (1 August ... Item 1992
8 Review [08] of The Springs of Contemplation: A Retreat at the .. in Knoxville News-Sentinel (February 7... Item 1993
1 Review [01] of The Strange Islands.. in Commonweal 66 (5 July 1957): 357-35... Item 1957
5 Review [05] of The Strange Islands.. in Prairie Schooner 31 (Fall 1957): 17... Item 1957
11 Review [11] of The Strange Islands.. in America 97 (13 July 1957): 408.... Item 1957
12 Review [12] of The Strange Islands.. in Times Literary Supplement [London] ... Item 1957
184a Striving Towards Being: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Czeslaw Milosz. Series 1996
2 Review [02] of Striving Towards Being: The Letters of Thomas M.. in Commonweal 124.15 (12 September 199... Item 1997
3 Review [03] of Striving Towards Being: The Letters of Thomas M.. in Cross Currents 48 (Winter 1998-1999... Item
4 Review [04] of Striving Towards Being: The Letters of Thomas M.. in Journal of Religion and Health 36.2... Item 1997
Błachuciński-Tomasz-2011 "Doświadczanie Boga W Filozoficzno-Religijnych Poszukiwaniach O. Thomasa Mertona." (Błachuciński, Tomasz: 2011) Item 2011
Black-Noel-Andersen-1994 "Understanding Difference Through Paradox: Exploring the Relationship of Language to Religious Truth in the Writings of William James, William Blake, Alan Watts, Thomas Merton, and Jacques Derrida." (Black, Noel Andersen: 1994) Item 1994
Bowen-Mary-Rose-1957 "Symbolism of Sun and Light in Thomas Merton's Poetry." (Bowen, Mary Rose: 1957) Item 1957
Bowman-Bonnie-Lila-1979 "Flowers of Contemplation: The Later Poetry of Thomas Merton." (Bowman, Bonnie Lila: 1979) Item 1979
Brewer-Paul-E-1949 "A Study of the Style and Content of the Poems of Thomas Merton." (Brewer, Paul E.: 1949) Item 1949
Brown-Hunter-Lawlor-1979 "Thomas Merton on Prayer in the Lay State." (Brown, Hunter Lawlor: 1974) Item 1979
Caputi-Ilaria-1971 "Il Primo Thomas Merton: The Seven Storey Mountain." (Caputi, Ilaria: 1971) Item 1971
Choi-Bong-Kyu-2011 "Select Themes in Thomas Merton's Thought as a Resource for Korean Presbyterianism." (Choi, Bong Kyu: 2011) Item 2011
Crozier-William-D-2020 "The Given Word: A Descriptive Phenomenology of Private Writing Toward Conversion." (Crozier, William D.: 2020) Item 2020
Cullen-Thérèse-A-2004 "'Love is the Measure': The Lives of Dorothy Day and Thomas Merton as Counter-Cultural Models of the Church." (Cullen, Thérèse A.: 2004) Item 2004
Davis-Jennifer-Mary-1993 "The Moral Character Formation of John Lennon and Thomas Merton: Their Lives Interpreted Using Insights From Stanley Hauerwas." (Davis, Jennifer Mary: 1993) Item 2014
De-Lange-Ecclesia-2006 "Thomas Merton: Life, Work and Thoughts on Zen." (De Lange, Ecclesia: 2006) Item 1988
De-Nicolo-Georg-1995 "Thomas Merton's Anti-Poetry: Genetic and Functional Aspects of Cables to the Ace and The Geography of Lograire." (De Nicolo, Georg: 1995) Item 2006
De-Puy-Harold-A-1955 "Humor and Mysticism in Thomas Merton." (De Puy, Harold A.: 1955) Item 2021
Decker-Christopher-William-1988 "Thomas Merton, Social Critic: The Early and Late Years: Discontinuity or Development?" (Decker, Christopher William: 1988) Item 1987
Del-Prete-Thomas-Andrew-1986 "Self-Discovery: The Purpose of Education According to Thomas Merton." (Del Prete, Thomas Andrew: 1986) Item 1995
Doll-Peter-1989 "'Be What You Are': Zichzeif Worden Voigens 'The New Man' van Thomas Merton." (Doll, Peter: 1989) Item 1989
Edgar-Goeser-Deborah-Boatwright-2016 "Invited into the Dance: The Sacred and the Courage to be Embodied." (Edgar-Goeser, Deborah Boatwright: 2016) Item 2016
Edinger-Kendra-J-2006 "A Sense of the Divine." (Edinger, Kendra J.: 2006) Item 2006
