Author surnames beginning with the letters "A-B"

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
Adams-Frances-2001 "A Journey Toward the Feminine: An Introduction to the Feminine Archetype in the Dreams and Selected Works of Thomas Merton." (Adams, Frances: 2001) Item 1989
Akey-John-1950 "Liturgical Imagery in the Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins, Thomas Merton, and Robert Lowell." (Akey, John: 1950) Item 1950
Almeida-Joseph-1991 "Content and Methodology of 'Prayer' According to the Thought of Thomas Merton." (Almeida, Joseph: 1991) Item 1991
Arcilla-Solero-Jose-1979 "El Sentido del Silencio en Thomas Merton." (Arcilla Solero, Jose: 1979) Item 1979
Bailey-Raymond-Hamby-1973 "The Evolution of the Mystical Thought of Thomas Merton." (Bailey, Raymond Hamby: 1973) Item 1973
Bao-Zhaohui-2020 "A Critical Research on Thomas Merton’s ‘The Way of Chuang Tzu’." (Bao, Zhaohui: 2020) Item 2020
Bennett-Meredith-1978 "Themes and Imagery in the Spiritual Poems of Thomas Merton: 1944-1949." (Bennett, Meredith: 1978) Item 1978
Benningfield-Brittany-C-2017 "The Niles-Merton Songs: A Performance Guide of Selected Songs." (Benningfield, Brittany C.: 2017) Item 2017 View
Berry-Judith-Elizabeth-1998 "Thomas Merton's ‘Theology of Resistance’: Towards a Political Interpretation of his Contemplative Spirituality." (Berry, Judith Elizabeth: 1998) Item 1998
Bertsch-Jeffrey-Curtis-1983 "Religious Autobiography as Social Reflection." (Bertsch, Jeffrey Curtis: 1983) Item 1983
Brown-Hunter-Lawlor-1974 "Some Implications of Thomas Merton's Thought for Theology of the Laity." (Brown, Hunter Lawlor: 1979) Item 1974
Brulé-Dominique-2009 "Les Expériences Spirituelles de Thomas Merton Dans Son Autobiographie et Son Journal (1939-1941)." (Brulé, Dominique: 2009) Item 2009
Bubel-Katherine-2009 "Recovering Sophia: The Judeo-Christian Wisdom Figure and the Sophiological Aesthetics of Gerard Manley Hopkins and Thomas Merton." (Bubel, Katherine: 2009) Item 2009
Bueler-Gabrielle-1984 "Thomas Merton's Spiritual Anthropology of the 'True Self': A Stepping Stone to Self-Realization and a Bridge to Advaita Vedanta." (Bueler, Gabrielle: 1984) Item 1984
Burton-Patricia-A-1998 "The Book that Never Was: Thomas Merton's Peace in the Post-Christian Era." (Burton, Patricia A.: 1998) Item 1998
Bourlakas-Mark-Allen-2012 "Holding the Place of Christ: Leadership in the Divine Household." (Bourlakas, Mark Allen: 2012) Item 2012
Bowden-Lisa-1987 "Passion and Paradox: Sacramental Metaphor in Thomas Merton." (Bowden, Lisa: 1987) Item 1987
Brady-Geraldine-1975 "Thomas Merton: Development and Prayer." (Brady, Geraldine: 1975) Item 1975
Broad-David-1997 "'Dark Lightening': Thomas Merton and the Paradox of Solitude." (Broad, David: 1997) Item 1997
Bruckner-Jim-1982 "Dag Hammarskjold and Tom Merton: The Search for Faith in a Desert." (Bruckner, Jim: 1982) Item 1982
Bukowska-Wanda-Małgorzata-2000 "Samotność Jako Miejsce Spotkania Człowieka Z Bogiem Wg Pism Tomasza Mertona." (Bukowska, Wanda Małgorzata: 2000) Item 2000
Button-Simone-Marie-1990 "Thomas Merton: A Developmental Study of His Ideas of God and Man." (Button, Simone Marie: 1990) Item 1990
