Books and Manuscripts of Books By and About Thomas Merton; Reviews of Merton Books; and Books Used by Merton

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
05 Review of A Thomas Merton Reader [05] Item 1963-05
09 Review of A Thomas Merton Reader [09] "Merton's Progress Traced" Item undated
D4b Reviews Subseries see other levels of description
D4b Reviews Subseries see other levels of description
01 Review of Thomas Merton: A Life in Letters, the Essential Collection [01] "Zapiski kiepskiego mnicha" Item 2011
03 Review of Thomas Merton: A Life in Letters, the Essential Collection [03] "Republika Korespondentow" Item 2012
04 Review of Thomas Merton: A Life in Letters, the Essential Collection [04] "Podgladanie Thomasa Mertona" Item 2011
03 Review of Thomas Merton: Essential Writings [03] Item 2001
ANNUAL Review of Thomas Merton: Essential Writings [ANNUAL] Item 2001
SEASONAL Review of Thomas Merton: Essential Writings [SEASONAL] Let me be quite succinct": A Concise Merton Anthology" Item 2001
D4b Reviews Subseries see other levels of description
SEASONAL-2 Review of Thomas Merton: Preview of the Asian journey [SEASONAL-2] "Notes on Walter Capps' Preview of the Asian Journey" Item 1990
10 Review of Thoughts in Solitude [10] "Remedy To Our Problems--Silence That Speaks to God" Item 1958-05-18
11 Review of Thoughts in Solitude [11] "Man Has Right to Solitude-Merton" Item 1958-05-24
15 Review of Thoughts in Solitude [15] "November Publications" Item 1998-11-30
22 Review of Thoughts in Solitude [22] Item 1958-07
25 Review of Thoughts in Solitude [25] Item 1976
OSullivan-Colleen-RSJ-2006 "Thomas Merton and the Towers of Babel." Item 2006
Oddo-Thomas-Charles-1979 "The Monk and the Activist: A Comparative Study of the Spirituality of Thomas Merton and Daniel Berrigan." Item 1979
Oleśków-Wojciech-Kamil-2019 "Życie Duchowe Jako Motyw Wiarygodności Chrześcijaństwa I Kościoła W Świetle Twórczości Thomasa Mertona (1915-1968)." Item 2019
JOURNAL Review of Cassian and the Fathers [JOURNAL] Item 2005
JOURNAL Review of Entering the Silence: Becoming a Monk and Writer. The Journals of Thomas Merton vol. 2 1941-1945. [JOURNAL] "A Mirror of My Own Character and Conscience" Item 1996
32 Review of Hidden Ground of Love: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Experience and Social Concerns / selected and edited by William H. Shannon [32] Item 1989
JOURNAL Review of Learning to Love: Exploring Solitude and Freedom. The Journals of Thomas Merton vol. 6 1966-1967 [JOURNAL] Item 1998
JOURNAL Review of The Other Side of the Mountain: the end of the journey [JOURNAL] Item 1999
JOURNAL Review of Seeds [JOURNAL] Item 2003
JOURNAL Review of Solitude and Love of the World [JOURNAL] "Merton, Gethsemani and the Cistercian Tradition" Item 1998
JOURNAL Review of Survival or Prophecy?: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Jean Leclercq [JOURNAL] Item 2002
Pearson-Paul-M-1985 "Search for the Promised Land: The Metaphor of Journey in the Life and Writings of Thomas Merton." (Pearson, Paul M.: 1991) Item 1997
Pease-Marilyn-T-1957 "Thomas Merton: A Literary Figure of Merit and Promise." (Pease, Marilyn T.: 1957) Item 1957
Pins-Herbert-J-1972 "Thomas Merton Valued Zen Discipline for Achievement of Transcendental Self." (Pins, Herbert J.: 1972) Item 1972