Farris-Jansie-Stephens-1975 "Thomas Merton, Spiritual and Social Thinker." (Farris, Jansie Stephens: 1975) Item 1975
Ferrell-Michael-A-2001 "'All These Wars': Thomas Merton Confronts Cold War America." (Ferrell, Michael A.: 2001) Item 2001
Fidorowicz-Krzysztof-2001 "Dynamiczny Charakter Ascezy Chrześcijańskiej Według Tomasza Mertona." (Fidorowicz, Krzysztof: 2001) Item 2001
Flanagan-Eileen-Margaret-1989 "Merton on Contemplation: The Evolving Prayer of the True Self." (Flanagan, Eileen Margaret: 1989) Item 1989
Flynn-Teresa-Ann-1997 "The Counsellor and Thomas Merton: A Study in the Spiritual and the Aesthetic Dimensions of Counselling." (Flynn, Teresa Ann: 1997) Item 1997
Formosa-Joseph-2019 "Journal Writing as a Spiritual Exercise in Self-Knowledge. Thomas Merton: A Case Study." (Formosa, Joseph: 2019) Item 2019
Frausto-Teresa-De-Jesús-2021 "Thomas Merton's Ruminations on Christian Humanism and its Influence in the Ideological Transformation of the Catholic Church." (Frausto, Teresa De Jesús: 2021) Item 2021
Gaiani-Giuseppe-1978 "Thomas Merton: An Introduction to his Poetic Work, and a Selection from 'The Strange Islands' Translated into Italian with Comments and Footnotes." (Gaiani, Giuseppe: 1978) Item 1978
Galbines-Louie-P-2001 "Thomas Merton's 'Worldly Spirituality': A New Look at the Christian's Attitude Toward 'the World'." (Galbines, Louie P.: 2001) Item 2001
Garbecki-Radosław-2000 "Bóg Jako Zasada Odkrywania Tożsamości Człowieka W Świetle Pism Thomasa Mertona." (Garbecki, Radosław.: 2000) Item 2000
Grayston-Donald-Edward-1974 "Textual Variation and Theological Development in Thomas Merton's 'Seeds of Contemplation' and 'New Seeds of Contemplation'." (Grayston, Donald Edward: 1974) Item 1974
Gros-Agnès-2023 "Thomas Merton en Dialogue Avec les Religions D’asie: Sa Contribution à la Spiritualité et au Dialogue Interreligieux." (Gros, Agnès: 2023) Item 2023
Gunn-Robert-Walker-1997 "The Experience of Emptiness in the Process of Self-Transformation in Zen Buddhism, Christianity and Depth Psychology as Represented by Dogen Kigen, Thomas Merton and Carl Jung, with Donald Winnicott and Heinz Kohut." (Gunn, Robert Walker: 1997) Item 1997
Haitsma-Thomas-2004 "Thomas Merton: Contemplation and Interreligious Dialogue." (Haitsma, Thomas: 2004) Item 2004
Hall-Gary-Peter-1994 "From 'Contemptus Mundi' to Real Presence. Thomas Merton's Relation to the World: A Study in Moral Development." (Hall, Gary Peter: 1994) Item 1979
Haynes-Carter-J-2012 "A Hermeneutic Reappraisal of Thomas Merton's Approach to Spiritual Development." (Haynes, Carter J.: 2012) Item 2012
Haynie-David-Mack-1977 "Mysticism as the Basis for Religious Pluralism in the Thought of Thomas Merton." (Haynie, David Mack: 1977) Item 1977
Heher-Michael-1981 "Thomas Merton's Spiritual Development in the Context of his Experience of Silence and Solitude." (Heher, Michael: 1981) Item 1981
Hemann-Barbara-J-1991 "Resolving the Paradox: Thomas Merton, Antipoetry, and the Language of Silence in the Geography of Lograire." (Hemann, Barbara J.: 1991) Item 1991
Hempstead-Sheila-Mary-1984 "Bells in Thomas Merton's Early Poetry 1940-1946." (Hempstead, Sheila Mary: 1984) Item 1984
Higgins-Michael-W-1979 "Thomas Merton, the Silent-speaking Visionary: A Study of His Poetry." (Higgins, Michael W.: 1979) Item 1979
Howell-Roger-William-2012 "Peace and Human Rights in the Nuclear Age (The Encyclical and the Speech of 1963)." (Howell, Roger William: 2012) Item 2012
Iglesias-Labat-Manuel-María-2019 "El Silencio en Thomas Merton Como Elemento Constitutivo Para la Espiritualidad del Hombre de Hoy." (Iglesias Labat, Manuel María.: 2019) Item 2019 View
