Author surnames beginning with the letters "H-J"

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
Hall-Gary-Peter-2019 "Communing With the Stranger: Relational Dynamics and Critical Distance Between Thomas Merton and His Readers." (Hall, Gary Peter: 2019) Item 1994 View
Harrod-Joshua-M-2005 "Thomas Merton's Antipoetry Of Resistance." (Harrod, Joshua M.: 2005) Item 2005
Hawkins-Anne-Olivia-1978 "Archetypes in the Spiritual Autobiographies of St. Augustine, John Bunyan and Thomas Merton." (Hawkins, Anne Olivia: 1978) Item 1978
Helberg-Frode-2007 "Stillhetens Musikk: En Idéhistorisk Analyse av Thomas Merton Som Mystiker." (Helberg, Frode: 2007) Item 2007
Higgins-John-J-1971 "The Theology of Prayer in the Spirituality of Thomas Merton." (Higgins, John J.: 1971) Item
Holland-Judeth-1983 "The Nature of God and Man in the Poetry of Thomas Merton." (Holland, Judeth: 1983) Item 1983
Jones-Ray-L-1995 "Dialectics and Convergence in the Life and Writings of Thomas Merton: A Search for Balance." (Jones, Ray L.: 1995) Item 1995
Jordan-Brendan-2015 "A Monastery for the Revolution: Ernesto Cardenal, Thomas Merton, and the Paradox of Violence in Nicaragua, 1957-1979." (Jordan, Brendan: 2015) Item 2015
Juszczak-Władysław-CSsR-2003 "Doniosłość Kontemplacji w Ŝyciu Chrześcijańskim w Świetle Pism Tomasza Mertona." (Juszczak, Władysław, C.Ss.R.: 2003) Item 2003
Hall-Jeanne-M-1979 "Thomas Merton's Concept of God: The Theology of Experience." (Hall, Jeanne M.: 1979) Item 2019
Halla-Steve-Richard-2006 "The Nature of Woodcarving: A Conversation from Without that Echoes Within." (Halla, Steve Richard: 2006) Item 2006
Hartman-Alan-G-2019 "Thomas Merton, Josef Pieper, and Gustavo Gutierrez: Contemplation and Action in the Turbulent Twentieth Century." (Hartman, Alan G.: 2019) Item 2019 View
Hassan-John-Anthony-1972 "An Absence that is a Presence: A Study of Thomas Merton's Search for Identity." (Hassan, John Anthony: 1972) Item 1972
Healy-William-Francis-1975 "The Thought of Thomas Merton Concerning the Relationship of Christianity and Zen." (Healy, William Francis: 1975) Item 1975
Henry-Evan-Blake-2018 "‘The Lover of the Living God’: Thomas Merton’s William Blake." (Henry, Evan Blake: 2018) Item 2018
Hewitt-Bridget-2010 "A Return to the Infinite Abyss of Pure Reality in Which Our Own Reality is Grounded: An Exploration of the Contemplative Voice of Thomas Merton and an Assessment of its Relevance for Today." (Hewitt, Bridget: 2010) Item 2010
Hopkins-Leslie-Ellen-1980 "Symbolic Forms in Science and Contemplation: The Activity of Spirit in Ernst Cassirer and Thomas Merton." (Hopkins, Leslie Ellen: 1980) Item 1980
Houchens-Gary-Wayne-2000 "A Life of Paradox: Thomas Merton's Asian Trajectory." (Houchens, Gary Wayne: 2000) Item 2000
Hutchinson-Paula-Hazel-2007 "Thomas Merton and Vincent van Gogh: The Map of Two Pilgrim Journeys to the True Self in Art and Parable." (Hutchinson, Paula Hazel: 2007) Item 2007 View
Jääskeläinen-Anneli-2002 "Stillhet och Ensamhet: Een Studie i Thomas Mertons Syn På Mystiken." (Jääskeläinen, Anneli: 2002) Item 2002