Abair-Cynthia-Sue-1997 "Contemplation and Community: Paradoxical Themes in Thomas Merton's Prose." (Abair, Cynthia Sue: 1997) Item 1997
Albin-Colin-Leslie-1997 "Dialogue with Asian Religions: Exploring 'A Way' with Thomas Merton." (Albin, Colin Leslie: 1997) Item 1997
Amrhein-Patricia-2005 "Social Action Informed by Prayer: Insights Into the Lives and Writings of Dorothy Day and Thomas Merton as a Foundation for a Contemplative Retreat Experience." (Amrhein, Patricia: 2005) Item 2005
Anderson-James-William-1979 "The Meaning of Emptiness in Thomas Merton's Contemplative Thought." (Anderson, James William: 1979) Item 1991
Anderson-S-Michael-1984 "Therapy as Self-Emptying: Doing Pastoral Psychotherapy from an Apophatic Perspective." (Anderson, S. Michael: 1984) Item 1998
Andrasko-Carolyne-1994 "The Search for Unity: The Journey of Thomas Merton." (Andrasko, Carolyne: 1994) Item 1994
Auer-Benedict-1992 "Deus Absconditus as Muse: An Approach to the Writing of Poetry as a Form of Contemplative Prayer for Those Who Live With the Hidden God." (Auer, Benedict: 1992) Item 1992
Bacic-Robert-1987 "Thomas Merton's Understanding of Solitude." (Bacic, Robert: 1987) Item 1987
Baker-James-Thomas-1968 "Thomas Merton: the Spiritual and Social Philosophy of Union." (Baker, James Thomas: 1968) Item 1968
Barrett-Roland-Clyde-2000 "Figures for an Apocalypse: An Oratorio for Chorus and Wind Ensemble." (Barrett, Roland Clyde: 2000) Item 2000
Bertelli-Getúlio-Antônio-2005 "Mística E Compaixão: A Teologia Do Seguimento De Jesus Em Thomas Merton." (Bertelli, Getúlio Antônio: 2005) Item 2005
Blackwell-Thomas-2005 "How did Thomas Merton Understand the Contemplative Life as Leading to a Life of Active Engagement with the World?" (Blackwell, Thomas: 2005) Item 2005
Boswell-Marc-Jonathan-2015 "God in Whiteface: White Supremacy, Salvific Myths, and Ironic Redemption." (Boswell, Marc Jonathan: 2015) Item 2015
Briere-Jacques-1974 "Thomas Merton: Cheminement et Attitudes Monastiques." (Briere, Jacques: 1974) Item 1974
Brighouse-Diana-1997 "A Cataphatic Theology with an Apophatic Approach: A Critique of the Spirituality of Thomas Merton." (Brighouse, Diana: 1997) Item 1997
Brownsberger-John-A-1990 "Christian Meditation: Its Value and Relationship to a New Testament View of Discipleship." (Brownsberger, John A.: 1990) Item 1990
Brzezinski-Zigmund-J-1999 "Thomas Merton on Abuse of Language." (Brzezinski, Zigmund J.: 1999) Item 1999
Adams-Daniel-J-1973 "Contemplation and Action in the Spirituality of Thomas Merton." (Adams, Daniel J.: 1973) Item 1973
Adams-Robert-Patrick-1989 "The Notion of Authority in the Thought of Thomas Merton with Special Emphasis on Racism and War." (Adams, Robert Patrick: 1989) Item 2001
Anderson-Brian-P-2015 "Solitude and Silence: A Pathway to the Divine." (Anderson, Brian P.: 2015) Item 1979
Anderson-Deborah-L-1991 "Thomas Merton and the Spiritual Formation of Peacemakers." (Anderson, Deborah L.: 1991) Item 1984
Anderson-Walter-Patterson-1998 "Incongruence between Self-Concept and Experience: The Case of Thomas Merton." (Anderson, Walter Patterson: 1998) Item 2015
