Author surnames beginning with the letters "U-Z"

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
Vaden-Matthew-Brett-2015 "The False Self and True Self: A Christian Perspective." (Vaden, Matthew Brett: 2015) Item 2015
Vazhakoottathil-John-Antony-Theodore-1992 "Thomas Merton's Mystical Quest for the Union with God." (Vazhakoottathil, John Antony Theodore: 1992) Item 1992
Weickert-David-C-2012 "The Virtue of Detachment in the Christian Tradition: A Study of St. John of the Cross and Thomas Merton." (Weickert, David C.: 2012) Item 2012
Wierwill-Jonathan-Paul-1970 "A Comparison of the Value Notions of God, Love, and Person in the Writings of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Thomas Merton." (Wierwill, Jonathan Paul: 1970) Item 1970
Wright-Scott-1967 "The Merton-Mailer Vision." (Wright, Scott: 1967) Item 1967
Zieliński-Tomasz-2004 "Życie Monastyczne Jako Zmierzanie do Wolności Duchowej na Podstawie Pism Tomasza Mertona." (Zieliński, Tomasz: 2004) Item 2004
Ullmann-François-1986 "Transpoésie - Thomas Merton." (Ullmann, François: 1986) Item 1986
Usery-Jimmie-Dean-2001 "An Inquiry into Thomas Merton's Search for the True Self: A Study of the Journals." (Usery, Jimmie Dean: 2001) Item 2001
Verploegen-Nicki-1983 "Technology and Transformation in the Works of Thomas Merton." (Verploegen, Nicki: 1983) Item 1983
Vickers-Michael-A-1985 "The Christian as Peacemaker: Thomas Merton's Synthesis of Contemplation and Action." (Vickers, Michael A.: 1985) Item 1985
Vujica-Vikica-2019 "Misticismo Per il Dialogo Interreligioso: Una Proposta Attraverso Gli Studi di Raimon Panikkar e Thomas Merton." (Vujica, Vikica: 2019) Item 2019
Watson-Thomas-L-1979 "Thomas Merton: Christian renewalist." (Watson, Thomas L.: 1979) Item 1979
Weber-Samuel-F-1975 "The Scriptural Basis for Thomas Merton's Writings on Prayer." (Weber, Samuel F.: 1975) Item 1975
Wheeler-Elizabeth-2022 "Stillillhet och Ensamhet: Een Studie I Thomas Mertons Syn På Mystiken." (Wheeler, Elizabeth: 2022) Item 2022
Whelan-James-1969 "A Proposed Strategy of Non-violence: An Inquiry into the Published Writings of Thomas Merton 1915-1968." (Whelan, James: 1969) Item 1969
Whitley-William-Stacey-2007 "The Tower of Babel." (Whitley, William Stacey: 2007) Item 2007
Williams-A-Susanne-1982 "Eastern Spiritual Thought in Contemporary America." (Williams, A. Susanne: 1982) Item 1982
Wilson-Nettie-Hadden-1997 "The Hidden Self: The Deep Currents of Albert Camus and Thomas Merton." (Wilson, Nettie Hadden: 1997) Item 1997
Žvanut-Miran-2012 "‘When I Run, I Feel God's Pleasure’: Long-distance Running as an Ascetical Practice Based on Monastic Experience and Thomas Merton's Approach to Asceticism." (Žvanut, Miran: 2012) Item 2012
Ulm-Christopher-2012 "The Influence of Thomas Merton on the Emerging Church." (Ulm, Christopher: 2012) Item 2012
Urdanivia-Bertarelli-Eduardo-1983 "La Poesia de Ernesto Cardenal: Fe Cristiana y Compromiso Politico." (Urdanivia, Bertarelli Eduardo: 1983) Item 1983
van-Harmelen-Wim-1976 "De Weg van de Christen in de Hedendaagse Samenleving Volgens Thomas Merton—The Road of the Christian in Present Society According to Thomas Merton." (van Harmelen, Wim: 1976) Item 1976
Veliyathil-Paul-1985 "Thomas Merton's View of Contemplation and Action in the Light of the Karma-Yoga Ideal of The Bhagavad-Gita." (Veliyathil, Paul: 1985) Item 1985
Vine-Naomi-1988 "The Total Dark Sublime: An Interpretive Analysis of the Late Black Paintings of Ad Reinhardt, 1960-67." (Vine, Naomi: 1988) Item 1988
