Author surnames beginning with the letters "F-G"

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
George-Virginia-S-2010 "Thomas Merton: Another Look At Enneagram Type." (George, Virginia S.: 2010) Item 2010
Giannini-Robert-Edward-1976 "Mysticism and Social Ethics: Thomas Merton Seen in the Light of Paul Tillich's Theology." (Giannini, Robert Edward: 1976) Item 1976
Givey-David-W-1977 "The Social Thought of Thomas Merton: Towards a Christian Philosophy of Non-Violence." (Givey, David W.: 1977) Item 1977
Flaherty-Luke-1969 "Mystery and Unity as Anagological Vision in Thomas Merton's 'Cables to the Ace': A Critical Explication." (Flaherty, Luke: 1969) Item 1969
Frilling-Daniel-Lee-1982 "Thomas Merton's Call to Monasticism: An Inquiry into the Spirit of Protest as it is Found Within the Monastic Calling of Thomas Merton." (Frilling, Daniel Lee: 1982) Item 1982
Gavin-Rosemarie-Julie-1951 "An Analysis of Imagery in Selected Poems of Thomas Merton: A Comparative Study of Early Poems with Three Late Representative Ones." (Gavin, Rosemarie Julie: 1951) Item 1951
Getty-Richard-Eugene-1991 "Self and No-self: Thomas Merton's Understanding of Human Identity and the Buddhist Doctrine of Anatta." (Getty, Richard Eugene: 1991) Item 1991
Godbout-Joseph-Warren-1991 "Thomas Merton and the Problem of the Devotional Life." (Godbout, Joseph Warren: 1991) Item 1991
Grayston-Donald-Edward-1980 "The Development of a Spiritual Theologian, 1948-1961: Thomas Merton's 'Seeds of Contemplation,' and 'New Seeds of Contemplation'." (Grayston, Donald Edward: 1980) Item 1980
Griffin-Ruben-Anthony-2019 "Curating the Pastor’s Heart: A Prescription for Renewal Through the Contemplative Lens of Thomas Merton." (Griffin, Ruben Anthony: 2019) Item 2019 View
Groenwald-Małgorzata-2010 "Rola I wartość przestrzeni samotności I milczenia na podstawie pism Tomasza Mertona / The role and value of solitude and silence in the writings of Thomas Merton." (Groenwald, Małgorzata: 2010) Item 2010
Farley-Vicki-1981 "Thomas Merton: The Contemplative Life." (Farley, Vicki: 1981) Item 1981 View
Fuchs-Reiner-1992? "Gewalt und Kontemplation: Der Beitrag Thomas Mertons zur Friedensproblematik." (Fuchs, Reiner: 1992?) Item 1992?
Ferraro-Cathleen-M-1982 "A Triangle of Peacemakers: An East-West Perspective of the Nonviolent Philosophy in the Lives of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Thomas Merton." (Ferraro, Cathleen M.: 1982) Item 1982
Friedel-Andrzej-1991 "Samotność Wewnętrzna W Ujęciu Tomasza Mertona." (Friedel, Andrzej: 1991) Item 1991
Funk-Robert-W-1987 "A Return to Wisdom." (Funk, Robert W.: 1987) Item 1987
Georgiou-Steve-Theodore-2004 "Sea and Sky: Robert Lax and the Spiritual Dimensions of Minimalism." (Georgiou, Steve Theodore: 2004) Item 2004
Gillespie-John-Milton-2021 "Merton’s Muses: The Poetic Influences on Thomas Merton’s True and False Self." (Gillespie, John Milton: 2021) Item 2021
Gooch-Warren-Peter-1988 "'Wisdom: A Cantata,' An Original Composition Based Upon a Rotational Pitch System." (Gooch, Warren Peter: 1988) Item 1988
Graham-Lauren-Elizabeth-2003 "The Need to Confront Death in Albert Camus' 'Absurd', Thomas Merton's 'True Self' and Teresa de Avila's ‘Interior Castles’." (Graham, Lauren Elizabeth: 2003) Item 2003
Grzybowski-Waclaw-1993 "The Poetics and Poetry of Thomas Merton: Spirituality and Metaphor." (Grzybowski, Waclaw: 1999) Item 1993
Grzybowski-Waclaw-1999 "The Structural-Symbolic Interpretation of the Play The Tower of Babel by Thomas Merton." (Grzybowski, Waclaw: 1993) Item 1999
Galbines-Louie-P-2001 "Thomas Merton's 'Worldly Spirituality': A New Look at the Christian's Attitude Toward 'the World'." (Galbines, Louie P.: 2001) Item 2001
Garbecki-Radosław-2000 "Bóg Jako Zasada Odkrywania Tożsamości Człowieka W Świetle Pism Thomasa Mertona." (Garbecki, Radosław.: 2000) Item 2000
Grayston-Donald-Edward-1974 "Textual Variation and Theological Development in Thomas Merton's 'Seeds of Contemplation' and 'New Seeds of Contemplation'." (Grayston, Donald Edward: 1974) Item 1974
Gros-Agnès-2023 "Thomas Merton en Dialogue Avec les Religions D’asie: Sa Contribution à la Spiritualité et au Dialogue Interreligieux." (Gros, Agnès: 2023) Item 2023
Gunn-Robert-Walker-1997 "The Experience of Emptiness in the Process of Self-Transformation in Zen Buddhism, Christianity and Depth Psychology as Represented by Dogen Kigen, Thomas Merton and Carl Jung, with Donald Winnicott and Heinz Kohut." (Gunn, Robert Walker: 1997) Item 1997
Farris-Jansie-Stephens-1975 "Thomas Merton, Spiritual and Social Thinker." (Farris, Jansie Stephens: 1975) Item 1975
Ferrell-Michael-A-2001 "'All These Wars': Thomas Merton Confronts Cold War America." (Ferrell, Michael A.: 2001) Item 2001
Fidorowicz-Krzysztof-2001 "Dynamiczny Charakter Ascezy Chrześcijańskiej Według Tomasza Mertona." (Fidorowicz, Krzysztof: 2001) Item 2001
Flanagan-Eileen-Margaret-1989 "Merton on Contemplation: The Evolving Prayer of the True Self." (Flanagan, Eileen Margaret: 1989) Item 1989
Flynn-Teresa-Ann-1997 "The Counsellor and Thomas Merton: A Study in the Spiritual and the Aesthetic Dimensions of Counselling." (Flynn, Teresa Ann: 1997) Item 1997
Formosa-Joseph-2019 "Journal Writing as a Spiritual Exercise in Self-Knowledge. Thomas Merton: A Case Study." (Formosa, Joseph: 2019) Item 2019
Frausto-Teresa-De-Jesús-2021 "Thomas Merton's Ruminations on Christian Humanism and its Influence in the Ideological Transformation of the Catholic Church." (Frausto, Teresa De Jesús: 2021) Item 2021
Gaiani-Giuseppe-1978 "Thomas Merton: An Introduction to his Poetic Work, and a Selection from 'The Strange Islands' Translated into Italian with Comments and Footnotes." (Gaiani, Giuseppe: 1978) Item 1978