Jilka-Jean-1984 "Vision of Peace in Thomas Merton." (Jilka, Jean: 1984) Item 1984
Haggerty-Rosanne-1982 "Thomas Merton’s Vision of Wholeness." (Haggerty, Rosanne: 1982) Item 1982
Haines-Rebecca-2005 "The Sacramental Imaginations of America: Flannery O'Connor and Thomas Merton." (Haines, Rebecca: 2005) Item 2005
Hauke-Mary-C-1987 "Developing Social Concern by Nurturing Religious Conversion." (Hauke, Mary C.: 1987) Item 1987
Hauser-Richard-Joseph-1973 "The Value of Abraham H. Maslow's Personality Theory for Understanding the Approach to Christian Prayer in Selected Writings of Thomas Merton." (Hauser, Richard Joseph: 1973) Item 1973
Hergott-Alvin-W-1971 "Thomas Merton and the Image of Man." (Hergott, Alvin W.: 1971) Item 1971
Hirsz-Piotr-1988 "Doświadczenie Boga U Tomasza Mertona." (Hirsz, Piotr: 1988) Item 1988
Hogan-Christine-Jensen-1990 "Un Pas de Deux, Un Pas de Dieu." (Hogan, Christine Jensen: 1990) Item 1990
Huang-Zichen-2019 "Yin xiu shi duo ma si.mou dun de sheng tai ling xiu = The Ecological Spirituality of Thomas Merton." (Huang, Zichen: 2019) Item 2019
Imperato-Robert-1984 "The Notion of the Person According to Daniel Clark Walsh and Thomas Merton." (Imperato, Robert: 1984) Item 1984
Jose-Fabian-UMI-2018 "The Contemplative-Prophetic Spirituality of Thomas Merton: It’s Relevance for the Consecrated Life in India." (Jose, Fabian, UMI: 2018) Item 2018
Haitsma-Thomas-2004 "Thomas Merton: Contemplation and Interreligious Dialogue." (Haitsma, Thomas: 2004) Item 2004
Hall-Gary-Peter-1994 "From 'Contemptus Mundi' to Real Presence. Thomas Merton's Relation to the World: A Study in Moral Development." (Hall, Gary Peter: 1994) Item 1979
Haynes-Carter-J-2012 "A Hermeneutic Reappraisal of Thomas Merton's Approach to Spiritual Development." (Haynes, Carter J.: 2012) Item 2012
Haynie-David-Mack-1977 "Mysticism as the Basis for Religious Pluralism in the Thought of Thomas Merton." (Haynie, David Mack: 1977) Item 1977
Heher-Michael-1981 "Thomas Merton's Spiritual Development in the Context of his Experience of Silence and Solitude." (Heher, Michael: 1981) Item 1981
Hemann-Barbara-J-1991 "Resolving the Paradox: Thomas Merton, Antipoetry, and the Language of Silence in the Geography of Lograire." (Hemann, Barbara J.: 1991) Item 1991
Hempstead-Sheila-Mary-1984 "Bells in Thomas Merton's Early Poetry 1940-1946." (Hempstead, Sheila Mary: 1984) Item 1984
Higgins-Michael-W-1979 "Thomas Merton, the Silent-speaking Visionary: A Study of His Poetry." (Higgins, Michael W.: 1979) Item 1979
Howell-Roger-William-2012 "Peace and Human Rights in the Nuclear Age (The Encyclical and the Speech of 1963)." (Howell, Roger William: 2012) Item 2012
Iglesias-Labat-Manuel-María-2019 "El Silencio en Thomas Merton Como Elemento Constitutivo Para la Espiritualidad del Hombre de Hoy." (Iglesias Labat, Manuel María.: 2019) Item 2019 View
John-Nigel-1990 "Contemplation and Action in the Thought of Thomas Merton." (John, Nigel: 1990) Item 1990