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Paiano-Angelo-Michael-1987 |
"Thomas Merton's Notion of Freedom." (Paiano, Angelo Michael: 1987) |
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1987 |
Papagni-Mario-2002 |
"The Cold War Letters of Thomas Merton." (Papagni, Mario: 2002) |
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2002 |
Pavlic-Richard-1998 |
"Mertonov Govor O Kontemplativnom Zivotu U Knjizi 'Kontemplacija U Svijetu Akcije'." (Pavlic, Richard: 1998) |
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1998 |
Pearson-Anne-R-2022 |
"Thomas Merton: A Dead White Monk as a Model for Modern Racial Justice Activism." (Pearson, Anne R.: 2022) |
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1985 |
Pearson-Paul-M-1991 |
"The Geography of a Soul: Thomas Merton's Ongoing Spiritual Autobiographical Quest within the Context of the Literary Genre of Autobiography." (Pearson, Paul M.: 1997) |
Item |
1998 |
Peddie-Scott-2015 |
"An Existential Analysis of Thomas Merton’s ‘The Seven Storey Mountain’." (Peddie, Scott: 2015) |
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2015 |
Phillips-Andrew-1989 |
"The Transpersonal Aspects of Thomas Merton's Mysticism." (Phillips, Andrew: 1989) |
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1989 |
Pobuta-Paweł-OP-2005 |
"Medytacja Chrześcijańska Według Thomasa Mertona." (Pobuta, Paweł, O.P.: 2005) |
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2005 |
Poks-Malgorzata-2003 |
"Thomas Merton and Latin America: A Consonance of Voices." (Poks, Malgorzata: 2003) |
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2003 |
Pramuk-Christopher-2007 |
"Hagia Sophia: Imagination, Poetics and Presence in the Christology of Thomas Merton." (Pramuk, Christopher: 2007) |
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2007 |
Quinn-Mark-Anthony-1982 |
"Thomas Merton's Understanding of God." (Quinn, Mark Anthony: 1982) |
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1982 |
Raccuglia-Robert-J-1984 |
"The Journey of Thomas Merton." (Raccuglia, Robert J.: 1984) |
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1984 |
Rainsford-McMahon-Elizabeth-M-2020 |
"Setting Theology Free: The Shaping of an Alternative Language for Theology in the Work of Thomas Merton through a Poetics of Place." (Rainsford-McMahon, Elizabeth M.: 2020) |
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2020 |
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Ranzoli-Cuccolini-Silvana-1964 |
"Thomas Merton." (Ranzoli Cuccolini, Silvana: 1964) |
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1964 |
Reilly-Mary-Paul-1953 |
"Thomas Merton as Poet of the Liturgy." (Reilly, Mary Paul: 1953) |
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1953 |
Richardson-Virginia-Anne-1993 |
"An Adlerian Perspective on Religious Conversion." (Richardson, Virginia Anne: 1993) |
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1993 |
Rossini-Giovanni-Antonio-2018 |
"'Summonses to Awareness:' A Meditation upon Wisdom and Artful Inquiry." (Rossini, Giovanni Antonio: 2018) |
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2018 |
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Rudolph-Gerald-Lee-1978 |
"The Influence of the Church Fathers upon the Thought of Thomas Merton." (Rudolph, Gerald Lee: 1978) |
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1978 |
Page-Christopher-2001 |
"A Feast of Straw: The Nature Mysticism of Thomas Merton." (Page, Christopher: 2001) |
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2001 |
Park-Jaechan-Anselmo-2018 |
"Spiritual Growth and Healing Through Monastic Experience: A South Korean Benedictine Exploration of the Monastery Stay Experience." (Park, Jaechan Anselmo: 2013) |
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2013 |
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Park-Young-Mann-1995 |
"Thomas Merton's Prayer: From an Asian Christian Perspective." (Park, Young Mann: 1995) |
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2018 |
Peach-Robert-Kammer-2008 |
"'Into the Cavern': A Study of Consciousness through the Lens of Thomas Merton's Mystical Poetics." (Peach, Robert Kammer: 2008) |
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2008 |
Pearson-Paul-M-1997 |
"Research on Research: A Bibliography of Theses and Dissertations about Thomas Merton." (Pearson, Paul M.: 1998) |
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2008 |
Pearson-Paul-M-1998 |
"Man's Approach to God in the Writings of Thomas Merton." (Pearson, Paul M.: 1985) |
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2022 |
Phalen-Roxann-1980 |
"Thomas Merton: Journey into Solitude." (Phalen, Roxann: 1980) |
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1980 |
Poston-Ronald-G-1986 |
"In Fact There Is A Choice: Thomas Merton and American Critical Romanticism." (Poston, Ronald G.: 1986) |
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1986 |
Redekop-Stephanie-2015 |
"The Rebellion of the Saints: Blakean Spiritual Resistance in the Poetry of Thomas Merton." (Redekop, Stephanie: 2015) |
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2015 |
Regan-Carol-1988 |
"Immortal Diamond: A Comparative View of the Stages of Human Development in the Writings of Joseph Campbell, Carl Jung, and Thomas Merton." (Regan, Carol: 1988) |
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1988 |
Richards-Cara-Rochelle-Smith-2007 |
"The Contemplative Tradition: Living Authentically in a Complex World." (Richards, Cara Rochelle Smith: 2007) |
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2007 |
Richardson-Gregg-A-1986 |
"Two Experiences in the Life of Thomas Merton and their Effect on his Spiritual Goal." (Richardson, Gregg A.: 1986) |
