Level of description
Digital object |
13 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [13] "The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton" |
Item |
1973-11 |
15 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [15] "The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton" |
Item |
1974-03 |
16 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [16] "Mystic's Last Journey" |
Item |
1973-08-06 |
17 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [17] "Asian Journal of Thomas Merton" |
Item |
1974 |
20 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [20] "Thomas Merton: 'I Will Disappear'" |
Item |
1973-09-27 |
30 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [30] "The mystery of Thomas Merton" |
Item |
1973-08-26 |
32 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [32] "The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton" |
Item |
1973-07-08 |
35 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [35] "The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton" |
Item |
1974-01 |
37 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [37] "The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton" |
Item |
1974 |
40 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [40] "Merton: the last phase" |
Item |
1974-08 |
42 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [42] |
Item |
1973-08-15 |
45 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [45] "Lessons in Contemplation" |
Item |
1974 |
47 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [47] |
Item |
1976 |
57 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [57] "The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton" |
Item |
1973 |
61 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [61] |
Item |
1973 |
72 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [72] |
Item |
1973 |
78 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [78] |
Item |
undated |
01 |
Review of The Courage for Truth: The Letters of Thomas Merton to Writers [01] "Spring Book Roundup" |
Item |
27 |
Review of The Seven Storey Mountain [27] "Of Many Things" |
Item |
191 |
Thomas Merton appointment calendar, The. |
Series |
1978 |
196 |
Thomas Merton on St. Bernard. |
Series |
1981 |
206 |
Thoughts in Solitude. |
Series |
1958 |
210 |
Tower of Babel. |
Series |
1957 |
218 |
What Are These Wounds?: The Life of a Cistercian Mystic, Saint Lutgarde of Aywières. |
Series |
1948 |
219 |
What Ought I To Do? Sayings of the Desert Fathers. |
Series |
1962 |
222 |
Wisdom of the Desert, The. |
Series |
1960 |
224 |
Woods, Shore, Desert: A Notebook - May 1968. |
Series |
1982 |
11c |
Review of No Man Is an Island [11c] "Merton, Thomas" |
Item |
1955-08 |
07 |
Review of The Selected Essays of Thomas Merton [07] |
Item |
Haitsma-Thomas-2004 |
"Thomas Merton: Contemplation and Interreligious Dialogue." (Haitsma, Thomas: 2004) |
Item |
2004 |
Hall-Gary-Peter-1994 |
"From 'Contemptus Mundi' to Real Presence. Thomas Merton's Relation to the World: A Study in Moral Development." (Hall, Gary Peter: 1994) |
Item |
1979 |
Haynes-Carter-J-2012 |
"A Hermeneutic Reappraisal of Thomas Merton's Approach to Spiritual Development." (Haynes, Carter J.: 2012) |
Item |
2012 |
Haynie-David-Mack-1977 |
"Mysticism as the Basis for Religious Pluralism in the Thought of Thomas Merton." (Haynie, David Mack: 1977) |
Item |
1977 |
Heher-Michael-1981 |
"Thomas Merton's Spiritual Development in the Context of his Experience of Silence and Solitude." (Heher, Michael: 1981) |
Item |
1981 |
Hemann-Barbara-J-1991 |
"Resolving the Paradox: Thomas Merton, Antipoetry, and the Language of Silence in the Geography of Lograire." (Hemann, Barbara J.: 1991) |
Item |
1991 |
Hempstead-Sheila-Mary-1984 |
"Bells in Thomas Merton's Early Poetry 1940-1946." (Hempstead, Sheila Mary: 1984) |
Item |
1984 |
Higgins-Michael-W-1979 |
"Thomas Merton, the Silent-speaking Visionary: A Study of His Poetry." (Higgins, Michael W.: 1979) |
Item |
1979 |