Potępa-Grażyna-2008 "Cnoty Teologalne w Pismach Thomasa Mertona." (Potępa, Grażyna: 2008) Item 2008
Raab-Joseph-Quinn-2000 "Openness and Fidelity: Thomas Merton's Dialogue with D.T. Suzuki, and Self-Transcendence." (Raab, Joseph Quinn: 2000) Item 2000 View
Reese-Daniel-Bryan-1995 "The Feast of Wisdom: Thomas Merton's Vision and Practice of a Sapiential Education." (Reese, Daniel Bryan: 1995) Item 1995
Robinson-James-2020 "Merton and Ruether: Toward A Contemplative-Prophetic Ecotheological Anthropology." (Robinson, James: 2020) Item 1982
ANNUAL Review of At Home in the World: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Rosemary Radford Ruether [ANNUAL] Item 1996
Ronzani-Clare-1980 "Toward an Integrated Spirituality: The Contemplative-Prophetic Dimension in Thomas Merton's Spirituality." (Ronzani, Clare: 1980) Item 1980
Saltman-Benjamin-1968 "The Descent to God: Religious Language in Several Contemporary American Poets." (Saltman, Benjamin: 1968) Item 1968
Schell-Karl-Heinz-1984 "Grundung, Theorie und Lebenspraxis Amerikanischer Kloster Benediktinischer Tradition." (Schell, Karl-Heinz: 1984) Item 1984
Schuyler-William-Kearns-1970 "Transfiguration in the Desert: Thomas Merton's Search for the Love of God in Modern Man." (Schuyler, William Kearns: 1970) Item 1970
Schweigl-Paul-2019 "Catholic Intellectual Hospitality: An Application to Catholic Higher Education." (Schweigl, Paul: 2019) Item 2019
Scruggs-Ryan-2009 "Thomas Merton and the Bible: Reading that Transforms." (Scruggs, Ryan: 2005) Item 2009
Seitz-Sheila-1982 "Thomas Merton's Spirituality of Consent." (Seitz, Sheila: 1982) Item 1982
Skeffington-Thomas-1950 "Poems Set To Original Music [includes setting for Merton's poem: 'For My Brother']." (Skeffington, Thomas: 1950) Item 1950
Smith-Kevin-2016 "The Art of Integration? Psychology and Religion in the Work of Thomas Merton." (Smith, Kevin: 2016) Item 2016
Spolverato-Antonio-1986 "Thomas Merton: Dalla Filosofia Alla Contemplazione." (Spolverato, Antonio: 1986) Item 1986
St-Onge-Timothy-S-2010 "Cosmosophia: The Dwelling of the Divine in the Contemporary World." (St. Onge, Timothy S.: 2010) Item 2010
Staggs-John-H-1995 "Thomas Merton's Understanding of the Cross and its Positive Impact upon the Spiritual Well-being of Adult Lay People." (Staggs, John H.: 1995) Item 1995
Steffen-Donna-1981 "Nonviolence in the Thought of Thomas Merton." (Steffen, Donna: 1981) Item 1981
Stull-Bradford-Thomas-1992 "Religious Dialectics of Pain and Imagination: Postmodern and Liberation Rhetorics." (Stull, Bradford Thomas: 1992) Item 1992
Świerszcz-Katarzyna-1998 "Asceza Na drodze Do świętości w Nauce Tomasza Mertona." (Świerszcz, Katarzyna: 1998) Item 1998
Teahan-John-Francis-1976 "The Mysticism of Thomas Merton: Contemplation as a Way of Life." (Teahan, John Francis: 1976) Item 1976
Tredget-Dermot-Alan-2020 "In What Ways Can the Concept of Holy or Sacred Leisure Inform a Renewed Theological Understanding of Work and Leisure in the Twenty-first Century?" (Tredget, Dermot Alan: 2020) Item 2020 View
Ulm-Christopher-2012 "The Influence of Thomas Merton on the Emerging Church." (Ulm, Christopher: 2012) Item 2012
Urdanivia-Bertarelli-Eduardo-1983 "La Poesia de Ernesto Cardenal: Fe Cristiana y Compromiso Politico." (Urdanivia, Bertarelli Eduardo: 1983) Item 1983