Araujo-Luiz-Gonzaga-Sampaio-de-1999 "Kénosis e Compaixão: Perspectivas de Diálogo Inter- Religioso Entre Cristianismo e Budismo a Partir das Contribuições de Thomas Merton e Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki." (Araujo, Luiz Gonzaga Sampaio de: 1999) Item 1999
Arter-Margaret-Helen-2004 "The Ends and Means of the Life of Thomas Merton: From Mysticism to Humanism." (Arter, Margaret Helen: 2004) Item 2004
Bauman-B-1994 "Thomasa Mertona - Studium Psycho-biograficzne W Swietle Teorii Dezintegraci Pozytywnej Kazimierza Dabrowskiego." (Bauman, B.: 1994) Item 1994
Beglo-Barton-1979 "Violence and the Worshipping Community with Particular Reference to Daniel Berrigan and Thomas Merton." (Beglo, Barton: 1979) Item 1979
Beishline-Rob-1991 "Words Spoken in Silence: Thomas Merton's Journey of Faith." (Beishline, Rob: 1991) Item 1991
Bellerman-James-David-Ayer-1997 "The Challenge of Engagement: Centrality and Expansion in the Theology of Thomas Merton." (Bellerman, James David Ayer: 1997) Item 1997
Błachuciński-Tomasz-2011 "Doświadczanie Boga W Filozoficzno-Religijnych Poszukiwaniach O. Thomasa Mertona." (Błachuciński, Tomasz: 2011) Item 2011
Black-Noel-Andersen-1994 "Understanding Difference Through Paradox: Exploring the Relationship of Language to Religious Truth in the Writings of William James, William Blake, Alan Watts, Thomas Merton, and Jacques Derrida." (Black, Noel Andersen: 1994) Item 1994
Bowen-Mary-Rose-1957 "Symbolism of Sun and Light in Thomas Merton's Poetry." (Bowen, Mary Rose: 1957) Item 1957
Bowman-Bonnie-Lila-1979 "Flowers of Contemplation: The Later Poetry of Thomas Merton." (Bowman, Bonnie Lila: 1979) Item 1979
Brewer-Paul-E-1949 "A Study of the Style and Content of the Poems of Thomas Merton." (Brewer, Paul E.: 1949) Item 1949
Brown-Hunter-Lawlor-1979 "Thomas Merton on Prayer in the Lay State." (Brown, Hunter Lawlor: 1974) Item 1979
Adolfsson-Lars-2010 "Mary, Mother of Jesus, Mother of Me: An Ecclesiological Study on the Marian Sermons of Thomas Merton." (Adolfsson, Lars: 2010) Item 2010
Albarran-Louis-T-2005 "Thomas Merton and the Mask of Dylan: How Thomas Merton Passed Over into Bob Dylan's Art." (Albarran, Louis T.: 2005) Item 2005
Altany-Alan-1987 "The Transformation of the Idea of the Sacred in the Poetry of Thomas Merton." (Altany, Alan: 1987) Item 1987
Amogu-Christian-Ifeanyi-1996 "Prayer and Asceticism in the Search for the Authentic Self in Thomas Merton." (Amogu, Christian Ifeanyi: 1996) Item 1996
Arcement-Kyle-2013 "In the School of the Prophets: The Formation of Thomas Merton's Prophetic Spirituality." (Arcement, Kyle: 2013) Item
Attard-Jonathan-2017 "Rediscovering Sapientia in an Age Riddled by Scientia: Prophetic Knowledge in Thomas Merton." (Attard, Jonathan: 2017) Item 2017
Baird-Mary-Julian-Sr-RSM-1956 "The Treatment of the Mother of God in the Writings of Thomas Merton." (Baird, Mary Julian, Sr., R.S.M.: 1956) Item 1956
Barciok-Karol-2010 "Religie Dalekiego Wschodu w Pismach Thomasa Mertona." (Barciok, Karol: 2010) Item 2010
Bartkowski-Bill-1979 "Definition and Contradiction: The Thought and Poetry of Thomas Merton." (Bartkowski, Bill: 1979) Item 1979
Berthelot-Joseph-Alfred-1955 "Thomas Merton: A Study." (Berthelot, Joseph Alfred: 1955) Item 1955