Howell-Roger-William-2012 |
"Peace and Human Rights in the Nuclear Age (The Encyclical and the Speech of 1963)." (Howell, Roger William: 2012) |
Item |
2012 |
Iglesias-Labat-Manuel-María-2019 |
"El Silencio en Thomas Merton Como Elemento Constitutivo Para la Espiritualidad del Hombre de Hoy." (Iglesias Labat, Manuel María.: 2019) |
Item |
2019 |
View |
John-Nigel-1990 |
"Contemplation and Action in the Thought of Thomas Merton." (John, Nigel: 1990) |
Item |
1990 |
03 |
Review of The Collected Poems of Thomas Merton [03] "Out of Gethsemani" |
Item |
1962 |
07 |
Review of The Collected Poems of Thomas Merton [07] "Selected Poems of Thomas merton. Intr. By Robert Speaight. London: Hollis and Carter." |
Item |
1952 |
01 |
Review of Monastic Peace [01] "From Harlem to Gethsemani" |
Item |
1960 |
02 |
Review of The Secular Journal of Thomas Merton [02] "From Harlem to Gethsemani" |
Item |
1960 |
21 |
Review of The Secular Journal of Thomas Merton [21] |
Item |
1959 |
25 |
Review of Seeds of Contemplation [25] |
Item |
1949 |
01 |
Review of The Sign of Jonas [01] "Merton's Jonas" |
Item |
1953 |
12 |
Review of What Are These Wounds?: The Life of a Cistercian Mystic, Saint Lutgarde of Aywières [12] |
Item |
1950-05 |
Adolfsson-Lars-2010 |
"Mary, Mother of Jesus, Mother of Me: An Ecclesiological Study on the Marian Sermons of Thomas Merton." (Adolfsson, Lars: 2010) |
Item |
2010 |
Albarran-Louis-T-2005 |
"Thomas Merton and the Mask of Dylan: How Thomas Merton Passed Over into Bob Dylan's Art." (Albarran, Louis T.: 2005) |
Item |
2005 |
Altany-Alan-1987 |
"The Transformation of the Idea of the Sacred in the Poetry of Thomas Merton." (Altany, Alan: 1987) |
Item |
1987 |
Amogu-Christian-Ifeanyi-1996 |
"Prayer and Asceticism in the Search for the Authentic Self in Thomas Merton." (Amogu, Christian Ifeanyi: 1996) |
Item |
1996 |
Attard-Jonathan-2017 |
"Rediscovering Sapientia in an Age Riddled by Scientia: Prophetic Knowledge in Thomas Merton." (Attard, Jonathan: 2017) |
Item |
2017 |
Baird-Mary-Julian-Sr-RSM-1956 |
"The Treatment of the Mother of God in the Writings of Thomas Merton." (Baird, Mary Julian, Sr., R.S.M.: 1956) |
Item |
1956 |
Barciok-Karol-2010 |
"Religie Dalekiego Wschodu w Pismach Thomasa Mertona." (Barciok, Karol: 2010) |
Item |
2010 |
Bartkowski-Bill-1979 |
"Definition and Contradiction: The Thought and Poetry of Thomas Merton." (Bartkowski, Bill: 1979) |
Item |
1979 |
Berthelot-Joseph-Alfred-1955 |
"Thomas Merton: A Study." (Berthelot, Joseph Alfred: 1955) |
Item |
1955 |
Błachuciński-Tomasz-2011 |
"Doświadczanie Boga W Filozoficzno-Religijnych Poszukiwaniach O. Thomasa Mertona." (Błachuciński, Tomasz: 2011) |
Item |
2011 |
Black-Noel-Andersen-1994 |
"Understanding Difference Through Paradox: Exploring the Relationship of Language to Religious Truth in the Writings of William James, William Blake, Alan Watts, Thomas Merton, and Jacques Derrida." (Black, Noel Andersen: 1994) |
Item |
1994 |
Bowen-Mary-Rose-1957 |
"Symbolism of Sun and Light in Thomas Merton's Poetry." (Bowen, Mary Rose: 1957) |
Item |
1957 |
Bowman-Bonnie-Lila-1979 |
"Flowers of Contemplation: The Later Poetry of Thomas Merton." (Bowman, Bonnie Lila: 1979) |
Item |
1979 |
Brewer-Paul-E-1949 |
"A Study of the Style and Content of the Poems of Thomas Merton." (Brewer, Paul E.: 1949) |
Item |
1949 |
Brown-Hunter-Lawlor-1979 |
"Thomas Merton on Prayer in the Lay State." (Brown, Hunter Lawlor: 1974) |
Item |
1979 |
Review of Beholding Paradise: The Photographs of Thomas Merton [SEASONAL] "This Spiritual Light - This Vision" |
Item |
2021 |
Review of The Climate of Monastic Prayer [CSQ] |
Item |
2019 |
Review of Medieval Cistercian History:
Initiation into the Monastic Tradition 9 [CSQ] |
Item |
2020 |
01 |
Review of A Search for Solitude: Pursuing the Monk's True Life [01] "A Search for Solitude: Pursuing the Monk's True Life" |
Item |
1996-11-09 |
03 |
Review of The Springs of Contemplation: A Retreat at the Abbey of Gethsemai [03] "How Merton primed prioresses about sexism" |