John-Nigel-1990 "Contemplation and Action in the Thought of Thomas Merton." (John, Nigel: 1990) Item 1990
Kauffmann-Lydie-1970 "'Groupe et Individu' dans la Vie et L'oeuvre de Thomas Merton." (Kauffmann, Lydie: 1970) Item 1970
Kelly-Mary-Isabelle-1950 "Critical Appreciation of the Poetry of Thomas Merton." (Kelly, Mary Isabelle: 1950) Item 1998
Kilcullen-Trudy-2006 "Is Mystical Experience of God in Contemplation Open to All Human Beings or Only an Elite Group? - A Contrasting of Medieval and Modern Perspectives." (Kilcullen, Trudy: 2006) Item 2006
Konechnik-Thomas-J-2017 "Thomas Merton’s Spirituality of the Authentic Self." (Konechnik, Thomas J.: 2017) Item 2017
Kramp-Joseph-2006 "The Lives of Thomas Merton: A Study in Psychoanalysis, History, and Identity." (Kramp, Joseph: 2006) Item 2006
Krumins-Norbert-Michael-2018 "Curating the Liminal Space: Zen, Being Peace, and the Cultivation of Presence." (Krumins, Norbert Michael: 2018) Item 2018
Kwon-Hyeokil-2016 "The Progress of Thomas Merton's Thoughts according to His Experience of Contemplation: A Comparative Study of <i>Seeds of Contemplation</i> and <i>New Seeds of Contemplation</i>." (Kwon, Hyeokil: 2008) Item 2016
Labasauskas-Vaidotas-2006 "A Theological Analysis of Thomas Merton's Conversion: The Moral Dimension." (Labasauskas, Vaidotas: 2006) Item 2006
Lechicka-Elżbieta-1999 "Mądrość według Tomasza Mertona." (Lechicka, Elżbieta: 1999) Item 2020
Lencioni-Joe-2004 "Total Kenosis, True Shunyata, and the Plerotic Self of Thomas Merton and Abe Masao." (Lencioni, Joe: 2004) Item 2004
Lilin-Wu-2014 "A Study of the Monk Thomas Merton's Way of Contemplation." (Lilin, Wu: 2014) Item 2014
Little-David-E-1994 "An Historical Overview and Analytical Study in the Origin of Texts, Melodies and Performance Practices of the Niles-Merton Song Cycles." (Little, David E.: 1994) Item 1994
Lucander-Pirjo-1991 "'Noverim Te, Noverim Me': Det Kontemplativa I Thomas Mertons Religiösa Åskådning." (Lucander, Pirjo: 1991) Item 1991
Łukaszewski-Mariusz-Czesław-2005 "Orędzie Życia Monastycznego w Wybranych Pismach Tomasza Mertona." (Łukaszewski, Mariusz Czesław: 2005) Item 2005
Malewitz-Thomas-Edward-2018 "No One Is An Island: Student Experiences of a Catholic High School Curriculum Response to Bullying, Based on Themes From the Writings of Thomas Merton." (Malewitz, Thomas Edward: 2018) Item 2018 View
Malits-Elena-1974 "Journey into the Unknown: Thomas Merton's Continuing Conversion." (Malits, Elena: 1974) Item 1974
Martínez-Sonia-Petisco-2003 "La Poesía de Thomas Merton: Creación, Crítica y Contemplación." (Martínez, Sonia Petisco: 2003) Item 2003
McCawley-Scott-Michael-1989 "Thomas Merton and the Crisis of Contemporary Language: Selected Prose, Early Poems and 'Cables to the Ace'." (McCawley, Scott Michael: 1989) Item 1989
McGuire-Daniel-1973 "Thomas Merton on the Future of Monasticism." (McGuire, Daniel: 1973) Item 1973
McKay-Bruce-1979 "Ministry in a Parish Context Seen Through the Witness of Thomas Merton." (McKay, Bruce: 1979) Item 1979
McKeown-Les-2004 "Thomas Merton's Assimilation of the Writings of St. John of the Cross Leading to His Embrace of Zen Vocabulary in Relation to Contemplation." (McKeown, Les: 2004) Item 2004
McMahon-Joseph-Gerald-Jr-1981 "The Religious Roots of Non-Violence in Twentieth Century America." (McMahon, Joseph Gerald, Jr.: 1981) Item 1981
McNally-Cross-Sam-2017 "Thomas Merton: Man of the Church (Only by Participation in the Active Life of the Church can the Interior Life Flourish, as Demonstrated Through the Writings of Thomas Merton)." (McNally-Cross, Sam: 2017) Item 2017