Voigt-Robert-J-1971 "Thomas Merton: A Different Drummer." (Voigt, Robert J.: 1971) Item 1971
Wagner-Carol-1980 "Teresa of Avila and Thomas Merton on Prayer: Journey to Self and God." (Wagner, Carol: 1980) Item 1980
Wallis-Bryan-Verdin-2015 "The Greatest Light is the Greatest Shade: Wendell Berry and the Darkness of Coexistence." (Wallis, Bryan Verdin: 2015) Item 2015
Wąsowicz-Sylwia-1997 "Sens Samotności Według Thomasa Mertona." (Wąsowicz, Sylwia: 1997) Item 1997
Welker-Joe-2023 "Blind Visions: Psychedelics, Thomas Merton, and Reformed Mysticism." (Welker, Joe: 2023) Item 2023
Weresch-Joshua-2004 "Voices in the Wilderness: Monasticism in Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov and Thomas Merton." (Weresch, Joshua: 2004) Item 2004
Williams-Melanie-Boney-1998 "John Jacob Niles's Settings of the Early Poetry of Thomas Merton in The Niles-Merton Songs, opp. 171 and 172." (Williams, Melanie Boney: 1998) Item 1998
Won-Young-Bae-(Deacon-Augustine-Y-Won)-2019 "How the Silence and Solitude can be Reintroduced as the Empowering Tools for Christian Conversion in Today’s World: Following the Example of Thomas Merton’s Life and Prayer." (Won, Young Bae (Deacon Augustine Y. Won): 2019) Item 2019
Xu-Xiaoyan-2018 "Returning to Sacramental Ontology: A Study of Thomas Merton’s Monastic Theology." (Xu, Xiaoyan: 2018) Item 2018
Zelazek-Henry-A-1951 "Thomas Merton." (Zelazek, Henry A.: 1951) Item 1951
Žičkytė-Augustė-2017 "Gyvenimo Tikint Laikysenos Thomo Mertono Kūryboje." (Žičkytė, Augustė: 2014) Item 2017
van-Staden-Elmor-2016 "Journey Within: The Spirituality of Thomas Merton (1915-1968)." (van Staden, Elmor: 2016) Item 2016
Velamkunnel-Joseph-1975 "Transcendental Experience of God According to Thomas Merton: A Comparative and Theological Study of Oriental and Christian Mysticism." (Velamkunnel, Joseph: 1975) Item 1975
Vogt-Heather-Lyn-2002 "The Conjectures of a Committed Contemplative: Thomas Merton and American Society." (Vogt, Heather Lyn: 2002) Item 2002
Wigaard-Christian-2011 "Kristen Tro I Møte Med Zen: En Analyse Av Thomas Mertons Og Notto R. Thelles Dialogerfaringer Med Zen-Buddhismen." (Wigaard, Christian: 2011) Item 2011
Williams-Peter-E-2004 "Liberating Structure: External Structure and Developing Concepts of Autonomy." (Williams, Peter E.: 2004) Item 2004
Winburn-Christian-McCoy-1997 "Thomas Merton and the Journey from Ego to Selfhood." (Winburn, Christian McCoy: 1997) Item 1997
Witte-Mark-G-1996 "The Theological Anthropology of Thomas Merton." (Witte, Mark G.: 1996) Item 1996
Yew-Hongchang-Ezra-1999 "Thomas Merton's Journey with Art: A Study of Thomas Merton's Spiritual Aesthetics." (Yew, Hongchang Ezra: 1999) Item 1999
Yondura-Sophie-SSJ-2008 "Spiritual Mentors for Living One's Baptismal Call in the 21st Century." (Yondura, Sophie, S.S.J.: 2008) Item 2008
Yonkers-Michael-Allan-1976 "Man the Image of God: The Theological Anthropology of Thomas Merton." (Yonkers, Michael Allan: 1976) Item 1976
ZawMin-Henry-Thura-2010 "The Telos in Buddhism & Christianity as seen in Thomas Merton." (ZawMin, Henry Thura: 2010) Item 2010
Zettell-Raymond-J-1951 "Thomas Merton - A Modern Mystic." (Zettell, Raymond J.: 1951) Item 1951
Žičkytė-Augustė-2014 "Tomo Mertono Kūryba Kaip Šventumo Tapsmo Išraiška Kasdienybėje." (Žičkytė, Augustė: 2017) Item 2014
Zimmerer-Jared-2017 "Thomas Merton's Perspective on Asceticism as an Evangelical Strategy." (Zimmerer, Jared: 2017) Item 2017
Zyniewicz-Matthew-Charles-2000 "The Interreligious Dialogue Between Thomas Merton and D.T. Suzuki." (Zyniewicz, Matthew Charles: 2000) Item 2000