Item |
1993-12-10 |
14 |
Review of The Literary Essays of Thomas Merton [14] "Pilgrimage to Compassion" |
Item |
1983-11-18 |
02 |
Review of Monks Pond [02] "News of the Thomas Merton Industry" |
Item |
1991-01 |
04 |
Review of The Road to Joy: The letters of Thomas Merton to new and old friends / selected and edited by Robert E. Daggy [04] "News of the Thomas Merton Industry" |
Item |
1991-01 |
Arcement-Kyle-2013 |
"In the School of the Prophets: The Formation of Thomas Merton's Prophetic Spirituality." (Arcement, Kyle: 2013) |
Item |
Review of Keeping a Spiritual Journal with Thomas Merton: A Personal Book of Days [ANNUAL] |
Item |
D4b |
Reviews |
Subseries |
see other levels of description |
01 |
Review of Geography of Holiness: The Photography of Thomas Merton [01] "Four on Merton" |
Item |
1981 |
Review of Geography of Holiness: The Photography of Thomas Merton [XREF1] "Merton's Affirmation and Affirmation of Merton: Writing about Silence" |
Item |
1982 |
01 |
Review of A Vow of Conversation: Journals, 1964-1965 [01] "Suggestions from M. Schneiders, IHM" |
Item |
1988-11-12 |
05 |
Review of A Vow of Conversation: Journals, 1964-1965 [05] "A Vow of Conversation: Journal 1964-1965 by Thomas Merton: Naomi Burton Stone" |
Item |
1989 |
07 |
Review of A Vow of Conversation: Journals, 1964-1965 [07] |
Item |
1988-10-12 |
08 |
Review of A Vow of Conversation: Journals, 1964-1965 [08] "Prayer and Christian Devotion" |
Item |
1989-10 |
14 |
Review of The Collected Poems of Thomas Merton [14] "Thomas Merton's poems -- a mystic's sense of the real" |
Item |
1978-01-29 |
05 |
Review of Love and Living [05] "Thomas Merton: Four more 'storeys'" |
Item |
1979-12-02 |
13 |
Review of Intimate Merton: His Life from His Journals [13] "New Merton collection a 'must' for devotees" |
Item |
2000-02-11 |
01 |
Review of The Cold War Letters [01] |
Item |
2009 |
08 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [08] "Merton's Final Pilgrimage" |
Item |
07 |
Review of Contemplation in a World of Action [07] "Merton, Thomas" |
Item |
1971-04-15 |
04e |
Review of The Living Bread [04e] "Merton Does Spiritual Book For Lent Days" |
Item |
1956-03-04 |
05 |
Review of Seasons of Celebration [05] "Merton's Book Hailed As One for the Ages" |
Item |
1966-04-17 |
10 |
Review of Peace in the Post-Christian Era [10] "Swords or Ploughshares" |
Item |
2005 |
02 |
Review of Compassionate Fire: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Catherine de Hueck Doherty [02] |
Item |
2010 |
Review of Compassionate Fire: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Catherine de Hueck Doherty [ANNUAL] |
Item |
2010 |
01 |
Review of Run to the Mountain: The Story of a Vocation [01] "Books on spirituality -- Re-Discovering the Sacred: spirituality in America by Phyllis A. Tickle /" |
Item |
1995-11-04 |
04 |
Review of A Search for Solitude: Pursuing the Monk's True Life [04] "A Search for Solitude: Pursuing the Monk's True Life" |
Item |
1998 |
Review of A Course in Desert Spirituality: Fifteen Sessions with the Famous Trappist Monk [SEASONAL] "A Refreshing Desert" |
Item |
099 |
Letters of Thomas Merton and Victor and Carolyn Hammer, The: Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam. |
Series |
2014 |
27 |
Review of The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton [27] "Merton: The last chapter" |
Item |
Kauffmann-Lydie-1970 |
"'Groupe et Individu' dans la Vie et L'oeuvre de Thomas Merton." (Kauffmann, Lydie: 1970) |
Item |
1970 |
Kelly-Mary-Isabelle-1950 |
"Critical Appreciation of the Poetry of Thomas Merton." (Kelly, Mary Isabelle: 1950) |
Item |
1998 |
Kilcullen-Trudy-2006 |
"Is Mystical Experience of God in Contemplation Open to All Human Beings or Only an Elite Group? - A Contrasting of Medieval and Modern Perspectives." (Kilcullen, Trudy: 2006) |
Item |
2006 |
Konechnik-Thomas-J-2017 |
"Thomas Merton’s Spirituality of the Authentic Self." (Konechnik, Thomas J.: 2017) |
Item |
2017 |