van-Harmelen-Wim-1976 "De Weg van de Christen in de Hedendaagse Samenleving Volgens Thomas Merton—The Road of the Christian in Present Society According to Thomas Merton." (van Harmelen, Wim: 1976) Item 1976
Veliyathil-Paul-1985 "Thomas Merton's View of Contemplation and Action in the Light of the Karma-Yoga Ideal of The Bhagavad-Gita." (Veliyathil, Paul: 1985) Item 1985
Vine-Naomi-1988 "The Total Dark Sublime: An Interpretive Analysis of the Late Black Paintings of Ad Reinhardt, 1960-67." (Vine, Naomi: 1988) Item 1988
Voigt-Robert-J-1971 "Thomas Merton: A Different Drummer." (Voigt, Robert J.: 1971) Item 1971
Wagner-Carol-1980 "Teresa of Avila and Thomas Merton on Prayer: Journey to Self and God." (Wagner, Carol: 1980) Item 1980
Wallis-Bryan-Verdin-2015 "The Greatest Light is the Greatest Shade: Wendell Berry and the Darkness of Coexistence." (Wallis, Bryan Verdin: 2015) Item 2015
Wąsowicz-Sylwia-1997 "Sens Samotności Według Thomasa Mertona." (Wąsowicz, Sylwia: 1997) Item 1997
Welker-Joe-2023 "Blind Visions: Psychedelics, Thomas Merton, and Reformed Mysticism." (Welker, Joe: 2023) Item 2023
Weresch-Joshua-2004 "Voices in the Wilderness: Monasticism in Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov and Thomas Merton." (Weresch, Joshua: 2004) Item 2004
Williams-Melanie-Boney-1998 "John Jacob Niles's Settings of the Early Poetry of Thomas Merton in The Niles-Merton Songs, opp. 171 and 172." (Williams, Melanie Boney: 1998) Item 1998
Won-Young-Bae-(Deacon-Augustine-Y-Won)-2019 "How the Silence and Solitude can be Reintroduced as the Empowering Tools for Christian Conversion in Today’s World: Following the Example of Thomas Merton’s Life and Prayer." (Won, Young Bae (Deacon Augustine Y. Won): 2019) Item 2019
Xu-Xiaoyan-2018 "Returning to Sacramental Ontology: A Study of Thomas Merton’s Monastic Theology." (Xu, Xiaoyan: 2018) Item 2018
Zelazek-Henry-A-1951 "Thomas Merton." (Zelazek, Henry A.: 1951) Item 1951
Žičkytė-Augustė-2017 "Gyvenimo Tikint Laikysenos Thomo Mertono Kūryboje." (Žičkytė, Augustė: 2014) Item 2017
Mróz-Krzysztof-1986 "Wspólnotowy Charakter Ludzkiego Bytu W Myśli Tomasza Mertona (W Oparciu O Pozycje Polskich Tłumaczeń)." (Mróz, Krzysztof: 1986) Item 1986
Nelson-Thomas-John-1984 "The Discovery of the True Self in the Thought of Thomas Merton." (Nelson, Thomas John: 1984) Item 2002
Neuhoff-Andrea-Lynn-2005 "Making America's Monk: Editing Thomas Merton's The Seven Storey Mountain." (Neuhoff, Andrea Lynn: 2010) Item 2005
Nolan-Mary-Jane-1951 "Study of the Philosophic and Poetic Ideas Contained in the Journal of Thomas Merton, 1940-1941, For the Light they Cast on Subsequent Literary Productions." (Nolan, Mary Jane: 1951) Item 1951
OShea-Margaret-Mary-1977 "Thomas Merton on Hermits." (O'Shea, Margaret Mary: 1977) Item 1977
Oddo-Thomas-Charles-1979 "The Monk and the Activist: A Comparative Study of the Spirituality of Thomas Merton and Daniel Berrigan." (Oddo, Thomas Charles: 1979) Item 1979
Oleśków-Wojciech-Kamil-2019 "Życie Duchowe Jako Motyw Wiarygodności Chrześcijaństwa I Kościoła W Świetle Twórczości Thomasa Mertona (1915-1968)." (Oleśków, Wojciech Kamil: 2019) Item 2019
Park-Jaechan-Anselmo-2013 "Thomas Merton's Encounter with Buddhism and Beyond: His Interreligious Dialogue, Inter-monastic Exchanges and Their Legacy." (Park, Jaechan Anselmo: 2018) Item 1995
Parker-Sara-2002 "Thomas Merton: A Case Study Using Autobiography." (Parker, Sara: 2002) Item 2002