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1986 |
Rivera-Mary-Anne-2004 |
"Jubilee magazine and the development of a Vatican II ecclesiology." (Rivera, Mary Anne: 2004) |
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2004 |
Roadcup-Alisa-Miriam-2003 |
"Thomas Merton's Theology of the Self as Influenced by Christian Mysticism and Zen Buddhism." (Roadcup, Alisa Miriam: 2003) |
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2003 |
Robinson-Richard-D-1982 |
"Thomas Merton: Three Primary Images, One Centered Identity." (Robinson, Richard D.: 1982) |
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2020 |
Padovano-Anthony-Thomas-1980 |
"The Human Journey: Thomas Merton: Symbol of a Century." (Padovano, Anthony Thomas: 1980) |
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1980 |
Park-Jaechan-Anselmo-2013 |
"Thomas Merton's Encounter with Buddhism and Beyond: His Interreligious Dialogue, Inter-monastic Exchanges and Their Legacy." (Park, Jaechan Anselmo: 2018) |
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1995 |
Parker-Sara-2002 |
"Thomas Merton: A Case Study Using Autobiography." (Parker, Sara: 2002) |
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2002 |
Pascarella-Michael-Jr-2016 |
"The Relevance of Thomas Merton in American Society Today: A Look at the Life and Spirituality of the Late Spiritual Master and Trappist Monk Who Caught the Attention of Pope Francis." (Pascarella, Michael, Jr.: 2016) |
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2016 |
Pathrapankal-Mathew-1983 |
"Prayer, Contemplation and Contemplative Life According to Thomas Merton." (Pathrapankal, Mathew: 1983) |
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1983 |
Pearson-Paul-M-1985 |
"Search for the Promised Land: The Metaphor of Journey in the Life and Writings of Thomas Merton." (Pearson, Paul M.: 1991) |
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1997 |
Pease-Marilyn-T-1957 |
"Thomas Merton: A Literary Figure of Merit and Promise." (Pease, Marilyn T.: 1957) |
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1957 |
Pins-Herbert-J-1972 |
"Thomas Merton Valued Zen Discipline for Achievement of Transcendental Self." (Pins, Herbert J.: 1972) |
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1972 |
Potępa-Grażyna-2008 |
"Cnoty Teologalne w Pismach Thomasa Mertona." (Potępa, Grażyna: 2008) |
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2008 |
Raab-Joseph-Quinn-2000 |
"Openness and Fidelity: Thomas Merton's Dialogue with D.T. Suzuki, and Self-Transcendence." (Raab, Joseph Quinn: 2000) |
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2000 |
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Reese-Daniel-Bryan-1995 |
"The Feast of Wisdom: Thomas Merton's Vision and Practice of a Sapiential Education." (Reese, Daniel Bryan: 1995) |
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1995 |
Robinson-James-2020 |
"Merton and Ruether: Toward A Contemplative-Prophetic Ecotheological Anthropology." (Robinson, James: 2020) |
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1982 |
Ronzani-Clare-1980 |
"Toward an Integrated Spirituality: The Contemplative-Prophetic Dimension in Thomas Merton's Spirituality." (Ronzani, Clare: 1980) |
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1980 |
Parkhurst-James-Coleman-2006 |
"Seeds of Creation Spirituality: The Life and Work of Thomas Merton." (Parkhurst, James Coleman: 2006) |
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2006 |
Peach-Robert-Kammer-2012 |
"Raids on Theology: Thomas Merton's Raids on the Unspeakable as Political Theology in a Metzian Key." (Peach, Robert Kammer: 2012) |
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2012 |
Pearson-J-Stephen-2008 |
"‘Not of this world’: Christian Devotional Literature as Minority Discourse." (Pearson, J. Stephen: 2008) |
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1991 |
Pereira-Sibélius-Cefas-2012 |
"Thomas Merton: Itinerarium Da Vida Contemplativa No Tempo e Na História." (Pereira, Sibélius Cefas: 2012) |
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2012 |
Pickering-Maureen-2007 |
"Holiness and the World in the Writings of Thomas Merton." (Pickering, Maureen: 2007) |
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2007 |
Plumley-Brian-L-1993 |
"Searching for a Place to Stand: Reflections of Spiritually-Rooted Social Activists." (Plumley, Brian L.: 1993) |
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1993 |
Poitras-Gilles-1982 |
"Spirituality and Social Action in the Thought of Thomas Merton." (Poitras, Gilles: 1982) |
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1982 |
Primack-Candace-S-1997 |
"Art, Contemplation and Humankind in the Aesthetic Theories of James Joyce and Thomas Merton." (Primack, Candace S.: 1997) |
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1997 |
Redmond-Wylie-2008 |
"Beyond the Shadow and Disguise’: Zen's Contribution to the Religious Experience and Vision of Thomas Merton." (Redmond, Wylie: 2008) |
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2008 |
Rodriguez-Jared-A-2012 |
"The Spiritual Impulse to Turn Within and the Engagement in a World of Action." (Rodriguez, Jared A.: 2012) |
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2012 |
Ronsi-Francilaide-de-Queiroz-2014 |
"A Mística Cristã e o Diálogo Inter-religioso em Thomas Merton e em Raimon Panikkar Para Uma Maturidade Cristã e Uma Mística Inter-religiosa." (Ronsi, Francilaide de Queiroz: 2014) |
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2014 |
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Ruttle-Paul-1980 |
"Buddhist Components in the Thought and Spirituality of Thomas Merton." (Ruttle, Paul: 1980) |
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1980 |