Pascarella-Michael-Jr-2016 "The Relevance of Thomas Merton in American Society Today: A Look at the Life and Spirituality of the Late Spiritual Master and Trappist Monk Who Caught the Attention of Pope Francis." (Pascarella, Michael, Jr.: 2016) Item 2016
Pathrapankal-Mathew-1983 "Prayer, Contemplation and Contemplative Life According to Thomas Merton." (Pathrapankal, Mathew: 1983) Item 1983
Centner-David-J-1972 "The Influence of St. John of the Cross in the Writings of Thomas Merton." (Centner, David J.: 1972) Item 1972
Chan-Pui-Fun-Doris-2005 "Contemplation and Action: Thomas Merton's Understanding of Kenotic Christ." (Chan, Pui Fun Doris: 2005) Item 2005
Coombs-Marie-1996 "Mystery Hidden Yet Revealed: A Study of the Interrelationship of Transcendence, Self-Actualization and Creative Expression, with Reference to the Lives and the Works of Thomas Merton and Georgia O'Keeffe." (Coombs, Marie: 1996) Item 1996
Cousineau-Monique-1971 "La Theologie de la Paix Selon Thomas Merton: Un Cheminement Spirituel." (Cousineau, Monique: 1971) Item 1971
Cousins-Patrick-2015 "Prometheus and Promethean Theology in the Thought of Thomas Merton." (Cousins, Patrick: 2015) Item 2015 View
Dat-Tien-Vu-Joseph-1986 "The Recovery of Paradise: A Search for the Self According to Thomas Merton." (Dat-Tien-Vu, Joseph: 1986) Item 1986
Davis-Adam-2009 "Recovering the Face of God: The Mystical Journey of Thomas Merton." (Davis, Adam: 2009) Item 1993
Domagała-Tadeusz-2006 "Wiara Chrześcijańska a Duchowość Wschodu Według Bede Griffithsa i Tomasza Mertona." (Domagała, Tadeusz: 2006) Item 2006
Dufresne-Oliver-Joseph-Aloysius-1971 "Thomas Merton: A Man for our Times." (Dufresne, Oliver Joseph Aloysius: 1971) Item 1971
Duggan-E-F-2014 "Three Lives: Three Paths: The Spiritual Quest of Thomas Merton, Alan Watts, and Annie Dillard." (Duggan, E. F.: 2014) Item 2014
Dwyer-Cynthia-Mary-2010 "The Spiritual Journey According to Thomas Merton: Its Inner and Outer Dimensions and Pastoral Implications." (Dwyer, Cynthia Mary: 2010) Item 2010
Ferraro-Cathleen-M-1982 "A Triangle of Peacemakers: An East-West Perspective of the Nonviolent Philosophy in the Lives of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Thomas Merton." (Ferraro, Cathleen M.: 1982) Item 1982
Friedel-Andrzej-1991 "Samotność Wewnętrzna W Ujęciu Tomasza Mertona." (Friedel, Andrzej: 1991) Item 1991
Funk-Robert-W-1987 "A Return to Wisdom." (Funk, Robert W.: 1987) Item 1987
Georgiou-Steve-Theodore-2004 "Sea and Sky: Robert Lax and the Spiritual Dimensions of Minimalism." (Georgiou, Steve Theodore: 2004) Item 2004
Gillespie-John-Milton-2021 "Merton’s Muses: The Poetic Influences on Thomas Merton’s True and False Self." (Gillespie, John Milton: 2021) Item 2021
Gooch-Warren-Peter-1988 "'Wisdom: A Cantata,' An Original Composition Based Upon a Rotational Pitch System." (Gooch, Warren Peter: 1988) Item 1988
Graham-Lauren-Elizabeth-2003 "The Need to Confront Death in Albert Camus' 'Absurd', Thomas Merton's 'True Self' and Teresa de Avila's ‘Interior Castles’." (Graham, Lauren Elizabeth: 2003) Item 2003
Grzybowski-Waclaw-1993 "The Poetics and Poetry of Thomas Merton: Spirituality and Metaphor." (Grzybowski, Waclaw: 1999) Item 1993
Grzybowski-Waclaw-1999 "The Structural-Symbolic Interpretation of the Play The Tower of Babel by Thomas Merton." (Grzybowski, Waclaw: 1993) Item 1999